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View Full Version : GW challenge: hard core armylist 2000pts

06-19-2010, 08:42 AM
So to celebrate the 8th edition my local store will be running this challenge where people have to try and make the most evil armylist for the new edition.
My first thought was ofcause daemons but the new edition considere (I have had 1 game som far and that was only 1000pts) I chose something more well know; Ogre Kingdoms.
This is the list:

Tyrant: amour of Destiny (new magic item that all armies can buy from the rulebook, giving 5+ amour save and 4+ ward save), sword of anti-heroes (1+ S & A per enermy character in the same close combat) and great weapon. 280pts.

Butcher: hafling cook book. 155

Brusier - BSB: Rampagers standard (re-roll charge distance), heavy amour. 214

3 bulls, bellower. 115

124 Gnoblars(!): Groinbiter. 250:D

6 Ironguts, full command. 338

Scraplauncher. 165.

and another... 165

and another... 165

Gorger. 75

and another... 75

Total: 1999 points.

The first thing I really liked about the new rules is that any unit that has 3 rank of 5 men counts as being stubborn. So I thought why don't I take a unit of Gnoblars, ten wide (to give it the horde rule) and then very deep, and then make shure its nearby my General who can lend his ld 9 and the BSB next to him so they can reroll... rock hard Gnoblars:cool:
second idear was to simply make a powerhouse of ironguts tyrant and BSB.
third idear was that since blast weapons now have increased killyness I thought 3 Scraplaunchers where in order...
next the butcher... since you get most magic for the points if you spend very few, I went for just a single butcher.
and lastly a pair of gorgers. the point of them being to distrubt the enermy so that he wont be able to dictate the battle.

So what do you think? what's the biggets weakness of this army? (apart from having to collect and paint +100 gnoblars)

06-19-2010, 02:23 PM
Warmachines will eat this list something nasty, that said it's pretty good.
Ogres get the horde bonus at 6 wide.
So 3 ranks of 6 of ogres means they get all their attacks, nasty

06-20-2010, 02:22 PM
One of the problems I see right off the bat is that with a unit of Gnoblars that big. There are a lot of spells that affect every model in a unit, so that unit could get chewed up pretty quickly.

*Edit* Also, you have to have more ranks than your enemy to be stubborn...simply having 3+ ranks doesn't cut it. In the case of ten-deep Gnoblars it doesn't really matter, but just so you know :)

06-21-2010, 04:37 AM
Your tyrant can't have a magic sword and a great weapon. Well he can, but the 8th edition rules say that if he has a magic weapon he has to use that rather than use any mundane weapons. So the great weapon is essentially worthless.

Lord Azaghul
06-21-2010, 07:51 AM
The first thing I really liked about the new rules is that any unit that has 3 rank of 5 men counts as being stubborn. So I thought why don't I take a unit of Gnoblars, ten wide (to give it the horde rule) and then very deep, and then make shure its nearby my General who can lend his ld 9 and the BSB next to him so they can reroll... rock hard Gnoblars:cool:
second idear was to simply make a powerhouse of ironguts tyrant and BSB.
third idear was that since blast weapons now have increased killyness I thought 3 Scraplaunchers where in order...
next the butcher... since you get most magic for the points if you spend very few, I went for just a single butcher.
and lastly a pair of gorgers. the point of them being to distrubt the enermy so that he wont be able to dictate the battle.

So what do you think? what's the biggets weakness of this army? (apart from having to collect and paint +100 gnoblars)

Incorrect on a couple of points.
You're only 'steadfast' (ie stubborn) if you have MORE ranks then you opponent, but if would be on the generals leadership rather then the gnoblars!

Actually your gorgers aren't going to be that great. Shock troops just don't to much anymore. A dwarf gunline is going to cause you lots of problems.

06-21-2010, 12:20 PM
Your tyrant can't have a magic sword and a great weapon. Well he can, but the 8th edition rules say that if he has a magic weapon he has to use that rather than use any mundane weapons. So the great weapon is essentially worthless.


Don't know why I wrote that... Haven't payed for it... just ignore it:o