View Full Version : Returning Player - Slaanesh CSM - looking for some guidance

12-27-2016, 03:16 PM
Greetings all,

havent played in 8 years or so. Not really worried about playing but i am visiting my parents for the holidays and pulled out my Slaanesh themed Chaos Marines.

I am considering continuing painting them, They are a emperor's children offshoot - that i called the Sextant Choir. ten years ago i was pretty into green stuff and painting, won the painting award at a few tournies, was getting into lighting effects (ogre leadbelchers with red lighting off the torches)- and in this slaanesh marine i built a tentacle arm for my defiler that ends in an actual scalpel blade.)

A lot of my sonic weapons are weirdo customs, so could either be used as sonic blasters or blastmasters to allow some flew if i ever actually play a game with this army

from memory i've got

DP with wings - modded from some figure in the inquisitor line (iirc)
Sorc/lord on slaanesh wyrm thing
One chaos lord (the one with the fur cloak) modded with a banner (doesnt have to be a lord obviously)
A modded lucius that could still be used as Lucius OR just a Lord
Chaos Sorc on foot (with fabius bile's backpack - could be used as anything really)

5 Terminators (with possibly 5 more if i wanted to mod the hell out of 40k boxed set termies)

12 Chosen/Veterans? cc+bp, 2-4 'lighting claws' (arms from possessed), AC with PF

2 x 12 Noise marines with AC, 7 sonic blasters, 1 BM, cc+ bp for 3
20 or so noise marines with bp+cc and 3-4 BM and a lascannon if desired -

enough spare part at least build another 3-5 marines if needed

3 chaos spawn

9 raptors (all with the wings from the possessed kit)
6 bikes, one with power fist

2 Rhinos
1 Predator with lascannons on side sponsons and a turret mounted custom sonic weapon (modded from some tau tank weapon)

2 defilers (one unbuilt)

18ish daemonettes
12 daemonettes on steeds

some fantasy beastmen that could conceivably be modded into cultists - it seems that cultist are a fairly integral unit in any CSM list

So my focus is painting my units, probably being 'fluffy' and keeping the magic number 6 - But I'm sure eventually i would like to play a game here and there. Each Unit has its own variation on the color scheme, right shoulder pad is the same for a unit as much as possible - so once i get into painting them im hoping that if i want to play eventually my army will fit ok into the rules (would be just casual, no GW sponsored tournies)

My problem is i have no idea what is what with 40K anymore - lots of new special rules, flyers and defending against them, allies, Im not planning on buying anything else UNTIL i have alot more of the army painted.

But some of the finer details im really confused about what an actual slaanesh army looks like - datafaxes printed in white dwarf or something - would split fire rules apply such that i can have sonic blasters and BMs mixed in the same unit. - or should i be keeping them separate

SO i guess first thing- is there a condensed version of the current rules? I certainly dont want to buy the full rule book, im not against torrents so that i can brush up on the rules - i guess at the very least ill need to look over the latest CSM and daemon book - not even sure if i have the most recent printing of either - Is it true that the slaanesh themed codex is an adendum to the CSM book that was printed separately in white dwarf?

It also seems that a new CSM codex is on the (distant) horizon for some time in 2017? is that true?

Can anyone suggest some current slaanesh themed lists just to give me an idea?

And finally - is there a good site to sell my old Tyranids, Tomb Kings, and Ogres?


12-28-2016, 06:05 AM
Rulebook wise - check e-bay for a small format rulebook (probably run £10-£15. (Also the place to sell the Nids etc.)

CSM codex - it is rumoured to be coming in 2017, however again you could probably pick it up for a steal on e-bay. not sure about the white dwarf suppliment codex, however if you pick up the Traitor Legion Suppliment (only £20) that has all the rules you could want for the Emperors Childeren (or a spin-off warband).

Flyers etc. you don't NEED to use them, especially if you are just going for casual games - you may wish to discuss with your opponants to ask if they will not bring flyers (although technically the demon prince with wings can go on anti-air defense: see swooping Monstrous Creatures in the rule book).

Noise Marines dont have splitfire - all models in the unit must fire at the same target. that said blastmasters are equally good at taking out heavy infantry as they are at taking out tanks so it dosn't really matter about having some in the same squad. although in the army list bewlow i would suggest useing the tanks/melta troops to take out opponant tanks and the noise marines to target infantry.

an example army (though not counting up points) using the Traitor Legions Book, Current CSM codex, and the current Demons Codex is as follows:

A CAD (Combined Arms Detachment: in the main rules book):

Lord: Mark of Slannesh, on Steed of Slannesh, Sigil of Corruption (4++ Save), possibly with some sort of Demon Weapon/Power Sword/Lance?
Sorcerer: Level 3 Psyker, Familiar, Mark of Slannesh

2x 6 Marines: BP & CCW (Maybe use a chosen with lightning claws/power fist for the champion) in rhino's, Mark of Slannesh (add in a melta-gun each if you have them)
2x 6 Noise Marines (Troops because Lord with MofS): Sonic Blasers/Blastmasers
12x Cultists? (or 18/24), Mark of Slannesh, Laspistol & Combat Wpn

5x Terminators: Mark of Slannesh (Buy one more from E-bay to get a squad of 6).

Fast Attack:
3x Spawn: Mark of Slannesh (that your lord goes around with - meatshields).
6 (or 9) x Raptors: Mark of Slannesh, Meltaguns if you have them
6x Bikes: Mark of Slannesh

Heavy Support:
Predator: (Sonic weapon Counts as Twin-Lascannon)
Defiler (x2?)

Allied Detachment of Chaos Demons (again via Main Rulebook):

Demon Prince, Slannesh, Wings, Greater/Exhalted Gifts


Fast Attack:
Demonettes on Steeds

12-29-2016, 12:00 PM
Thank you for your response MR Gold,

i clarification i have discovered- If you use the kakophoni special rules for an Emperor's Children force as printed in Traitor Legions - all your noise marines get split fire and shred. Additionally- if you take 6 noise marine squads as part of your core- all their sonic weapons get +1 S

source below


all units that can get VotLW for free, and any unit with VotLW get Fearless and FNP 6+, which is bumped to a 4+FNP if they take the icon of excess. pretty sick. being 8 years out of the game im really not sure how this fits into the meta, but ultimately im just aimed and painting for the fun of it, and crafting the squads in such a way that it could be a legit army if i get into playing again down the line.

Ive realized that i actual have a fair number of unbuilt marines and all my CSM bits are really organized. So i can totally pad a unit of chosen (for example) with a few extra models that have meltas or lightning claws- giving me options down the line, and more painting to do in the long run.

Again, thanks for the response - might actually blog or document my return to painting

12-29-2016, 05:40 PM
no problem, try looking at the following links for further tactics regarding CSM etc.
