View Full Version : Warboss's Deffkopta

06-13-2010, 03:58 PM
Hey guys. Some of you may have seen my thread on the Army Lists forum regarding an entirely 'kopta mounted force (for those of you who didn't see it; http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=7570). Pretty much the pivital point of this list is the Deffkopta-mounted Warboss.

For the main part of this model I am going to be using the Ork Warboss on a Bike from Forge World (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Orks/ORK-WARBOSS-ON-WARBIKE.html), not attaching the front wheel or rear tracks. I was actually going to attach small wings under the rear track mud flaps (similar to the Black Reach Deffkoptas) and build up a structure over the Warboss's head from the top of the jet engine behind the boss, again a nod to the Deffkoptas in the 40k starter set.

One thing I'd like to do, as mentioned in the other thread, is add an underslung blunderbuss-style cannon connected to the forward forks at the 'neck' of the cannon and some kind of bulbous tank under the main belly of the bike/kopta, roughly where the ammo belts for the big shootas go into the body.

Does anyone know of any such cannons that would be about the right size (about 50-60 mm long and about 8mm at the thinnest point of the neck)? Alternatively, has anyone get any other ideas for cannons I could put there, based on rules similar to the Inferno Cannon on the Imperial Guard Hellhound with a likellhood of running out of fuel.

I'll get some pictures up as I get some work done on it.

06-16-2010, 11:43 AM
Hey. Just thought I'd get some pictures up for you all to see;

Majority of the bits that will make up the the warboss and his Deffkopta

Ork Warboss Close up

Close Up of the Buzz Saw mechanism

Warboss's Face

06-16-2010, 11:44 AM
Bike so far. Still need to attach the fuel tank underneath and blunder-belcha muzzle between the front forks. Also need to build up the rotor column from the top of the jet engine.

Fueal Tank as it stands at the moment. Ends are made from the front wheel of the bike cut in half.

Muzzle and barrel of Blunder-Belcha

06-16-2010, 11:44 AM
Rear wings made from the mud guards/suspension from the tracks for the bike and some plasticard.

One last shot for now with all the pieces dry fitted (apart from the blunder-belcha and one of the deffgun barrels)

All right guys, have at it. Hopefully I will get some more pics up once it is a bit further along :)

Big mek
06-16-2010, 02:11 PM
Rear wings made from the mud guards/suspension from the tracks for the bike and some plasticard.

One last shot for now with all the pieces dry fitted (apart from the blunder-belcha and one of the deffgun barrels)

All right guys, have at it. Hopefully I will get some more pics up once it is a bit further along :)

Very nice project, cant wait to see more of it ;)

06-17-2010, 01:16 AM
Looks good so far. look forward to the finished model.

06-19-2010, 03:08 AM
Hey again Gents and Ladies

Another update for you today. Still working on building but have managed to complete the Blunder-Belcha cannon (changed from last time i posted) as well as the second back wing. I've even manged to get a couple of skids made up to sit under the Blunder-Belcha tank.

First off, picture of the completed right wing. Unlike the left one I decided to make this in several peices, but have shaved off the plasticard similarly to give it a sharp leading edge.

Here's the completed rear wings assembley. I've even added a hook and chain, which I think is a left over bit from my Flakk Trukk.

Underside view of the new Blunda-Belcha cannon. Unfortunately the yellow plastic of the previous barrel doesn't seem to like any kind of glue I used. The plan was going to be to pin it, but while searching for some other bits in my bits box I came across this pipe, left over from the mechanicum building I used for my Warlord and a Diorama I'll be entering into Golden Deamon at the Games Day UK later this year.

I've extended the front forks of the bike from a few spare Trukk bits I had. This also allowed me to build in an angle on the forks, especially on the left fork (right one in the picture), to accomodate the fact the the barrel is significantly wider than the original wheel.

06-19-2010, 03:13 AM
Here are the skids. The main part of each is made from an old barricade I've had lying around since I started 40k with the old 3rd Ed. box set. The hooks on the front are again spare Trukk bits, this time from the end of a boarding plank.

Fully assembled as it currently stands. I'm still using the biker base that comes with the model (with some brass rod) as it is superbly detailed.

Side view of the Deffkopta, showing how it's attached to the base. As you can see, as befits any equipment owned by a warboss, it's no small beast.

06-19-2010, 03:22 AM
Quick shot from behind showing just how far over the model is tilted. Whilst facing in it's current direction it looks like it's racing forward, but when rotated round 180 degrees the model takes on a different dynamic, with the warboss looking ready to lop some poor unfortunate's head off with his buzzsaw!

One final pic for now, with a Cadian sniper infront for a better sense of scale.

As you can tell, there is still a fair amount of work to do. Today I'm planning on attaching the rear wings properly (they were just dry-fitted for these pics) and using a spare Eldar Bright Lance and possibly a Lamp Post as shocks to attach the skids to the back end of the kopta, to give the lower half of the model slightly greater visual balance. Not quite sure yet if the shocks will be attached to the underside of the wings or more centrally under the jet engine, will see how it goes and how the bits fit best. Of course I still have to build the pylon and rotors. Hopefull I will be able to get round to them soon.

06-19-2010, 11:58 AM
I thought the fuel tank was a Valkyrie rocket pod! Large blast jetbike...awesome yet scary.

06-19-2010, 12:19 PM
At the moment I've written the rules for it as being the same as an Inferno Cannon (same as on an IG Hellhound), but everytime you fire you roll a D3 and run out of fuel on a 1. After this you cant fire it again, mitigating some of the power of the weapon. If the warboss dies before it runs out of fuel though, he explodes exactly like a Vehicle Destroyed result on the vehicle damage table; D6" radius, everyone suffers a S3 AP- hit

06-19-2010, 01:04 PM
Well, that's awesomely explosive! :D

06-20-2010, 10:26 AM
Another update today guys, probably the last one for a while... I'll explain why in a bit.

I've finished building the Deffkopta now, or Killakopta as i've dubbed it, for now. The Rotors are going to be kept separate from the rest of the model to make it easier to transport, the Warboss himself can be taken out so I can paint hi and the bike more easilly, and unfortunately this means I haven't been able to glue the Rotor Pylon in place, so that I can get him in and out.

Right, on to pictures;

Here's the finished rotor. As you can see I ended up making 4 individual blades because I couldn't decide which style I like most. And lets face it, Orks aren't exactly known for standardisation

for the rotor head I started with two roughly cut circles of plasticard, with a little square in the middle. I stuck the square to the bottom circle, then each of the blade before attaching the top circle of plasticard. I then drilled the hole for the axel through the completed sub-assembley, as well as in the black gear underneath. I then threaded them all onto the brass rod I was going to use as the axel and glued them together to ensure the holes lined up. I also glued on the white cog on top to ensure its hole lined up as well.

06-20-2010, 10:35 AM
Each of the blades was cut from plasticard and then whitled to remove the majorit of the even edges and sharpen them to make them more killy. All are either based on other Ork designs from the other Deffkoptas from the Assault on Black Reach box set and the Forge World Warkoptas, or are based on the design principles of real helicopter rotor blades (damn my Aerospace Engineering degree, making me to things all sensibly).

In addition, some extra details were then carved into some of the plades, such as damage to the leading edges.

At the moment there is a distinct lack of rivvets, nuts and bolts, but I'll be looking to change that befor I start painting.


06-20-2010, 11:02 AM
The Rotor Pylon was fun to build. I started by placing the warboss on the bike and sketching out several templates on post-it notes to get the right size and shape to curve over his back (and more importantly the buzzsaw mechanism) before cutting the end result out of plasticard twice. These arms were stuck to the two sides of the base of the Lamp Post from the Cities of Death kits, upturned and drilled to accomodate the brass rod axel for the rotor. I then added rectangles to the top of the arms, some aluminimum meshing to the underside (because I couldnt be bothered to make the plasticard fit the accidental compond curve I'd built in to the underside of the pylon). I also added some extra plasticard to the side of the pylon purely for decoration.

I used the track sections from the original bike, along with a few other accessories to give the pylon a slightly chunkier, more industrial, Orkified feel as it still looked too plain.

I also added the front spikes/ram that usually sits ahead of the front wheel of the bike (where the blunder-belca now sits) to the pylon, again to Orkify it. This is actually stuck to the lamp post base, both of which are upside down!

Here's the pylon with the rotor on the axel. Naturally it is free to rotate.

06-20-2010, 11:25 AM
Here's the assembled model. As I've said, the pylon isnt actually attached to the Killakopta just yet (here we see the glories of White-Tac :D)

I was planning on planning on posting a couple of different angles of the finished model, but for some reason each image seems to be counting as three. If you would like to see more, say so and I'll have another go at putting them up.

Right, as I said at the start of this update, this is where I'm leaving this project for now (apart from adding rivets and the like). I'm planning on saving painting him as a reward for getting the rest of the army painted finished. With a bit of luck this might make me get my paintbrushes out a bit quicker :)

Newho, I welcome your comments on the project. I'll try and get some pictures of the Killakopta next to some of the other Deffkoptas in the army, and the Warkoptas, if only for a better sense of scale. I'll also try to get some of the pictures of my converted Deffcoptas (need a few big shootas in amongst the rokkits! Not to mention Buzzsaws) and my custom sculpts I'm doing, who will quite probably act as Deffkopta Nobs/equivalents).

See you all soon :cool:

06-20-2010, 11:32 AM
Awsome. Its a great shame your not going to paint it yet, still, something to look forward to.

03-12-2012, 09:17 AM
Well, those of you who have followed my KoptaForce Thread (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=7897) will have all ready seen this, but for the sake of completeness, Here are a couple of pictures of the now complete KoptaBoss Spearsmasha on his Killakopta!





More Pics availible HERE! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/63487083@N06/sets/72157629197203078/with/6972978319/)


Boss Zargore
03-12-2012, 04:08 PM
This a very ambitious and awesome conversion! Looks great!

03-13-2012, 12:17 AM
W00h00! Get to da choppah!

03-13-2012, 02:42 AM

Great idea well executed.

Just out of interest how do you achieve that yellow?

Loafer of Change
03-13-2012, 08:26 AM
Crackin job - I really admire the intricacy of the rotor mechanism.

03-13-2012, 09:03 AM
You have a really cool army idea and the warboss looks great! I am really interested in seeing the army as a whole. I would love to see a PDF of the rules you have come up with as well! Great work and good luck with the rest of the project!!!

03-13-2012, 11:44 AM

Depends which yellow you mean to be honest, as I've used several different methods on different areas of the Warboss and his Kopta. His overalls are most different from the restthough, so I'll start with them.

I started with a Mecharius Solar Orange base coat over a black undercoat. I then did another coat of Iyanden Darksun over that, leaving a little of the orange showing in the deepest recesses. I then gave this all a very generous wash of Orgyn Flesh (might have been 2 actually) before working the brightness black up with several very thin layers, starting with Golden Yellow then addind in successive amounts of Sunbust Yellow until i was using pure Sunburst Yellow. I may have even gone so far as to do a Sunburst Yellow and Bleached Bone highlight, but I can't remember.

Most of the other Yellows were based on a similar process, but working up in different/quicker stages. The KoptaBoss Glyph was fairly roughly paighted straight on to the red with Golden Yellow, neetenned up slightly with Blood Red, then highlighted with Sunburst Yellow again.

The yellow chevrons on the fuel tank were based with Khemri Brown, followed by a heavy stippling of Tausept Ochre, leaving a few patches of the bare metal and the brown base showing through. The whole tank (including the black chevrons) got a generous Devlan Mud wash. I them worked up the yellow again with Golden Yellow (trying to be intentionally blotchy, but still using relatively thin paint) folowed by a very few highlights of Sunburst Yellow on the upper surfaces of the tank and a few of the metal chips highlighted with Boltgun Metal

Finally the yellow chvrons on the wings started with Khemri Brown (again, leaving little nicks of metal exposed), then a Devlan Mud wash, then picking up the brown with Iyanden Darksun leaving the metal and brown edges exposed, and finally highlighted with very thin Sunbust Yellow.

Nothing too complicated really, just playing with the warmth and tone of the same couple of shades of yellow to get sifferent effects.


PM me with your email, and I'll send you a copy. I did have a PDF of the old rules I had for him, but I've since updated and streamlined them a bit, not to mention giving him the new name and a much fuller background story!

Cheers for the responses guys. This'll porbably be my last comment on this thread, but (in case anyone has missed it) I will be continuing the army based around this guy on my KoptaForce thread here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=7897). Pop over and have a look at what else I've been upto! Current plans include more 'Koptas, a heavily converted/partially covered Warkopta/Chinook, even more 'Koptas, a few Boyz, couple more 'Koptas, a Nobz mob to look after the Big Mek, did I mention that I plan on making a few more Deffkoptas?


03-14-2012, 02:46 AM
I started with a Mecharius Solar Orange base coat over a black undercoat. I then did another coat of Iyanden Darksun over that, leaving a little of the orange showing in the deepest recesses. I then gave this all a very generous wash of Orgyn Flesh (might have been 2 actually) before working the brightness black up with several very thin layers, starting with Golden Yellow then addind in successive amounts of Sunbust Yellow until i was using pure Sunburst Yellow. I may have even gone so far as to do a Sunburst Yellow and Bleached Bone highlight, but I can't remember.

Cheers that is the bit I wanted :D