View Full Version : Space Wolves Characters?

06-15-2010, 04:53 AM
In space wolves codex it states no two HQ choices can have the same wargear option loadouts. If I take 4 base Wolf Priest (4+ invunerable, crozius) and don't give them any other wargear am I in violation of this rule? I know they didn't take any additional wargear but they do have wargear included in their cost.

06-15-2010, 06:43 AM
my take on this would be YES -- since 'no wargear' is a wargear choice. easy fix is to give one melta bombs (5pts), one a storm bolter (3 points), and one a combi melta (5pts) or 1 saga of the hunter (10pts and really useful)

then your 4 guys are only 105-110 each, which isnt too bad.

and frankly, the wolf tail and tooth talismans are worth their points, so that's another way you could differentiate them.

Sir Biscuit
06-15-2010, 08:14 AM
Their wargear is identical if you do not give them anything- it's the overall list of wargear you need to look at, not the upgrades you bought them.

As stated, simply buy a few cheap upgrades to differentiate them.

06-15-2010, 12:19 PM
Wargear=weapons and equipment a model has

wargear =/= what upgrades you buy

There is a distinctive difference there