View Full Version : One Army?

01-12-2017, 10:14 PM
If you could only own one 1500 to 2000 point army for 40k, what would it be and why? I ask this because I am considering restricting myself to one army for a while, and can't decide what to build/keep.

01-13-2017, 03:42 AM
That is a massively difficult question. I expect for me it would be my Chaos marines. The reason why - they could appear in several different codex formats - CSM, Chaos Legions and even KDK. So maximum flexibility for one set of miniatures to be used as 3 different things.

My majority troops are all MoK or actual World Eaters. So I wouldn't have qualms about that that I would have qualms of presenting say, a generic painted chapter of marines and using them as 'successor chapters' to the first founding, so I could cherry pick almost any MEQ codex.

One lesson I learnt the hard way though - unless you are absolutely borassic I would not sell anything. Literally I would sell my miniatures to put food in my children's mouths, but having sold off armies when I didn't absolutely 100% need to before, and I have massively regretted it since.

01-13-2017, 09:18 AM
The last time I sold everything, it was literally doing so to feed my son...I only kept the solo imperial knight that he (with help from grandma) had given me for my birthday.

01-13-2017, 10:37 AM
that really isn't a question anyone other than you can answer. I know that's madeningly unhelpful, but perhaps this might help. Find some random method of determining which army to keep and which to sell. Tell yourself that based off this roll or whatever it is you are using, the loosing army will be sold off. Often times, we find ourselves finding a way to re-roll or best of 3 something we really want to keep. So, if you decide to get rid of an army, and don't really feel any remorse over the loss, then chuck it. You'll find the army you really love, and go with that.

01-13-2017, 07:05 PM
Not sure - I am tied between my CSM & my Mechanicum.

CSM were my first army, i have the most points etc and some really cool models, fluff etc.
Mechanicus are currently my go-to army: i like the models the rules, and the fluff it doesn't hurt that they are quite powerful on the tabletop as well...

01-14-2017, 09:29 AM
I would say Space Marines. They have always been the army that I turn back to when I get bored with other armies; they have the most fluff, after 20 years of painting - I haven't gotten bored slapping paint them, and I like the flexibility and options the SMs have in fielding an army.

Captain Bubonicus
01-14-2017, 11:33 AM
Orks. They're bound to get a decent rules-set eventually!

01-14-2017, 09:00 PM
Space Marines!

01-17-2017, 07:22 PM
One army only well I would have to go with Eldar.

Da Gargoyle
03-10-2017, 05:32 PM
It depends on whether you want to stick with your favourite army or try some ideas on one that you have rarely played. I recently came up with a 1500pt list for my Son's IG/AM because I have always felt he went to far with one troop choice which made the army quite inflexible. Now he has not had time to play it because of a new job, I am thinking of gaming it for a month or two.

03-11-2017, 12:03 PM
I started with SW when back when. But, I always wanted CSM. I own both of the armies right now, and I am having fun with all of them. But, I would go with SW.
I started with them, and thats why I would go with them.

03-12-2017, 02:09 PM
Space Marines is the obvious answer. With a non codex color scheme (and keeping an extra say 500 points of other "stuff" to go with your 1500 point army) you can still play SO MANY different armies.

As long as you have them relatively nondescript you can literally just say they are what ever chapter/traitor legion you want to play for the day. So about 2000 points of stuff can let you play probably 12-30 different 1500 point armies according to your mood at the time

Case in point my Malalamanders have been everything from Space Wolves to Blood Angels to Purge and all i do is swap in and out different gubbins according to what i feel like fielding that day