View Full Version : Emperors Children Good, Bad, Ugly

06-15-2010, 10:29 AM
Hello all

I'm thinking about starting a Chaos Space Marine army; specifically an Emperors Children army.

I've never played Chaos, and rarely fight against it. So I would like some feed back on what’s Good, bad and Ugly about the Chaos space marines and the Emperors children/ Slannesh army in particular.

Any and all comments are welcome and appreciated.

06-15-2010, 11:16 AM
Come over to the nurgley side my prince and invest in Plague Marines, not those pretty boys in their pink Ruritanian uniforms.

06-15-2010, 11:34 AM
Come over to the nurgley side my prince and invest in Plague Marines, not those pretty boys in their pink Ruritanian uniforms.

I thought about Nurgle, but I know a lot of people who play Nurgle. (And making Nurgle vehicles is a pain with all the green stuff) I will say though the FW death guard are sexy.

I might have to have a unit of them just because. But as for the Main army I'm going to stick with EC/Slannesh

But thanks for tempting my soul to the black and fetid depths of Grandfather Nurgles man breast folds.

06-15-2010, 11:51 AM
Which army you pick depends on what you like. Noise Marines are pricey points-wise for what you get, but I still use them. Nurgle units are damned good, but everybody takes them, so something to consider.

06-15-2010, 12:04 PM
Which army you pick depends on what you like. Noise Marines are pricey points-wise for what you get, but I still use them. Nurgle units are damned good, but everybody takes them, so something to consider.

I definitely want to use Noise marines. They seem pricey but even if you give them all sonic blasters they're 25pts but standing still they pump out 30 shots, or they can advance on an enemy position or objective and still lay down 20 shots a turn, they are I5 and fearless for holding onto the objective once they get there. And even charging other MEQ units you go first usually with I5.

Plus the Sonic Dreadnought is just dead sexy. S5 AP3 TEMPLATE Doom siren and S8 AP3 Blast master = Marine killing machine.

Can you picture fire frenzy (unless your guys are closer :( )

But I don’t' know what to back up my Noise marines with? Regular Chaos Marines with Melta to take out armor? Defiler? Greater daemon?


06-15-2010, 12:09 PM
Obliterator Cult is the way to go.:cool:

06-15-2010, 12:16 PM
Obliterator Cult is the way to go.:cool:

Can obliterators come into play off an ICON?

So could you deep strike them with in 6" of an Icon with no deviation and then mulimelta some poor tanks?

OR are they better way back in the back field using las cannons and plasma cannons?

06-15-2010, 12:39 PM
I currently have a EC army.

It's a beautiful army to collect, and the NM's do perform well on stage, you just have to outline role for each unit.

Frontline to mid range units consist mainly of the following:
7-8 NM's w/ 7-8 Sonic blasters, Chp w/ PW and Doom Siren. Rhino

Notice lack of blastmaster. It's too expensive for a unit that will be taking casualties up front. The other thing is that this unit is almost a purely anti-infantry kill unit. Armor starts popping up and you've got issues.

That's where regular CSM units come into play w/ double melta guns, or you get help from oblits or termicide squads.

Another unit that's great is the following:

5 NM's, 1 Blastmaster

Playing Bases? Well this is the unit for you to sit home and pop S8 blast template with. Want to know what scares Plaguemarines? S8 AP3 Blast template.

06-15-2010, 01:35 PM
They don't get the benefit from the Icon when they deep strike, but can still be effective deep striking. I personally perfer to have them on the board shooting as much as possible, so I set them up in cover or out of sight where they can move into firing postion on their turn.

06-15-2010, 01:47 PM
They don't get the benefit from the Icon when they deep strike, but can still be effective deep striking. I personally perfer to have them on the board shooting as much as possible, so I set them up in cover or out of sight where they can move into firing postion on their turn.

that is so wrong it hurts.

You may need to re-read the Chaos Codex again. specificalyl the parts about Icons. Terminators and oblits do benefit from Icons when they DS, not just summoned daemons

06-15-2010, 01:49 PM
They don't get the benefit from the Icon when they deep strike, but can still be effective deep striking. I personally perfer to have them on the board shooting as much as possible, so I set them up in cover or out of sight where they can move into firing postion on their turn.

Thats right, they have slow and purposeful so they can move and shoot heavy weapons.

Good Idea ;) I like it.

Any other good Heavy support units?

What is the feeling on Defilers? Battle cannon = Good

06-15-2010, 02:00 PM
What is the feeling on Defilers? Battle cannon = Good

I love these things. Just trudge forward shooting the battle cannon until you're within range to Fleet and start chopping dudes or tanks up with your giant lobster claws. I prefer the dual close combat weapons due to volume of attacks and the fact that if you shoot the battle cannon, you can't shoot any other weapons.

Nothing is worth doing without giant robotic lobster claws...

06-15-2010, 02:29 PM
I like them if only because it takes a real man to wear pink.

06-15-2010, 02:38 PM
I like them if only because it takes a real man to wear pink.

Well what more do I need than that

Pink is the new black!

06-15-2010, 02:42 PM
A Slaneeshi based Chaos army is probably the most beautiful Chaos army to see on the table top.

I really hope you go through with this.

06-15-2010, 02:46 PM
I thought about Nurgle, but I know a lot of people who play Nurgle. (And making Nurgle vehicles is a pain with all the green stuff) I will say though the FW death guard are sexy.

I might have to have a unit of them just because. But as for the Main army I'm going to stick with EC/Slannesh

But thanks for tempting my soul to the black and fetid depths of Grandfather Nurgles man breast folds.

The other interesting options to my twisted soul are pre-heresy Deathguard - the Fly Lords have entranced me with their excellent conversions, or the Word Bearers. I just love the Dark Apostles.

True the Word Bearers are now pants due to the new CSM Codex having hived off all the interesting Daemons they so loved to summon, but they are so characterful. Dark Red is the new Pink :D

06-15-2010, 02:55 PM
A Slaneeshi based Chaos army is probably the most beautiful Chaos army to see on the table top.

I really hope you go through with this.

I think I will. And if I can figue out how to take decent pics of my mini's I'll be sure and post some pics!

(of course I will first have to actually buy some models!)

They'll get shoe horned in around my Ork painting and my space wolves painting.

But thanks, I'm inspired to build a really eye catching army!

06-15-2010, 03:57 PM
Any one have suggestions on the HQ?

Daemon prince? Terminator lord? Regular Lord? And what are thoughts on summoned daemons? Good Bad or just Ugly?

06-15-2010, 03:58 PM
Terminator lord if you're planning on having a terminator squad for him to join, or a beacon to teleport him to... otherwise a power armor lord. Mostly because slaaneshi daemon princes/sorcerers are boring and overdone (oh yay, more double lash).

06-15-2010, 04:22 PM
At fist: You´re on the right way of temptation an EC Army is a beautyful thing to battle your opponents.
But at the current edition of the csm codex, the rules make it not easy.

I definitely want to use Noise marines. They seem pricey but even if you give them all sonic blasters they're 25pts but standing still they pump out 30 shots, or they can advance on an enemy position or objective and still lay down 20 shots a turn, they are I5 and fearless for holding onto the objective once they get there. And even charging other MEQ units you go first usually with I5.

Sounds fine in theory but i´ve seen no one wich played it this way. Advancing by foot with a 25 pts modell an take out 2 shoots of noisebolts? With a 10 men squad (it should be 12!) this 250 points and some extra for the champion.

Here are the golden rules to use noiseweapons:

Use each different noise-weapon purley on one unit at a time, don´t mix them. For this, they are far to expansive.

The Doomsirene: Give this nice littel thingy to a champion an arm him with either a powerweapon and a meltabomb, a powerfist or nothing at all. His five companions get no specials, but all in a rhino.

Use 1: Drive in postiion and fire the sirene from the top hatch at your enemy
Use 2: Drive in position, get out, fire the sirene and 5 boltpistoles at your enemy and finish the rest in by charging them

The Sonic Blaster: Equip the entire squad (6) with them or at least the majority of them an put them into a rhino - feel free to get champ "naked" to be possessed by a greater deeamon or equip him with powertools

Use1: Drive in postition - wait under smoke to the next turn, get out shoot and finish in closecombat
Use2: Drive in postition - get out and into a nice fireing position

The Blastmaster: Hell is that thing expensive. Take a squad of 6 and feel free to ad a champ (i would do so) but only tool him up, if you expect some enemys in your backyard. Feel free to ad a rhino it is not necessary.

Use1: Without transport, search for a nice fireplace, ideally near a objective an fire the blastmaster
Use2: See Use1 one but do not leave your rhino unless forced to or the circumstances are given

Plus the Sonic Dreadnought is just dead sexy. S5 AP3 TEMPLATE Doom siren and S8 AP3 Blast master = Marine killing machine.

Where do you get that? It is not in our codex, nor in the old one, only source ist the apocalypse-data sheed, so (sad) no use in normal 40K

I like them if only because it takes a real man to wear pink.

This real man are psychotic killers:eek:

06-15-2010, 04:26 PM
Or they could be artists and musicians. Not all servants of chaos have to be bat**** insane.

06-15-2010, 04:31 PM
You can use lash twice? Ouch.

I thought about a Terminator lord with daemon weapon since Slannesh daemon weapons cause instant death from any unsaved wound!

And lets face it, Terminator lords are just cool.

what about summoned or Greater daemons? Are they worth their salt?

06-15-2010, 04:35 PM
I'm pretty sure that the Sonic Dread is in one of the IA books is it not?

That would make it legal in a regualr game of 40K right?

Boo if not

06-15-2010, 04:36 PM
Melissa: If they be artists or musicans they are not traitorastartes with the urge to kill (at least all imperial) and enjoy the pure overpitched thrill of batlle. They may have a taste for excitment but they are still killers.

I'm pretty sure that the Sonic Dread is in one of the IA books is it not?

That would make it legal in a regualr game of 40K right?

Boo if not

If it is so - than your opponent have to agree to it.

06-15-2010, 04:43 PM
Yes, and? Just because they aren't violent mindless psychopaths doesn't mean they aren't traitorous worshippers of Chaos.

Lord Inquisitor
06-15-2010, 04:43 PM
Something to think about. I was playing a fun game and used all Sanguinary guard and the Sanguinor. 1 squad of Noise Marines shot the Sanguinor and he died in one round of shooting...

06-15-2010, 04:57 PM
Something to think about. I was playing a fun game and used all Sanguinary guard and the Sanguinor. 1 squad of Noise Marines shot the Sanguinor and he died in one round of shooting...

I like them more already!

06-15-2010, 05:01 PM
Yes, and? Just because they aren't violent mindless psychopaths doesn't mean they aren't traitorous worshippers of Chaos.

And than they won´t be EC;) And hey never wrote that they are mindless...

Something to think about. I was playing a fun game and used all Sanguinary guard and the Sanguinor. 1 squad of Noise Marines shot the Sanguinor and he died in one round of shooting...

What save has the sanguine-freak? 2? If thats so, the NM were lucky:)