View Full Version : Kingdom Death Chosen

01-04-2017, 10:19 AM
If you haven't been following gaming news lately, the Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5 Kickstarter has just passed up Exploding Kittens </a> as the most funded game on Kickstarter (including video games).

That seems a bit strange and surreal to me. Before the 1.5 Kickstarter launched, I'd have laughed at the idea that it could get that big. I figured that it would pass up its previous kickstarter, at most double it (ending about where the Dark Souls Board Game ended). It just seems really strange that such a uniqe game set in a bizarre world with such strange and grotesque creatures would have wide enough appeal to be the top game on Kickstarter.

So I figure I'd take this chance to post up a Kingdom Death mini that I painted. This is a resin mini that hasn't been added to the game yet (he'd make a good nemesis encounter). I was asked to base my paintjob on one that I had previously done of the same character.

So here he is in all of his Adonis glory, the Chosen. I've also posted him to CMON (the same pic) if you care to vote. (http://www.coolminiornot.com/408125)
