View Full Version : If you could be anyone in 40k...

06-15-2010, 02:40 PM
Restarting this old thread, because I don't feel like necroposting (or looking back to find the old one).

If you could be anything in 40k, what would you be, and why did you choose that over all the other various things you could have been?

* No special characters, please... they end up being a bit overdone.

To start it off:

I'd be an Imperial Psyker. Sure, I could be a Sister of Battle... but I doubt I'd be religious enough for the position. And a Guardswoman would probably mean that I die a horrible death in the meat grinder wars the Imperium has to fight. A female Space Marine would probably piss the other Space Marines off (Which might be worth it...). And I don't think I'd really want to be one of the other races save for maybe an Ork-- Eldar have to live a life of extreme inhibitions, Tau are deeply segregated, Necrons are Necrons, and Tyranids barely think to begin with. An Ork might be interesting, but even then I don't necessarily love fighting enough to be a proper Ork.

While being an Imperial Psyker wouldn't be the most pleasant thing to be sure, at the very least I'd probably be off of the battle lines-- unless I somehow became a Battle Psyker, in which case I'd hopefully be able to use my powers to regenerate any wounds I took anyway (biomancy). I'd have to be particularly careful with my powers in order to prevent daemonic possession mind you... but having to always be on guard sounds better than suffering in the polluted, unforgiving factories or deadly, monster-filled warzones at any rate.

06-15-2010, 02:50 PM
A Dark Apostle of the Word Bearers Legion.

To have such a certainty of purpose, but with none of the moral restraints of the Imperium's lackeys, would be wonderful.

Anyway all the girls love a bad biy, and few are badder than a Dark Apostle - all he needs to be irresistable is a big bike...:cool:

06-15-2010, 02:55 PM
Hmm interesting one

I want to say something liek a space marine chaplain or something, but thats a bit like boring or obvious. (also i know how much u dislike marines lol :) )

so based on that i think i would have to be either an eldar warlock/farseer. Being able to control Psychic powers would be very cool.

or an ork or "combat" guardsmen. by that i mean anything that is facing the odds yet proves themselves time and time again. anything up for a decent scrap yet maintains a level of purpose.

06-15-2010, 02:56 PM
I'd be a pilot of some sort, probably a Thunderhawk transport pilot.

Otherwise I'd be a heretical mad scientist.

06-15-2010, 03:04 PM
I would love to be a Space Marine Apothecary*, (Perhaps Dreaddy Apoth), Nothing is more badass than a combat medic, and Apothecaries are Combat Medics for teh Marines!!!

*Dark Angels of Course, Have to root out the *Censored* by any means at my disposal!

Erasmus of Baal
06-15-2010, 03:05 PM
Blood Angels Sanguinary Priest.

More likely I'd end up in the Death Company on my first day, but otherwise it's awesome because I am the healer who can own the baddies just as well as anyone I'm healing. I prove my power not by fighting, but by actively doing something else.

Another Random Geek
06-15-2010, 03:33 PM
A fat, happy, well-to-do bureaucrat on Terra, blissfully unaware that the galaxy is falling apart, and safe on the most heavily fortified planet in the galaxy.


06-15-2010, 03:40 PM
definately a chaplain of sorts, interrogator- chaplain why not? just to have that jealous quality to charge face/fist first into the front line bringing squads of others with you.

I hope this is not part of a psychology dissertation!

06-15-2010, 03:46 PM
A Deff Skull Mekaniak. Tinkerin' wiv da looted stock to build myself a super choppy shooty little gargant to stomp around in.

06-15-2010, 03:53 PM
Techpriest or a rogue trader for sure.

06-15-2010, 03:56 PM
Techpriest or a rogue trader for sure.That's one half of it done. Try the second half.
If you could be anything in 40k, what would you be, and why did you choose that over all the other various things you could have been?

Same to the other(s) that didn't really give a reason. It's not a very interesting topic if you're just giving one-liner responses...

06-15-2010, 04:31 PM
I would be an Ork Warboss. I would go around punching me mates to motivat'em and then we all get wit da stabbin. Kause dats how I 'ave a good time! WWAAAGGHHH!

06-15-2010, 04:42 PM
A Deff Skull Mekaniak. Tinkerin' wiv da looted stock to build myself a super choppy shooty little gargant to stomp around in.

Why? because I really respect the simple, direct orky mindset. and building stuff is cool. especially stompy stuff

06-15-2010, 06:05 PM
Thousand Sons Sorcerer. Reason 1) I'm not dust and bits of angry soul rattling around in side sealed armor. 2) I could shoot mind bullets.

06-15-2010, 06:05 PM
Armsman for a Rouge Trader. Plying the far reaches of the Imperium and beyond, carrying a BIG gun, a SHARP blade and other rare "items" with no one questioning my authority to do so.

06-15-2010, 06:56 PM
If I could be anyone in the 40k Universe, it'd be a Librarian for the Dark Angels. It'd be cool to have the ability to throw fire with my mind, as well as deflect any bullet, lascannon, or what-have-you. ^.^

06-15-2010, 06:57 PM
If I could be anyone in the 40k Universe, it'd be a Librarian for the Dark Angels. It'd be cool to have the ability to throw fire with my mind, as well as deflect any bullet, lascannon, or what-have-you. ^.^

dont forget the ability to pulp their minds if your power is great enough (mind worm)

06-15-2010, 06:58 PM
Yeah, I was going to say that, but Ezekiel is the only one that gets to do it, and he's a special character. The ability to make even a necron lord repent their sins is pretty hilarious.

06-15-2010, 07:00 PM
That's one half of it done. Try the second half.

Same to the other(s) that didn't really give a reason. It's not a very interesting topic if you're just giving one-liner responses...

Now, now, Melissia, it was the lurker's first post, try to give it some slack. As for me, I'd want to be either one of the Death Company marines, for the reasons given in the last thread, or an Imperial Commissar. Not only do I get to run around the battlefield "encouraging" troopers with my laspistol, I also look great with a peaked cap, black greatcoat, and crimson scarf. Now THAT'S accessorizing in the 41st millenium!

06-15-2010, 07:16 PM
Yeah, I was going to say that, but Ezekiel is the only one that gets to do it, and he's a special character. The ability to make even a necron lord repent their sins is pretty hilarious.

I was under the assumption its just any generic Grandmaster Librarian that can use the power, not just Ezekiel :)

06-15-2010, 07:20 PM
I was under the assumption its just any generic Grandmaster Librarian that can use the power, not just Ezekiel :)

Touché... very well played, sir/ma'am

In that case, I'd be a very generic successor chapters Master of the Second Company.

Why: Imperial jetbike with a friggin Plasma cannon underslug! When the Imperium puts weapons on its bikes, they do it right...

06-15-2010, 07:20 PM
I'd have to say... An inquisitor.

One that has already spent his time rooting out plots and things, and spends the rest of his days without the b*llSh*t the rest of the imperium has to deal with.

Has his lackeys do the work, he gets the credit, and he'll be able to eat the finest meals and have all the material wealth he needs at his fingertips.

"I'd like a double espresso to go." - acolyte.

"I'm sorry sir, you'll have to wait." -barista

"It's for the inquisitor." -a

"Oh, right away sir. Of course, we'll have it prepared as quickly as possible." -b

"I'd like your battleship."-a

"On what authority?" - Ship Captain

-As if memorized" by the power vested in the holy ordos of the inquisition-" -a

"Ah, I see." -sc

Get what i'm saying? to be an inquisitor who abuses his power would be sweet.

Rogue Trader's a good one too.

Commissar Lewis
06-15-2010, 07:33 PM
I'd be one of the poor, bloody infantry of the Imperial Guard.

Or be an Inquisitor's henchman, if not an Inquisitor myself. I'd go mad with power; but not the chaotically possessed kind of power-madness. The kind of mad where I'd waltz into various people's homes, sit down at their table, and demand to be fed.

And shoplift via producing my rosette and loudly declaring "In the name of the Inquisition, I requisition this item!"

06-15-2010, 09:05 PM
If you could be anything in 40k, what would you be, and why did you choose that over all the other various things you could have been?

* No special characters, please... they end up being a bit overdone.

Not sure if he'll count as a special character or not, but I'd be Emperor. With my stunning good looks, steel grey eyes, perfectly coiffed hair, mountainous wall of meat style physique, and gleaming white teeth there's no one else in the Warhammer Universe who I even remotely resemble (Of course, we're talking about the Emperor in the early days, he looks nothing at all like me once we roll around to the year 40,000). Throw in my natural precognitive abilities, natural leadership skills, narcissistic tenancies and utter disregard for the lives of lesser humans - Emperor all the way.

Worship me, slaves.

If you count the Emperor as a special character, then put me down as a Lord of Change. Greater daemon of Tzeench is the closest other thing to the Emperor there is.

06-15-2010, 09:58 PM
Not sure if he'll count as a special character or not, but I'd be Emperor. With my stunning good looks, steel grey eyes, perfectly coiffed hair, mountainous wall of meat style physique, and gleaming white teeth there's no one else in the Warhammer Universe who I even remotely resemble (Of course, we're talking about the Emperor in the early days, he looks nothing at all like me once we roll around to the year 40,000). Throw in my natural precognitive abilities, natural leadership skills, narcissistic tenancies and utter disregard for the lives of lesser humans - Emperor all the way.

Worship me, slaves.

If you count the Emperor as a special character, then put me down as a Lord of Change. Greater daemon of Tzeench is the closest other thing to the Emperor there is.

That's very humble of you;)

06-15-2010, 10:23 PM
That's very humble of you;)

What's funny is, like you, I play Daemonhunters (really more of a collector at the moment, but hope to start playing soon).

06-15-2010, 11:05 PM
My Eldar farseer, so long as I get to hang around the Howling Banshees and Warp Spiders. :rolleyes: If not, Howling Banshee exarch, 'cos I have a natural affinity for swords and using them.

FSM would be nice, too. I'm not religious enough for SoB, I'd get into trouble for making lewd jokes about candelabra and flirting with bishops and whatnot.

06-15-2010, 11:06 PM
I'd be a Kroot Mercenary Prey Shaper. Why? A few reasons:
1. Shamanstic psyker powers
2. Innate understanding of the warp, and how to traverse it
3. My very own Warsphere
4. I get to ride around on dinosaurs!

06-15-2010, 11:47 PM
What's funny is, like you, I play Daemonhunters (really more of a collector at the moment, but hope to start playing soon).

Awesome:D! Good luck with that. Hopefully you'll be just in time for a new codex, too.

06-16-2010, 02:25 AM
Alpha Legionaire. What's cooler than a Space Marine? A Chaos Space marine. What's cooler than a Chaos Space Marine? A NINJA Chaos Space Marine.

You only realize I'm even here is because I want you to. Then come the subliminal mind triggers. Now you see things from my point of view. Now you see the long plan and the big picture. Only a handful of my kind can spell the doom of entire sectors of the Imperium. Although, I may destroy the Imperium, you now realize that it's for your own good that I do so.

06-16-2010, 02:41 AM
The Princeps of an Imperator-class Warmonger Titan.

Fear me, for I am death to you and your world. Deus Machina Est. God is Machine.

Now, why? Because it would be me, not the Space Marines, not the Imperial Guard, not the Sisters of Battle, but ME who wins the battle for a planet.

Failing that, an Arch-Magos Seniorus or a Magos-Secutor, so that I could slay in the name of great Machine-Emperor, the Omnissiah.

Those two, or a Sorceror-Lord of the Thousand Sons under the command of Ahriman, so that all the knowledge in the galaxy could one day be mine.

Herald of Nurgle
06-16-2010, 03:58 AM
I would have to be a Chaos Spawn.

Free food, free housing, no real expectations... no negative impact on my army by denying them valuable Fast Attack slots :P

06-16-2010, 04:14 AM
A fat, happy, well-to-do bureaucrat on Terra, blissfully unaware that the galaxy is falling apart, and safe on the most heavily fortified planet in the galaxy.


This man is a man after my own heart. I'd be a happy middle-class merchant on a civilised world, way, way behind the front-lines. Ain't got no worries.

06-16-2010, 04:20 AM
I am Alpharius.
We are all Alpharius.
We are the Alpha Legion, we are one.

So yeah, an Alpha Legionnaire.

Or a normal guy on a planet as far away from the Eye of Terror, the Eastern Fringe, Ork worlds, Necrons' tomb worlds as possible.
I'd be perfectly happy never seeing Xenos, heretics or Astartes.

06-16-2010, 04:36 AM
The Guy who clips the Emperors toenails......

Imagine how much their worth!

06-16-2010, 04:46 AM
After having read Mechanicum, maybe a pilot for a Knight or possible a Princeps for a titan.

I like the idea of being a "God of War" on the battle field. Plus, being a Knight pilot or Princeps seems to allow that you could have a spousal relationship and a family, where as if I chose to be a Space Marine I wouldn't be able to. It all comes down to the fun and mayhem of driving a titan and being able to have a family.

HP Delron
06-16-2010, 04:51 AM
Someone from a minor noble family on a planet well insulated from the front lines. I'd want to be relatively unimportant member of my family. Ideally I would get a fairly comfortable life out my connections but I wouldn't be relevant enough for anyone to want to assassinate me. I'd keep my head low, stay pious and never try to butt into anyone's business.

06-16-2010, 05:23 AM
id be the priest in my army, cos that was the pupose of him in the first place! lol. hes a priest serving under the adepta sororitas on the shrineworld. almost like an indentured servent, he can trace his families service to the faith back for millenia. usually toting a boltgun or flamer, hes an upfront kinda guy, often seen at the fore of battle, delivering holy judgement with fierce oratory. other times he has been seen walking the hall's of the sanctorum chanting liturgies softly, praying to the God-Emperor for the deliverence of all the innocent souls lost during the many progroms and wars of faith he has been involved in.

06-16-2010, 06:19 AM
Black Templar Emperor's Champion would be my niche..

I would always have something to do.. cause there is always a crusade going on.. i'd get to meet the nicest"as they plead off their knees" and most well dressed "such as farseers and warlocks and the various Wyche type" folks and destroy them.. I would hunt down psychers as the abominations they are and give them the emperor's justice.. and I'd get to recite my Vows for battle with all my comrades..
Templars don;t answer to any but Templars so it gives me a bit of a break from those annoying inquistor types.. and best of all.. i get to wear my black formal suit everyday!!


06-16-2010, 07:10 AM
Vostroyan Imperial Guardsmen. Best uniforms, Rozvod!, good training and gear and the best friggin mustaches in the galaxy! If you're gonna go waste the enemies of man kind you might as well look good while doing it. Not sure what specifically. Maybe command a Leman Russ Punisher. That thing would be so fun.

Or maybe Space Wolf on a thunderwolf. Fenrisian Ale, being a little nuts flying into combat. I like their reckless tactics. Kinda how I like to play. Set a goal and go all in, some times works other times falls flat on its face :D. Plus I work as a dog walker in real life so I love dogs and spend all day with them as it is. I think that would fit well and be a good chapter for me.

06-16-2010, 07:19 AM
Can i change my answer?

I'm going to have to say now that iv'e thought of it, a warp spider exarch:


mysterious and courageous. Get to wield both shooting and melee weapons and how cool to powerblades look!!!! i mean honestly lol, watching the video clip of an exarch jump shifting through the warp and smashing up a space marine was awesome!!

06-16-2010, 09:24 AM
ID be a dead BA vanguard vetrab whos in a furiso dread with x2 H flamers and blood claws :D

06-16-2010, 09:32 AM
No one being seriously honest would really want to be a Space Marine, Guardsmen, or any other of the horrible and fatal occupations in the 41st millenium, that's a fact. I don't think any of us here are that masochistic, especially considering the nature of the hobby.

A modern soldier knows nothing of pain, fear, insanity, and destruction compared to a soldier of the 40k 'verse ;)

Given the choice, I would most definately select the position of Planetary Governor of a Paradise-world. I was tempted by the High Lordship of Terra (specifically, Grand Master of the Officio Assassinorum), but realized this duty would most likely entail a life of servitude, suffering, and institutionalized madness.

So for me its governing a lush, tropical, utopia. Far enough away from Terra to have relative autonomy, deep enough in space for safety, and just rich enough to provide luxury and protection. A life of relaxation and pleasures, with only crazy killer aliens invading to worry about.

I think being de facto King of Torcania suits me just fine ;)


If I could be anyone in the 40k Universe, it'd be a Librarian for the Dark Angels. It'd be cool to have the ability to throw fire with my mind, as well as deflect any bullet, lascannon, or what-have-you. ^.^

As well as getting your entire body and soul fried from the inside-out by the hideous visions planted in your mind by a monstrous daemon from a land of non-Euclidean geometry? Is that "cool"?

06-16-2010, 10:33 AM
Maybe. But this thread is about if you had to choose something in 40k-- and let's face it, in all seriousness there aren't that many good choices, but if you're going to hell, you might as well rule it.

06-16-2010, 10:48 AM
An ultramarine :) To me it's like saying 'what would you want to be if you were in the middle ages?' to which I would say 'a knight!', therefore in 40k I'd want to be an ultramarine and, let's be honest, I'd want to be a captain...of the 2nd company...with Sicarius' helmet...OR I'd be a banner bearer.

06-16-2010, 11:17 AM
Pick Banner Bearer, you know Sicaruis/Sicarius's helmet is going to be full of wank, while the banner bearer gets a nice flag to shove up his enemy's backsides.

There's very few things more satisfying than kiling someone with a flagpole.

06-16-2010, 11:18 AM
A Harlequin. They always seem so happy, laughing and dancing about, cutting off heads and shredding peoples insides. Theyre so bright and colourful too , and they dont give a hoot if youre eldar or dark eldar, they`ll hang out with you and laugh and dance or kill you and laugh and dance. Makes no diference to them.

Its a happy life being a Harlequin

06-16-2010, 11:20 AM
Unless you're a Solitaire. In which case you're probably very unhappy.

06-16-2010, 11:24 AM
But I wouldnt be a solitaire , Id be a super trouper, and Id convert all the Dark Eldar to the joys of musical theatre.

06-16-2010, 11:40 AM
I'd be anything with a sniper!
shoot you in the face and shout
or the driver of a land speeder!

06-16-2010, 12:15 PM
If it was anything in that universe, I'd go with a techpriest on Mars. Being safely distant from fighting and spending all day trying to make machines work is a life I can relate to. In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, there is only poorly documented C++.

Now, if you're asking for an actual front-line Codex entry, I'd go with a farseer. A nice long lifespan, the ability to predict the future, and having a leading position with an excuse to not be at the front of the charge are some nice occupational perks. The whole having a god specifically aiming to eat your soul thing would kind of suck, but hey, you can't win 'em all right?

06-16-2010, 12:28 PM
I'd be a Kroot Mercenary Prey Shaper. Why? A few reasons:
4. I get to ride around on dinosaurs!

Unless those Dinosaurs have a plasma cannon hidden somewhere, I'd still rather have my jetbike ^.^

As well as getting your entire body and soul fried from the inside-out by the hideous visions planted in your mind by a monstrous daemon from a land of non-Euclidean geometry? Is that "cool"?

That's why the Dark Angels have the best psychic hoods =P, and I could think of worse ways to go...

06-17-2010, 03:05 AM
I would have two options.
Vindicar assassin - One shot, one kill - If I had to serve, then this would be the job I would do. At least I will excel at what I do and still keep a fair distance between me and my pray.

Planetary lord of some unimportant remote world, that has no interest to any one. Preferably cut off from the rest of the Impire (?spelled that way?), thoroughly hidden by warp storms and with no aliens in sight for many hundred of thousand of light years.

06-17-2010, 03:53 AM
the choice is a hard one as there are many beautiful worlds even in the dark future of 40k.

but to simply be a mortal ruler/aristocrat on a paradise world while blissfull seams to be far too few in a reality where immortality and power beyond knowledge are real things.

if it had to be some mainstay character I'd definatelly be a warlord or reaver princeps. For a mortal man this position prolly is the safest and most powerfull and on top of that you still get to have family/women (depending on what is your take one wife or many adventures,...).

if anything is possible I'd be an un-noticed alpha+ psyker who lives a calm live on a paradise world as some sort of farmer. I could live in peace, have relationships and enjoy my life. then either when I discover some ancient eldritch ruins on one of my adventurous expeditions or when something treatens my family I'd "awake" and find out about my potential. I would be powerfull enough and my mind would be strong enough to keep my sanity trough the process of learning and swath aside any deamon that tries to posses me.

I'd rise in power, learn ancient secrets and assume immortality for me and my beloved ones. Then one day maybe after hundreds or even thousand years of enjoying my life and love I might reach for the stars either beeing recruited by some thousand sons sorcerer and made a space marine or start a cult for myself.

And once my desire for the mortal realm would fade I'd attain true immortality in deamonhood and over the course of the millenia rise within the ranks to finally become a deamon lord of tzeentch as his realm and desire for all-knowledge is the only thing that in my eyes could make an immortal life fulfilling.

06-17-2010, 06:27 AM
Problem is that the human body and mind are incapable of handling alpha+ level power. Alpha level psykers might be able to control themselves if they're particularly strong of will (even better if they have wards on the inside of their skull and special equipment which helps bleed off warp energy safely, like Primaris Psykers do), but alpha plus are exponentially beyond Alpha. This is especially true of unsanctioned psykers, because the sanctioning process adds to the psyker's ability to control this power-- latent psykers are far more vulnerable, and that with the alpha plus status would lead to insanity and daemonic possession, eventually your soul and body are painfully warped to the point where you are used as a massive portal to the Warp, and your psychic power is bent to allowing Daemons into reality. Then either the world would become a daemonworld where everyone is tortured for eternity by the various daemons, or you might get lucky and it would be cleansed by the Grey Knights, and you would be killed and your soul would be left in the warp to fend for itself, uncountable daemonic wills bent on obtaining it for power. If you still had some measure of thinking capacity at that point-- which is unlikely, given the various tortures and mind-rapes you've suffered at the hands of the powers of Chaos-- effectively becoming a daemon yourself and committing a lifetime of servitude towards a higher power would basically be your only way to avoid further torture.

06-17-2010, 09:55 AM
Pick Banner Bearer, you know Sicaruis/Sicarius's helmet is going to be full of wank, while the banner bearer gets a nice flag to shove up his enemy's backsides.

There's very few things more satisfying than kiling someone with a flagpole.

You haven't quite grasped the meaning of the word "wank," have you?

06-17-2010, 11:56 AM
or you might get lucky and it would be cleansed by the Grey Knights, and you would be killed and your soul would be left in the warp to fend for itself, uncountable daemonic wills bent on obtaining it for power.

Goodluck getting the Grey Knights anywhere near me: Dark Angel, we kinda have an aversion to Inquisitors. Honest truth is, I'd be a Fallen and there's no point in hiding it. I follow the Dark Angels secretely hoping that Cypher succeeds, and that down the road, I could add in daemons and do some insane conversions. I can dream, right? Skulls for my throne! ^.^

Either that or find something the Watchers in the Dark want and blackmail them into protecting me lol

06-17-2010, 12:21 PM

I shall call the Interrogator-Chaplain on you! :)

Big mek
06-18-2010, 01:41 AM
Id love to be a Big Mek, c'mon, ill be building Stompas, Meka Dreads, Kans, Deff dreads, Deff koptas and Deff rollas, whats more cool than that? And when im done, ill take them to battle, wearing my Kustom Force Field and favorite Power Klaw, and smash everything that moves (and most likely smash it a bit more when it stops, just for the hell of it )

Thats a good day worth of fun in my small mind hehe!!

06-18-2010, 04:33 AM
You haven't quite grasped the meaning of the word "wank," have you?

Or perhaps she has? Oh no thats worse...............

(I can feel a shutup incomming)

06-18-2010, 08:57 AM
A Harlequin. They always seem so happy, laughing and dancing about, cutting off heads and shredding peoples insides. Theyre so bright and colourful too , and they dont give a hoot if youre eldar or dark eldar, they`ll hang out with you and laugh and dance or kill you and laugh and dance. Makes no diference to them.

Its a happy life being a Harlequin

After reading this you have me utterly convinced: A Harly's life is a life for me!

Sounds so friendly and happy the way you put it, dancing and laughing throughout the webway as their whim's dictate...hanging out, dancing, singing, laughing, killing, whats not to love?

And being immortal doesn't hurt either.

06-20-2010, 02:20 PM
After reading this you have me utterly convinced: A Harly's life is a life for me!

Sounds so friendly and happy the way you put it, dancing and laughing throughout the webway as their whim's dictate...hanging out, dancing, singing, laughing, killing, whats not to love?

And being immortal doesn't hurt either.

The other plus is when they are killed, they don't have their souls devoured. :D

Either a paper pusher for food distribution in the Imperium (who ever said it needed to be a combat role...) or failing that, an artificer for a Space Marine Chapter.

06-20-2010, 03:23 PM
Or perhaps she has? Oh no thats worse...............
I do. But Sangre does not appear to know that words have multiple meanings.

"Nonsense, rubbish" is one of them for this term, amongst several others.

06-20-2010, 03:50 PM
I'd like to be a Rogue Trader. I get my own ship, a retinue, and a ticket to do pretty much whatever I want. I could even hang with xenos (for the benefit of the Imperium of course).

It would be like like Star Trek or something, but with more grimdark and more all-battery broadsides against space pirates and stuff.

Sure, I''d still probably die a horrible death, but pretty much everyone in the galaxy does in the 41st millenium. At least I'd get a little adventure in first.

Plus, if my charter's old and valuable enough, I get the authority to order Space Marines around. How awesome would that be?

06-20-2010, 03:50 PM
Callidus. One of the rare males of the shrine, so I could use the polymorphine to make myself female for the day, and jump in the showers with them at the local sport sensor, and join in the pillow fights at a sleep over.


An inquisitor. Why? I can order SoB to their deaths for no reason other than I can and its amusing.


A tech priest in the old zygote testing bit. So I can confirm once and for all that zygotes are incompatible with females, so thats why there is no female space marines.


The man who shovels the thunderwolf poo up at the Fang on Fenris. Job satisfaction and beer, Like Brother Sergeant Miyagi says, "man who can shovel Thunderwolf poo can do anything!"

06-20-2010, 07:08 PM
I would be born on a world under siege, the blood of heroes buying back land and liberty from the xenos on the eve of my birth - an auspicious sign from which they would place great hope in me. My humble beginnings would yield a noble, hardworking youth with a zealous flair and admirable tenacity. These would turn the eyes of the chapter recruiter as the ships of the Astartes passed their hallowed shadows across my world.

I would be forced through the grueling training regime into the supreme level of physical fitness required for such recruits. I would begin the hypno-indoctrination, pass the trials, and state unequivocally my loyalty, but be cheated from greatness by some genetic quirk which renders me incompatible to the gene-seed. Denied the opportunity to be the Emperor's mailed fist, I would be politely deployed on the planet the fleet happened to be passing by at the time - like a a hungry man, unsatisfied with the taste of the protein bar he has just opened, discards it into the nearest waste receptical.

Embedded now in a hive, I would seek employment where it is always given, and become one of the many pairs of hands in a manufactorium producing the Aquila stamped crates in which Astartes fleets will later carry bolt shells - a fact that will both reassure my shattered dreams and agitate the ragged cuts around them. I would fall in love and marry a beautiful woman only to have that marriage annulled by an Ecclesiarch on a favor to a upper-spire house, a young scion of which fancies my bride enough to pluck her bodily from my life, but not my memory.

Embittered by this loss, I would take the first opportunity to leave this world - volunteering to be one of the innumerable lower-deck dregs required to make a freighter vessel function. On my third day in that duty, the deck upon which I am operating would be breached by a raider's torpedo, and all of my comrades would be flushed into the unforgiving void. I alone would survive, having the explosion of adrenaline required to lock myself in the adjacent airlock and watch hundreds of good men and women, not unlike myself, spiral to cold, horrible deaths betwixt stars they had never before even seen.

Pitied by the captain, I would be elevated to the lofty ranking of valet, allowed to wear clean, pressed suits as long as I cleaned and pressed my assigned officer's garments first, and not until I had served the bridge their chilled fruit platters. This is the closest I will ever come to contentment in my life - being so close to the wealthy and happy will, for a time, color the sequence of failure and tragedy that is my life a shade other than blue.

Two years later, a sprawling machination which I will never appreciate will begin to unfold. The captain of this freighter is a Duke of house La Vorencia; agri-tyrants of the sector. He is in direct opposition to house Coranos, whose own agrarian pursuits are dwarfed by such individuals mercantile connectivity and fiscal gravitas. The Spire Reapers, a reputed assassin's guild in the sector who specialize in being the teeth in noble conflicts, will embed one of their number in my vessel with the intention of slaying my captain. I begin to become suspicious of my new co-worker, but he is too wily for me - he frames me for stealing from the officer's belongings and I am shut away in the brig before being sold off to a labor production facility on the nearest forge world.

I will spend the rest of my extended years lifting one crate to place it on another, or lifting a crate from the top of a second and placing it at evens with the first. It will require the entirety of my concentration and effort. It will seem to me to be both the hardest, and most noble thing in the galaxy, and I will be proud to do it. At times, my more pronounced memories will scratch at the iron ceiling of my psyche. I will feel resentment that I could not become an Astartes. I will be struck melancholy by the loss of my bride, whose name I can not recall. I will wonder what became of my noble captain. All of these memories, however, will be seized by the imbedded cogitator, defined, cataloged and stored in the data-coil that runs the length of my spine. It will be used, later, to help the tech-priest novitiate who gave my good and righteous task of box stacking to better understand his own work, and how to more completely eliminate the humanity from desirable servitors. There will be a whisper in my thoughts which suggests I should be outraged at what has been done to be, but I will not hear it - I am too happy to be Crate Sorter 997.

The Emperor Protects, my lady.

Have you brought more crates for me?

EDIT: Or, like, an Eldar Pathfinder. They're sweet.

The Imperator
06-20-2010, 10:18 PM
rogue trader all the power none of the responsibility. ;)


a spess marine chaptermaster in terminator armor with melta boots and a jump pack, riding a bike in a landspeeder with two power fists holding thunderhammers (master crafted of course) because i would be the biggest bad *** in the galaxy :cool:

06-21-2010, 06:30 AM
I do. But Sangre does not appear to know that words have multiple meanings.

"Nonsense, rubbish" is one of them for this term, amongst several others.

Not really. Lrn2spk inglesh!

06-21-2010, 07:05 AM
When this "Shutup Sangre!" arrives its gonna be huge!

06-21-2010, 10:07 AM
Not really. Lrn2spk inglesh!

Wank = sperm.

06-21-2010, 10:13 AM
Wank = sperm.

Nope. Wank = Masturbate.

And although I have contributed, may I suggest we are slightly off topic now?

06-21-2010, 01:13 PM

06-21-2010, 01:20 PM

I knew I could count on you old friend:p

06-21-2010, 01:36 PM
Nope. Wank = Masturbate.

And although I have contributed, may I suggest we are slightly off topic now?

Yup. It is also sperm.

Take into account all forms of language, not just what is in a dictionary, because slang is part of our languages as well.

Lets see which one makes more sense?

"Pick Banner Bearer, you know Sicaruis/Sicarius's helmet is going to be full of masterbation, while the banner bearer gets a nice flag to shove up his enemy's backsides."


"Pick Banner Bearer, you know Sicaruis/Sicarius's helmet is going to be full of sperm, while the banner bearer gets a nice flag to shove up his enemy's backsides."

How can a helmet be full of an act?

06-21-2010, 01:55 PM
GUO, of all the creatures and peoples of the 41st they seem most content and well adjusted. Very rare to find a person (or daemon in this case) so utterly content with themselves still possess a genuine sense of purpose in ceaselessly pursuing perfection.

06-21-2010, 02:49 PM
Yup. It is also sperm.

Take into account all forms of language, not just what is in a dictionary, because slang is part of our languages as well.

Lets see which one makes more sense?

"Pick Banner Bearer, you know Sicaruis/Sicarius's helmet is going to be full of masterbation, while the banner bearer gets a nice flag to shove up his enemy's backsides."


"Pick Banner Bearer, you know Sicaruis/Sicarius's helmet is going to be full of sperm, while the banner bearer gets a nice flag to shove up his enemy's backsides."

How can a helmet be full of an act?

I disagree, but like I said, we're way off topic here......

06-21-2010, 03:16 PM
I'm going to agree with the "way off topic." (And Buffo's explanation makes more sense, but back to the topic now...)

06-21-2010, 03:48 PM
I have continued this arguement in the oubliette if anyone is interested (in using the vernacular correctly...).

06-21-2010, 05:30 PM
Who is to say that 40k isn't happening in real life? Millennia can go by without any intrusion by out wordly races/people.

I would be me in 40k.

06-22-2010, 11:45 AM
Nope. Wank = Masturbate.
Yes, but that's not the only definition. From my dictionary:

1: (slang) An act of masturbation.
He’s having a wank!

2: (slang, pejorative) An undesirable person
You utter wanker!

3: (slang) Nonsense, rubbish.
This opera is wank.
Did you see that thing on Channel 4? Yeah, it was wank.
This **** is a whole lot of wank.

06-22-2010, 12:38 PM
Yup. It is also sperm.

Take into account all forms of language, not just what is in a dictionary, because slang is part of our languages as well.

Lets see which one makes more sense?

"Pick Banner Bearer, you know Sicaruis/Sicarius's helmet is going to be full of masterbation, while the banner bearer gets a nice flag to shove up his enemy's backsides."


"Pick Banner Bearer, you know Sicaruis/Sicarius's helmet is going to be full of sperm, while the banner bearer gets a nice flag to shove up his enemy's backsides."

How can a helmet be full of an act?

Sorry I had to jump in on this.

Wank = Masturbate. 100% no doubt.

Ok, I'll give an example of using an "act" in a sentence (which is done for effect): "Wow, that movie was full of suck". Depending on context you can use a verb as a noun, contrary to popular belief the English language is quite flexible ;)

However, of course it is all slang and you can of course use wank as "sperm", like "i have some real strong wank" or what have you


Back on topic down here.

Official Top 3 Occupations in 40k Universe:

1) Planetary Lord of an unimportant and remote/well-defended/hidden Garden World
2) Harlequin
3) Rogue Trader

1st and 3rd are self-explanatory, both having near-absolute authority, control over their lives, and wealth/power beyond imagining (well, for the Lord). Both carry some risks, but ideally these would be minimal due to safe circumstances. Both are far better than most of the ideas like Space Marine, Dreadnought or Imperial Guardsman, let alone a CSM!

And Harlequins....they are just so happy ALL the time!

06-22-2010, 01:42 PM
I'm going to agree with the "way off topic." (And Buffo's explanation makes more sense, but back to the topic now...)

I have continued this arguement in the oubliette if anyone is interested (in using the vernacular correctly...).

Nuff Said!

06-22-2010, 02:52 PM
Sorry I had to jump in on this.

How about you listen to what the mods have said instead?

Is the need to chime in SOOO over whelming you can't take the 10 seconds to click some links and post your opinion on this subject where it belongs?

Oh internets..... The grasp you have on the young!

06-27-2010, 05:22 PM
You haven't quite grasped the meaning of the word "wank," have you?

No, I'm fairly sure she has...

06-27-2010, 05:37 PM
Yes, but that's not the only definition. From my dictionary:

1: (slang) An act of masturbation.
He’s having a wank!

2: (slang, pejorative) An undesirable person
You utter wanker!

3: (slang) Nonsense, rubbish.
This opera is wank.
Did you see that thing on Channel 4? Yeah, it was wank.
This **** is a whole lot of wank.

Note to foriegn persons: this is entirely acceptable useage of English. Toss / Tosser can be substitued if vareity is needed.

Incidentally, I would be commander of a baneblade mostly because when I go to war I'd like to have an en-suite bathroom

06-27-2010, 05:48 PM
so we turn a who you would rather be into a wank discussion

anyways i think i would be a shining spear or part of an orc speed kult simply because moving fast is a rush all its own moving fast and killing people well thats like eating a sorbe cone while in the middle of the dessert and gives a new definition of life on the edge i think though i would probably end up killing myself in some misjudged turn or if some is wide enough for me to pass through i love taking near death risk or risk i can visualize in that category ive done everything in my life with clear conscience and plan to leave that way so why not go out having fun

06-27-2010, 08:05 PM
My first initial response thought would be a Striking Scorpion Exarch--the brutal efficacy of bladed close combat combined with inherent grace and skill.

However, the thought of being mentally trapped into being solely focused on one thing for potentially millenia (killing) is a bit on the "downer" side.

So, instead--an Autarch, the joy of being not only experienced in my favorite of eldar paths, but experiencing many of them, and still being able to look at the greater picture, strategically.

Not to mention, they also get the widest variety of toys.

06-28-2010, 01:22 AM
There's just too many egos that feel the need to be buffed up in these forums, almost makes you WANT to lurk...

On topic though!

Necron Lord, with:
Warscythe (staff of light is for wimps!)
Phylactery, and VoD.

BAMF up to any vehicle, slice a pretty little hole in it and harvest all the fleshies inside... It sounds so satisfying, too bad that almost never works in-game.

But I think in the greater scheme of things, the plan is:
1.Wake up all the sleepy necrons
2. Invade Terra and capture the emporer, convert him into a super necron(c'mon, he's halfway there already!)
3. ???
4. Profit!

Incredibly unlikely though, I guess it's just a pipe dream of a necron fanboy...

06-28-2010, 07:08 AM

PS I basically played my ideal character in a recent Dark Heresy. A middle-class boy, son of two arbitrators, got a job in a library. Then dabbled with some books he shouldn't, and ended up being picked up by the inquisition.

He inadvertently led to a blank killing a daemonhost with a power sword and hand flamer, and directly helped crash one of the Black Ships Of The Inquisition into a planet.

Good times.

06-28-2010, 10:27 AM
When did this become a " Wank " forum?

Princeps of an Emperor class titan.


06-28-2010, 11:10 AM
I think I said this that last time we had this topic, but what the hell?

I could not be a Space Marine, I couldnt deal with all that homoerotic tension.

06-28-2010, 12:56 PM
How about you listen to what the mods have said instead?

Is the need to chime in SOOO over whelming you can't take the 10 seconds to click some links and post your opinion on this subject where it belongs?

Oh internets..... The grasp you have on the young!

Well, I really don't think that a 30 second post is worth leaving the thread for. Especially when I actually had topic-relevant discussion in my post.

In fact, you may have noted that I have had relevant content in all my posts. And there are quite a few in this thread. This is in stark contrast to your last series of posts, all of which were completely off-topic. Just like this quote ;)

In addition, you ignore the handful of other people after me with completely off-topic posts as well. Which really makes me wonder why I was selected for your flaming. (Out of all of us I was the only one with on-topic material in my post)

@thelonegrif You must have been out of breath after that post. Periods are your friend.

@Aldramech Whoa I can't believe I didn't think of this. However, its probably those with homoerotic thoughts themselves who would experience the tension you speak of...:rolleyes: Personally I'd take an idyllic paradise with a world of willing partners at my disposal, no homoeroticks whatsoever and no chance of being vaporised with a meltagun either.

06-29-2010, 03:22 AM
Hmm I have two choices i cant seperate from, first is a Harlequin most likely a shadowseer, with access to the book of "dandruf" and black library I have that I know something you done know attitude.

The other is a humble Adeptus Arbite street judge. nothin says "I am the LAW' like a shotgun blast to the face

06-29-2010, 04:46 AM
Well, I really don't think that a 30 second post is worth leaving the thread for. Especially when I actually had topic-relevant discussion in my post.

In fact, you may have noted that I have had relevant content in all my posts. And there are quite a few in this thread. This is in stark contrast to your last series of posts, all of which were completely off-topic. Just like this quote ;)

In addition, you ignore the handful of other people after me with completely off-topic posts as well. Which really makes me wonder why I was selected for your flaming. (Out of all of us I was the only one with on-topic material in my post)

@thelonegrif You must have been out of breath after that post. Periods are your friend.

@Aldramech Whoa I can't believe I didn't think of this. However, its probably those with homoerotic thoughts themselves who would experience the tension you speak of...:rolleyes: Personally I'd take an idyllic paradise with a world of willing partners at my disposal, no homoeroticks whatsoever and no chance of being vaporised with a meltagun either.

Me Dear? Gay Dear? No Dear! ;)

06-29-2010, 08:14 AM
Who would I be? Well Colonel Gravis (http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x160/gravisblog/Gravis%20Blog/Praetorians/Finished/Regimental%20Command/ColGravis001.jpg) of course :p

Is it so wrong to have a model of your in game persona?

06-29-2010, 08:26 AM
Has anyone picked the Emperor? I know he is physically a potato. But I would like to be him for just a few minutes to really find out what he knew and what he was lucky/ unlucky with... Like, did he know about the heresy or did it catch him off guard? Does he want to stay alive on the throne or does he want to "die" and be reborn as a god of the warp?


Sister Rosette Soulknyt
06-29-2010, 10:01 AM
Id be a grot, not for any similarities or anything, sure i get the crappiest job, those huge orks keep trying to kick me to see how far i fly. The Bigmek keeps trying to convince me to sit in this shiny new grot launcher, but im having non of that.
The reason, i would be what i am is the amount of teeth that get kncked out all over the place. Id save them up, hoard them and them buy me a shiny new, noisy and unreliable grot tank to charge and then choot all those stupid orks bosses in the battle while they were'nt watching, then steal all there teeth too.

Or id be a Sister of Battle Palitine leading my Faithful sisters to battle, waiting for some day a stupid Inquisitor would come along and think he would try that old line that Inquisistors have the right to order us Adepta Sororitas to some meaningless death for fun, then id just shoot him in the head for Heresy.

Or the day i found out that some techpriest was dabbling in ancient forgotten arcane technology to determine that Space Marines cannot be female, and id execute him for treason too. Probably just burn him slowly and very painfuly.

Or id just go to the Fang with a very big fleet, and taking lessons from our past, would pulverize the fang from orbit, wait until it was a smoldering crater, and not some stronghold anymore, then find some wounded half-dead poo shovelling Space Puppy and then drag him back to Terra for Heresy, Treason and for just stinking of poo. Teach them to pray to false Gods, and not the belloved Emporer.

06-29-2010, 11:05 AM
All I have to say after that is.... Whoa nelly! Maybe picking a fight eighths inquisition, The mechanics and the space wolves is not the best of ideas, perhaps try to turn the notch down a bit.


06-29-2010, 12:29 PM
Well, if you're gonna live in a ****ty world, you might as well brew a ****storm before you die?

06-29-2010, 03:23 PM
I would be the commander of either a vanquisher, or a destroyer. Awesome hardware and vehicle sniping goodness all rolled into one.

06-29-2010, 11:18 PM
I'm thi mug I'll change my answer to "citizen number 326-728462846-74927fj67-89$716sbachjd-6281937-711-411-90210."


06-30-2010, 01:52 AM
I'm thi mug I'll change my answer to "citizen number 326-728462846-74927fj67-89$716sbachjd-6281937-711-411-90210."


Only if Im allowed to tatoo it on your forehead! :D

Kelbor hal
06-30-2010, 10:32 AM
Who else but the Fabricator general?-High lord of Terra, commander of the Titan Legions, Magos Mechanicum of the Omnissiah. It's all good :D.

06-30-2010, 03:44 PM
bunches of epic

EDIT: Or, like, an Eldar Pathfinder. They're sweet.

OMG that story made me laugh, then immediately wonder what kind of freaky *** pron you're into. Props.


06-30-2010, 11:37 PM
I would like to be a callidus assasin because i could change into anything and youd be dead also "guns for show knives for a pro." and then the universe will live in fear of my abilities.

Kelbor hal
07-03-2010, 11:01 AM
I would like to be a callidus assasin because i could change into anything and youd be dead also "guns for show knives for a pro." and then the universe will live in fear of my abilities.

I think people who say they wan't to be an assassin aren't thinking it through enough-Yeah, people fear you, but that means nothingas you're just a weapon for the High Lords to use on a whim. You would never know what it would be like to be feared. Power is nothing if you can't savour it.

~ Hal.

07-03-2010, 11:06 AM
Also, in order to become an assassin you quite literally give up your self, psychologically speaking. You basically mentally and psychologically die and are reborn into something else through a number of hynotherapy treatments, surgery, and training.

07-03-2010, 02:25 PM
And maybe that's what does it for Az...

To each their own, I guess. :)

The Imperator
07-03-2010, 11:17 PM
a machine spirit of an IMPERATOR TITAN:D

07-14-2010, 02:55 PM
Restarting this old thread, because I don't feel like necroposting (or looking back to find the old one).

If you could be anything in 40k, what would you be, and why did you choose that over all the other various things you could have been?

* No special characters, please... they end up being a bit overdone.

To start it off:

I'd be an Imperial Psyker. Sure, I could be a Sister of Battle... but I doubt I'd be religious enough for the position. And a Guardswoman would probably mean that I die a horrible death in the meat grinder wars the Imperium has to fight. A female Space Marine would probably piss the other Space Marines off (Which might be worth it...). And I don't think I'd really want to be one of the other races save for maybe an Ork-- Eldar have to live a life of extreme inhibitions, Tau are deeply segregated, Necrons are Necrons, and Tyranids barely think to begin with. An Ork might be interesting, but even then I don't necessarily love fighting enough to be a proper Ork.

While being an Imperial Psyker wouldn't be the most pleasant thing to be sure, at the very least I'd probably be off of the battle lines-- unless I somehow became a Battle Psyker, in which case I'd hopefully be able to use my powers to regenerate any wounds I took anyway (biomancy). I'd have to be particularly careful with my powers in order to prevent daemonic possession mind you... but having to always be on guard sounds better than suffering in the polluted, unforgiving factories or deadly, monster-filled warzones at any rate.

I hear what Melissa is saying, and true, how many of us can claim we could be devout enough to join the ranks of the Sisters of Battle or the Ordo Malleus? But Melissa, I have only one down side for you and that is that the death rate for Imperial Psyker's is second to that of the Imperial Guard themselves. I mean 1000 psykers are sacrificed, daily, to keep the Emperor alive(ish). It's not like they lose a few hundred and the others get to go home after their shift, lol.
Personally I would love to be a Grey Knight, but I'll admit I doubt I could survive the Indoctrination procedures. So, with that in mind, I would have to say my second choice would be either a Commisar or a SM Chaplain, because as a Commisar I get to instill the fear of the Emperor into the men on the front, (also, less chance of summary execution), and a Chaplain for the same reason, only less piously and fearfully.

As eldar, I would have to say I would choose the Striking Scorpion aspect or the Swooping Hawk Aspect.

Oh, and I could definitely be an Ork, seeing as Orks have it plain and simple.

But above all, a Grey Knight through and through, getting to fight the greatest enemies of the Imperium, waging the most vital wars for mankind that are largely unheard of. And to work with the Sisters of Battle as an Imperial Storm Trooper wouldnt be bad, either, their zeal and faith make me proud, (I loved the book Faith and Fire)

So yes. Also, when they finally say that they are coming out with the new Codicies, Ill be in front of my GW chanting the prayers of the Sisters of Battle and the 666 sacred words of the Grey Knights,
hope you join me out there, Brothers and Sisters.

07-14-2010, 03:02 PM
Vulture pilot. Yes, it's the 40k equivalent of an AH-64. And flying is amazing :P

07-14-2010, 04:42 PM
I would have to go with a ork nob biker. Big, bad, and having a blast where a tune-up is as easy as a coat of red paint and I get all the fighting I could ever want.

Spirit Leech
07-16-2010, 08:34 AM
I'd have to go for Inquisitor of the Ordo Sepulturum, really what could be more awesome then spending your days researching zombie with your hand picked posse riding in the flyest land raider this side of the eye of terror ?

That or a doom rider, coming and going as I see fit. Never staying in one location too long lest I party too hard and rend all of reality asunder. I also have it on good authority that all doomriders and their bikes run on cocaine.

07-16-2010, 08:10 PM
Culexus assassin, why? Wrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyy! Rip and tear

Lucian Kain
07-17-2010, 06:34 AM
An honoured old veteran Grey Kight,preferably one with the same status/power as an Inquisitor the truest champion humanity can produce,(a lucky one) who resides in the black library,knowing that your purpose has been justified to the upmost-now only to seek out the final battle with massive leaverage and knowledge,and to rest easy in knowing the best way in whitch to meet your end and an honourable death.

What more could you ask then to have seen and known it all, to end in purpose,
-to die with a smile,content in the knowledge of your accoplishments and eternal rest.

titan eddy
07-18-2010, 04:23 PM
A space marine in an assault squad, i like my fights up close and personal

07-18-2010, 05:13 PM
I'd want to be a Tactical Marine who's a deathwatch candidate...mostly cause they are more like movie marines :P
That would probably make me a vet sarge too...hmm, that would be cool. Of course, that would mean I would have been inducted as a marine when i was a pre-teen....spent the next 10 years getting genetically modified, survived scout training, survive devastator, assault and tact squading...have had a spotless engagement record and been nothing short of perfect the entire time...depending on the chapter of course.

and speaking of chapters...what chapter would I be? well, i know what chapters I wouldn't want to be:
Dark Angels - the obvious reason and all the not so obvious ones :P
Space Wolves - too norse for me.
Blood Angels - Space Vampires from the planet Baal, i think not. Also the planet Baal is all kinda terrible.
Ultramarines - Too predictable. They've got the codex so far up their butt they can't think outside of the box.
Ravenguard - too emo.
Black Templar - too zealous, and gawdy iconography.
Imperal Fists - Too yellow. But mostly dislike the siege warfare aspect of them.
White Scars - Don't like their tactics.
Salamanders - not a pyro.

Yeah, then there are the chaos chapters...too bad about them. I would prefer to be a Luna Wolf, a loyalist...but I don't think i'd be alive to become a deathwatch marine lol.

Crimson fists seem like a good fit, except for the whole blowing up their own planet (oops).

I dunno, I think there is probably a good 2nd or 3rd founding chapter divergent from the Guilliman or Dorn geneseed that would be cool. Any thoughts?


Deathwatch marine from a 2nd or 3rd founding chapter divergent from the Guilliman or Dorn.

07-18-2010, 05:44 PM
An honoured old veteran Grey Kight,preferably one with the same status/power as an Inquisitor the truest champion humanity can produce,(a lucky one) who resides in the black library,knowing that your purpose has been justified to the upmost-now only to seek out the final battle with massive leaverage and knowledge,and to rest easy in knowing the best way in whitch to meet your end and an honourable death.

What more could you ask then to have seen and known it all, to end in purpose,
-to die with a smile,content in the knowledge of your accoplishments and eternal rest.

Another Brother of the Grey Knights, welcome my Brother!

Also i though about it, and really, the ULTIMATE character/class/whatever, for me at least, would have to be an Adeptus Custodes.
The Guard are the backbone of the Imperium,
The Space Marines are the fist, the best of the best,
The Grey Knights are the best of the best of the best of the best, hands down.
But The Adeptus Custodes, deemed worthy to guard the Emperor himself directly, and the ones whom actually see the Emperor,

I've seen their stats, as seen in Rogue Trader, and they are beasts.

07-19-2010, 02:55 PM
Saim-hann Autarch on a Jetbike.
the girls dig a slightly effeminate guy, with pale skin, high cheekbones and a kickass bike.

07-19-2010, 03:49 PM
But The Adeptus Custodes, deemed worthy to guard the Emperor himself directly, and the ones whom actually see the Emperor,

I've seen their stats, as seen in Rogue Trader, and they are beasts.

*digs out his rulebook*

M4 WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I5 A2 LD8 (and 8 for all the other odd mental skills, INT and CI and WP)

07-29-2010, 08:10 AM
*digs out his rulebook*

M4 WS5 BS5 S4 T4 W2 I5 A2 LD8 (and 8 for all the other odd mental skills, INT and CI and WP)

They also have some amazing abilities and equipment. There is a PDF file on them out there on the interwebs, and I have a printed out version so if you want the exact details let me know!!

Gnoblar with Pointy Stick
07-29-2010, 07:28 PM
A Tau Fire Warrior.

Fighting for something I believe in for an organization who cares about me? Sign me up.

07-30-2010, 07:49 AM
Restarting this old thread, because I don't feel like necroposting (or looking back to find the old one).

If you could be anything in 40k, what would you be, and why did you choose that over all the other various things you could have been?

* No special characters, please... they end up being a bit overdone.

To start it off:

I'd be an Imperial Psyker. Sure, I could be a Sister of Battle... but I doubt I'd be religious enough for the position. And a Guardswoman would probably mean that I die a horrible death in the meat grinder wars the Imperium has to fight. A female Space Marine would probably piss the other Space Marines off (Which might be worth it...). And I don't think I'd really want to be one of the other races save for maybe an Ork-- Eldar have to live a life of extreme inhibitions, Tau are deeply segregated, Necrons are Necrons, and Tyranids barely think to begin with. An Ork might be interesting, but even then I don't necessarily love fighting enough to be a proper Ork.

While being an Imperial Psyker wouldn't be the most pleasant thing to be sure, at the very least I'd probably be off of the battle lines-- unless I somehow became a Battle Psyker, in which case I'd hopefully be able to use my powers to regenerate any wounds I took anyway (biomancy). I'd have to be particularly careful with my powers in order to prevent daemonic possession mind you... but having to always be on guard sounds better than suffering in the polluted, unforgiving factories or deadly, monster-filled warzones at any rate.
Damn, no special characters. I know one that is so easy to kill, but is lots of fun. I had my Zarakynel Daemon Lord killed by him in a Game of Apocalypse - well sort of killed of. Zogrot turned Zarakynel into a squig with his curse. My opponent laughed till the end of the game and still mentions it when he sees me.

But if we have to choose anyone, not named characters, and assuming anyone from earlier editoins of Warhammer 40K nad the relevant earlier codexes, I would be a Sister of Silence Cannoness. They drop everyone within a radius down to Leadership 7, are immune to psychic attacks, and get a good choice from the armoury including artificer armour, and a version of the iron halo that gave a 4++ save. Give her a power sword, jump pack, an inferno pistol, and I am all set to get stuck in.

07-30-2010, 09:19 AM
MASTER of the FORGE, conversion beam, To build stuff for my chapter

A Squat Engineer Guild Master,same as the master of the forge,with one good note BEER AND MORE BEER.... build.......mugs empty,BEER oh bikes and a STC to help

08-01-2010, 12:04 AM
A Emperor's Children Space Marine sitting on his/her/it's *** all day painting self portraits of my sexy transsexual self.


Reading cruddy poetry to my slaves all day as they rub my feet, and Reenacting the Rocky Horror Pitcher Show every other weekend.

Now that's the life.

08-02-2010, 05:16 AM
Why not be a Guardsman? Decent pay, challenging work, legal killing and your own hat!

Unzuul the Lascivious
08-02-2010, 08:50 AM
Either the owner of a popular brothel in a wealthy suburb at the top of a Hive Spire...or an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor. Sex or glory!

Vaddok Sek
08-10-2010, 04:53 PM
Definatly a Techpriest Enginseer or Archmagos, that or a Skitarii commander. Pretty much anything with lots of augmetics. Though after reading nemesis a Callidus asassin runs a close second.

09-27-2010, 09:29 PM
Vindicare Assassin for sure. Excellent guns, stealth suit. Being a long way from the battle is great but you can still do some good, then exit stage left without getting hurt! What's not to love about that plan.

George Labour
09-27-2010, 10:36 PM
The machine spirit of the oldest Mars Pattern Reaver still loyal to the Omnissiah.

I would then demand unlimited beer and dancing women to placate my ancient cogigator circuits.

Something about being worshipped despite being built out of the equivalent of dumpster parts and old Ataris makes me grin evilly.

Or uhmm, An Ork Gargant Kaptin. Love my job, got a mech, and I get to yell at everyone else.

Terror Australis
09-28-2010, 03:22 AM
I would be a Great Unlean One.

Just think of it, eat what you want, no need to shower, laze around all day and then if you end up in a battle it is hard for anything short of a heavy weapon to actually hurt you and if you do eventually get hurt enough you just end up back home where you are nice and comfy in the filth.

Either that or an Arbites, cause they get the chicks.

09-28-2010, 08:16 AM
I would be a Valkyrie/ Vendetta pilot. Being part of a strike team, flying around strafing ground formations, all the while chattering across the vox about bring the rain! Totally worth it. Plus, if I get killed, it will most likely be instant death via explosion. Unless a gargoyle or other flyers rips me from my cockpit and eats me whole....

09-28-2010, 09:48 AM
Grey knight Grandmaster...cos then I would be one of the bigist bada$$'s in existance and I get to stab large daemons with long pointy sticks..

09-28-2010, 01:15 PM
A Salamander's 1st Company "Firedrakes" Veteran with a Nocturne Pattern Flamer

09-28-2010, 01:36 PM
A Dark Eldar jetbiker!

For the simple reason that those new minis look fantastic!:rolleyes:

Or maybe an ork trucker, chauffeur not gunner. Needles to say why!

09-29-2010, 04:52 PM
Battlebarge (or Rogue Trader) captain. It would be nice to have a huge amount of firepower at my disposal, and be the Master after the Emperor for thousands of souls.

Lord Sandwich
09-29-2010, 08:31 PM
Well, the easiest way to get to what I'd want is to narrow it down.

No Necrons, Daemons, or Nids. Sorry, but personality is a big thing, and I'm firmly grounded in existence, which those are not. At least, not entirely.

No Space Marines. Being psychodoctrinated until you no longer remember who you were, no longer have any idea about what's right or wrong, and are simply a tool? No thanks.

No Assassins. See above.

No Dark Eldar. I'm not exactly into purple spandex and other less scrupulous things.

No Tau. At least not until they get a serious makeover.

No IG grunts. Waaaaaaaay too short of life expectancy. Auxiliary roles are cool though.


The end result?

Most likely an Arbitrator of some kind. They're human, and they've got a very important job, but have more freedom than someone in a system like the Imperial Guard or Navy, and aren't generally exposed to unhealthy things like rogue Titans and Daemonic invasions. Though of course, from time to time it's cool.

09-30-2010, 12:00 AM
This is easy, I would be Lucius the Eternal, the most badass and sadistic fighter in the 40K universe whose armor refuses to allow his soul to die. Mind you I would be the Lucius from the Horus Heresy books not the one whose current statline was emasculated by Gave and Alessio.

09-30-2010, 12:35 AM
A Dark Eldar Archon of small to mid sized Kabal. Just large enough to cause mayhem, but small enough so that the larger Kabals don't see me as a huge threat. Leading lightning fast raids on ill-protected Imperial worlds, and getting outta dodge before help arrives for them, while laughing maniacally. All the while, having my close knit bodyguard watch my back for betrayers within my ranks. But, most inportently to watch hot Wych chicks slice and dice my enemies, from abourd my personal Raider.

Oh yeah, and i get a friggin Shadow Field(which i would friggin SLEEP in, gotta watch my own back as well)

Farseer Uthiliesh
10-26-2010, 05:33 AM
An Eldar Farseer of Craftworld Ulthwe.

10-26-2010, 05:53 AM
I'd be a DE Wych... wyches have all the fun ;)