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View Full Version : 2000pt Moria List (WotR)

08-11-2009, 01:03 PM
This list is purely for fun and fluff and is an army I will be building to play at my local club. Will I get massacred? or will Moria reign supreme? Well as long as I look good who cares right? :D

Durburz, Goblin King of Moria 70

Druzhag, The Beastcaller 100

Dragon of Ancient Times 475

Gundabad Blackshields 6 companies 245
Shields, Goblin Captain, Goblim Drum

Gundabad Blackshields 4 companies 205
Shields, Goblin Captain, Goblin Drum

Moria Goblin Warband 6 companies 215
Goblin Captain, Goblin Drum

Moria Goblin Warband 4 companies 185
Goblin Captain, Goblin Drum

Moria Goblin Warband 6 companies 170
Shortbows, Goblin Captain

Moria Goblin Warband 4 companies 80

Shade 100

Shade 100

There Will Be No Dawn 50

Total: 1995pts

So what you think?

Dragon Knight Of Rhun
08-11-2009, 01:34 PM
So this is your list, eh? Lots of goblins I will say that much. Your anvil is weak individually in units but so many of them makes up for it. Plus with the drummers you get a lot so that's not bad. The Shades do good to even the playing field with Moria so that's always a plus. The Balrog is your hammer I presume and im just not sure about him, he could get targeted and die pretty quickly leaving just numbers on your side. Durburz is a great hero in my opinion and his high courage will keep those Moria units in play. Great choice on the fate, keeps your army from running away for a turn as we know Goblins tend to do.

I LOVE Gundabad Blackshields cause you get more for the same amount of points out of them. Great choice there. I must say it isn't the most solid list ive seen but man is it going to be fun to play against. When are you planning on finishing them mate? I want my Easterlings to face this army.

08-11-2009, 02:36 PM
So this is your list, eh? Lots of goblins I will say that much. Your anvil is weak individually in units but so many of them makes up for it. Plus with the drummers you get a lot so that's not bad. The Shades do good to even the playing field with Moria so that's always a plus. The Balrog is your hammer I presume and im just not sure about him, he could get targeted and die pretty quickly leaving just numbers on your side. Durburz is a great hero in my opinion and his high courage will keep those Moria units in play. Great choice on the fate, keeps your army from running away for a turn as we know Goblins tend to do.

I LOVE Gundabad Blackshields cause you get more for the same amount of points out of them. Great choice there. I must say it isn't the most solid list ive seen but man is it going to be fun to play against. When are you planning on finishing them mate? I want my Easterlings to face this army.

I love my goblins what can I say? Yea Gundabad Blackshields are pretty sick. Its going to be fun to play WITH this army as well. It should be done a few months after yours considering how many more minis I have to paint. So we will deff have a game sometime afterwards.

08-11-2009, 05:09 PM
I made a few changes to the list.

I took out the Balrog of Morgoth and the Goblin Drum on the Goblins with Shortbows

and put in a Dragon of Ancient Times w/ the Magic Upgrade! and Druzhag, the Beastcaller.

A good switch methinks

p.s I got to edit the unit values as I think I forgot to add the cost of a few things but its still 2000pts its just each units listed point value is most likely incorrect.


Dragon Knight Of Rhun
08-11-2009, 06:09 PM
Yea I think its a good switch, the Dragon is hardier than the Balrog and can really rip apart formations with ease. Druzhag can easily produce his points in more units for free and is always useful. Good changes but I am still not convinced your force is solid enough.

Dark Lord
10-28-2009, 08:12 PM
You could always take out the "there will be no dawn" and the short bows to put in 2 cave trolls

10-29-2009, 06:26 AM
Definently the dragon before the balrog! Because hes an flying monster he can fly between enemy units and cast tremor( was that the 6" destructive spell?). Other than that id say you need something to proteckt your flanks. Shades suck in close combat so they wont do so ill say drop a shade and get a cave troll. I think you donīt need more than one one shade with 3 close-combat formations.