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View Full Version : Video: Daemons vs Mech Guard, 2500

06-13-2010, 10:40 AM
Okay, I'm a forum lurker *HI LURKER* that's raising my ugly head to drop a video on you fine folks.

Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocdHvBq0Cds)

I'll warn you now, it's almost 10 minutes long - that's one knock against it. The reason I'm dropping it here is to ask for constructive criticism. I'm curious what people look for with battle reports.

What's the average length you can tolerate before you get bored?

Do you like text overlays?

Do you prefer written reports over video?

Still picture or video? Both?

Let me know what you think, if you've the time.

Thanks - Brent

06-17-2010, 11:02 AM
This is why I lurk.

You put yourself out there and nobody responds.

So I'll respond to myself.

(Reminds me of high school.)

06-17-2010, 03:02 PM
Nah don't worry about it too much, nobody really posts in the Battle Reports section, and I'm guessing it's probably the least frequented.

Text is only good if you do it as a pictures and captions style format. A wall of text is an instant turn off, and most people only like looking at Reps to gawk at fully painted armies, no one cares how awesome your game was if your army is unpainted or unfinished. The video always beats the text so long as its got decent quality to it. I really liked yours, there were only two things that I took issue with: 1) the lighting sucked, it looked like both of you had really nice looking armies in terms of painting and everything and it was kind of lost in the overall darkness of the video which was a shame 2) a lot of talking for a video, if you use short comments and focus in on the minis and the game itself then you'll keep peoples attention better.

I really liked this report, it ALOT better than most of the ones you see people post up on the internet. I acutally went and sought out your blog after watching this, I gotta say I really like your army, and the use of Blood Hounds.

06-27-2010, 06:05 PM
lol you said molested but honestly i like your vid thought it was 10 minutes im assuming it was acurate and to the point the in between turn shoot was a good idea