View Full Version : Games Day - Buying Stuff

06-16-2010, 08:18 AM
So having never been to a GD, and besides the exclusive mini, what is there to buy GW wise and at what kind of discount?

06-16-2010, 09:03 AM
All the games-Day events i've been to there's no discount, so its normally best to buy stuff that is on the cusp of being released (some stuff is available early - like pre-order items, and/or forgeworld gear to avoid the postage and packaging.

if you're taking the bus from a local GW store, its normally open for business when the bus gets back (at whatever time that is) for buying your normal GW stuff - rather than lugging it about all day at the show.

so yeah, no discount, just access to stuff that you normally have to order online etc

my advice is just get forgeworld stuff (if you have any plans too) its the best stuff there, buying wise.

apart from that, enjoy the show! there's so much going on, just doing a lap of the venue can take up the day, so try to enjoy everything.

I've never even taken part in any of the join in games going on at a gamesday, for me it's all about wandering around looking at all the models and games, buying forgeworld, chatting to the designers, checking out all the upcoming stuff, then settling in to watch the golden daemon winners on the big screen.

If you can (and if they are running) try to blag some seminar tickets - forgeworld do them from time to time, and other parts of GW do too via their newsletters, these are a great chance to hear about things that aren't widely spread about. (I learned about the 1st forgeworld plans to make the valkyrie a good year before it came out)

06-16-2010, 09:15 AM
Thanks for the heads up!

Brass Scorpion
06-16-2010, 10:05 PM
I have actually seen some pretty good special deals at Games Day, but there's no guarantee. Sometimes there are and sometimes there aren't. You just have to go and check it out. Last couple years the Black Library had some awesome deals on out of print books. Two years ago the regular GW store had great deals on quite a few different model kits and bundle deals. Every year is different.

06-17-2010, 12:25 PM
Do they still do bits sales?

Been years since I went to a Games Day, back when it was two days, and the had a store section where you could buy individual bits like xx characters sword or backpacks etc.

06-17-2010, 12:32 PM
I don't think they do bit sales, but the last Games Day I was at they would randomly announce deals over the loudspeaker "20% Off Battleforces for the next 15 minutes!"

As you can imagine, there were stampedes haha...