View Full Version : Rogue One - Continuity Errors - ***** Spoilers!!! ******

12-18-2016, 07:27 AM
I've just been to see Rogue One. And I've got to say, that was epic. Much better than Episode VII. Was everything I think a Star Wars movie should be.

But there were a couple of weird errors in it.

Firstly - stuff different from the trailers, to the film. I found one video which listed them all - there was 17 bits missing from the trailers, most noticeably, a bit when Jen is on a high up platform and is confronted by a TIE fighter. Completely absent. Also, see Forrest Whitakers hair cut. Buzz cut in trailers, dreads in film. WTF?

But on to continuity.

Firstly, C-3PO and R2-D2 on Yavin. Prior to a New Hope. With the rebels. How is that a thing? Given 3PO's comments to Luke in Ep IV - about the Rebellion - the only way that could have happened was another mind wipe between R1 and Ep IV. But Artoo gave Luke no idea about any of this - remember Ep III says Artoo avoids the mind wipes.

But the biggy for me...

The Corellian Corvette, with Princess Leia on, escapes from a Rebel Flagship. With Darth Vader in hot pursuit. Implying most heavily that it immediately leads onto Ep IV.

How would Leia be able to claim in Ep IV she was on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan? The Corvette dropped out the bottom of a flagship taking part in a full-on assault on an Imperial planet.

Makes no sense to me, your thoughts?

12-18-2016, 10:06 PM
She very well could have been on one and got swept up in ecents. The one dude said he was gonna go back to Alderaan so mebbe she tagged along. Same with the droids. She coulda wiped em in between Vaders butt kicking and IV.

Didnt a whack loada bothan spies die to get the plans? Or was that the second one?

All in all, loved it. Felt authentic from the get-go, everything VII shoulda been.

12-19-2016, 02:33 AM
Not seen it, but from the trailers, the preview articles and what people have said, it feels like they've used part of the plot from "Rebel Dawn" the third book of the Han Solo trilogy from the books. That ended set at the beginning of new hope and set up the events for Vader pursuing Leia's ship.

12-22-2016, 10:24 PM
Loved the movie!!
As far as the trailers go I noticed this on the Deadpool movie as well, certain scenes where different in the trailer than the movie, I think its cool, the trailers have some awesome scenes that don't end up spoiling the movie for you.

Worst part of the movie is Vaders pun "Don't choke on your ambitions" thats right up there with the final scene of ep.3 just bad.
Yeah there was a definite lack of Bothans in the film, I can guess what will be edited out of a new hope for the next release, lol.
And as far as rolling straight into the 4th movie, I guess that means the senate dissolves right after Tarkin gets his mitts on the DeathStar.

12-23-2016, 02:18 AM
The Bothans died getting plans for the second Death Star, not the first. So that one isn't a continuity error.

12-23-2016, 01:36 PM
The Bothans died getting plans for the second Death Star, not the first. So that one isn't a continuity error.

Ah, thats the one then.
Looks like those lucky Bothans still get to die, I wouldn't mind seeing that movie too.
Also wouldn't mind seeing one aboot Kessel. Just wanna see how they do the spice spiders.

12-23-2016, 03:39 PM
Sometimes the films are edited right upto release so trailers are bits which might be in at the point the trailer is released.

12-24-2016, 07:33 AM
With Leia claiming she was on a diplomatic mission: I think she was leaning really heavily on plausible deniability. She was not confirmed to be at the battle (indeed, she may not have BEEN at the battle), and the other movies show it takes time to track where a ship went when it jumped to hyperspace. So all Vader can prove is that an Alderaanian vessel of the same class as hers was present. Without solid evidence that Leia was involved in treason Vader attacking her would risk the Senate causing issues: "Look, a Senator on a diplomatic mission was seized with no evidence by this attack dog! How do we know it will not happen to us? The Emperor should denounce him!" It doesn't matter if they think she's guilty as sin, without them being able to reassure themselves she's a traitor many senators are going to protest out of sheer self interest, especially given the levels of corrupt present in the Republic senate suggesting that a LOT of them have skeletons in the closet. If you're trying to unify the galaxy you don't need that sort of political cluster**** to deal with.

Unfortunately for Leia, while the Rebellion knew the Death Star was a weapon, they'd only seen two uses, both of which spectacularly took out a city but ONLY a city. They didn't know quite yet that it could take out a planet, or that upon successful final test (ie Aldaraan) the Emperor wouldn't need actual support from the Senate any more. She went from being shielded by her position to having nothing.

Erik Setzer
01-08-2017, 10:54 PM
"Firstly - stuff different from the trailers, to the film."

The first trailer released over a year before the film. They rewrote a lot of the film after that trailer. The trailer was basically premature, and that's why we don't have an Episode VIII trailer yet.

"Also, see Forrest Whitakers hair cut. Buzz cut in trailers, dreads in film. WTF?"

He actually had different styles in the film, too. He had darker hair, and less of it, at the beginning, when Jyn was a child. But then after another 15 years of fighting the Empire as an extremist guerilla fighter, it worse on his body and mind.

"Firstly, C-3PO and R2-D2 on Yavin. Prior to a New Hope. With the rebels. How is that a thing? Given 3PO's comments to Luke in Ep IV - about the Rebellion - the only way that could have happened was another mind wipe between R1 and Ep IV. But Artoo gave Luke no idea about any of this - remember Ep III says Artoo avoids the mind wipes."

They were on the Tantive IV at the beginning of A New Hope. The Tantive IV was seen in the battle at Scarif. You can also hear them calling for Captain Antilles - the captain of the Tantive IV - in one of the hangar scenes on Yavin IV. It's likely they got on board before it launched. During the battle, they weren't in a position to be able to see any of the fighting (no easily accessible viewports, no fighting on the ship itself), so "there's not much to tell" is accurate from C-3PO's perspective.

"The Corellian Corvette, with Princess Leia on, escapes from a Rebel Flagship. With Darth Vader in hot pursuit. Implying most heavily that it immediately leads onto Ep IV.
How would Leia be able to claim in Ep IV she was on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan? The Corvette dropped out the bottom of a flagship taking part in a full-on assault on an Imperial planet."

Well, if the ship wasn't broadcasting an identification signal at the time (and it shouldn't have been, all things considered), it'd be hard to definitively say that it was the Tantive IV or some other CR-90 with a similar configuration (pretty common, and the Rebel fleet had multiples). Leia didn't see Vader and they might not realize he saw the ship. So Leia's working with the idea that they don't actually have anything concrete to go on to place the Tantive IV at Scarif, and the Senate will side with her in believing it was an unprovoked attack. Basically, Leia is a bold liar. (Let's not forget that she underwent torture and didn't break, and then lied in the face of her home planet being blown to smithereens. Lady's got guts.)

"The one dude said he was gonna go back to Alderaan..."

That was her adopted father, Bail Organa (played by Jimmy Smits, same guy who played Bail in the prequels).

"Didnt a whack loada bothan spies die to get the plans? Or was that the second one?"

That was the Death Star II, in Return of the Jedi.

"Felt authentic from the get-go, everything VII shoulda been."

Except Episode VII is part of the central fairy tale style ("space opera") plot, and they didn't tend to portray the Rebels in those movies as guys who'd shoot someone in the back and perform assassinations and sabotage or get their hands dirty. Rogue One was able to go places TFA could never go, because it's tied to the style of the core movies. But I like that, it means the side movies have more space to explore other styles and themes.

"Worst part of the movie is Vaders pun "Don't choke on your ambitions" thats right up there with the final scene of ep.3 just bad."

"Apology accepted, Captain Needa." From The Empire Strikes Back. Vader isn't above puns.

"I guess that means the senate dissolves right after Tarkin gets his mitts on the DeathStar."

The Senate was kept around to keep the planets in order. As Tarkin notes in A New Hope, "Fear (of this battle station) will keep the local systems in line." They don't need the Senate any more, they're formally announcing they have a weapon that can obliterate planets if they get out of line.

And yes, I am a huge Star Wars nerd. I own it.

06-02-2017, 01:27 AM
Palpatine dissolved the senate during ep4.

It's actually stated by Tarkin. "The Imperial senate will no longer be a concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has just dissolved the council permanently." He then placed his governors in command of their regions (of which Tarkin was one of them. Governor of the Imperial outlying territories) giving them direct control.