View Full Version : Despair non-believers! - Word Bearer reboot

The Madman
06-13-2010, 05:51 AM
So for quite a while I’ve been planning on rebooting my army. After accumulating over 6000pts of chaos marines (and daemons), I decided I wanted a change from the usual chaos marine. So I’ve decided to use the tutorial on Bolter & chainsword which is pretty popular (some say legendary) appropriately named “Doghouse Pattern Truescale Marines Tutorial" (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?autocom=ineo&showarticle=82). This means I can include two of my three favourite models in my army (Chaos warriors, Defiler and the third being the FW Avatar), and give them a unique look compared to most SM armies that are out there.

The main inspiration for starting this project now Was this Word Bearer blog here (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=150542)

So today I bought a box set of chaos warriors and have dug out some unpainted (and some unassembled) marines from my chaos box and begun cutting up the pieces needed for the first twelve. I’ve also been fiddling with an army list for this new army going for a very daemon centric force, defilers, Possessed, Lesser and greater daemons are on the menu with a possible appearance of a daemon prince (Dala’Karn himself) when the new plastic one comes out as I’ve made a mess of my metal one (dremel work gone horribly wrong).

Also as a secondary task I’m updating my army’s fluff as I face palmed when I read it recently.

UPDATED LAST: 03/04/11 09:57pm

add unit progression and models i require.


Coryphaus Vaspen “The Absolute” - chaos lord with Personal icon, meltabombs and Daemon weapon - 140pts

Greater Daemon - 100pts

The Twisted Blessed - 4 possessed and champion with the icon of chaos glory - 145

Chaos Marines - 5+ champion with icon of Chaos glory, power fist, meltagun - 150pts

Chaos Marines - 5+ champion with icon of Chaos glory, power fist, meltagun - 150pts

10 Lesser daemons - 130

10 Lesser daemons - 130

Fell knight Phobos - Defiler with four close combat weapons and battlecannon - 150pts

Fell knight Deimos - Defiler with four close combat weapons and battlecannon - 150pts

2 Obliterators - 150pts

3 Rhinos - 105pts

Unit progression:

Chaos Lord - modeling
Greater Daemon - modeling
Possessed - awaiting paint
Chaos marines (both squads) - awaiting paint
Lesser Daemons (Both squads) - awaiting paint
Defilers (both) - modeling
Obliterators - modeling
Rhinos - modeling

The Madman
06-13-2010, 05:56 AM

So finally managed to get my camera working to a decent level of quality (really need a new one), today I bought the last of the models I need for my army.

A box set of the new Beastmen Gors, these are being used as a base for my lesser daemons (pictures further down).
A possessed box set for the possessed squad and my chaos lord, my lord is going to be using the torso that looks similar to a bone carapace and I’ll be converting the legs so that they look like the chaos warrior legs.
And finally I bought my first Black library book, Dark Apostle. I’ve read the first chapter on the bus home and almost missed my stop because of it. so far I like it quite a bit.
So onto the models themselves

The Madman
06-13-2010, 05:58 AM
First up is the Chaos marines, using the doghouse tutorial I can’t really go wrong when making them. for a word bearer theme I’ve given my champions some possessed bits to, using the big claws as power fists and giving them son unique helmets. I have yet sculpt their new buts or back plate on their butts but will be doing it once I get the rest of my models ready for some sculpting.
And here is a size comparison to a normal marine, as you can see its about a millimetre or so higher then a standard one and look quite a bit more menacing.

Next up is the Lesser daemons. I was going to use ten old plastic Gors but I discovered at some point I destroyed one so I only had nine with mailing a complete Gor from a bits site would be silly so I bought two sets of the new beastmen Gors and began to replace their heads with skulls. My aim is to make them have exposed skulls with the lower jaw missing from the jaw down to the base of the neck have a gaping maw. All of them will have long hair down their backs with their “champion” having horns and a larger axe then the rest of them. I’m thinking of naming these guys abyssal fiends, they feed on the despair and fear around them, slowly growing in size and gaining extra features like horns for example. They are completely silent and giving off no feeling of emotion or any reaction to anything they are exposed to.

The Madman
06-13-2010, 06:02 AM
next up is the Obliterators, I used another tutorial on bolter and chainsword and straightened out the obliterators so now they are just a bit shorter then a plastic space marine dreadnaught. All I need to do is add the weapons to their arms and they are read for painting.
here is a comparison of all of them side by side with a normal marine for extra comparison.

finally my great daemon, known as an abyssal lord, large in height but slender compared to greater daemons of the four powers. The skull will be more daemonic and have angular horns, it will wield a large sword similar to a cleaver in shape and also around it’s wrist will be a pair of broken shackles with on the off-hand have a large length of chain still attached allowing it to be used as a whip.

The Madman
06-13-2010, 06:04 AM
also I’ve been working on my new icons for my squads and have made these.
made from thin copper pipe with some brass rod used to pin in into position. And for the banner…
I used a print out that I made which I borrowed from a fellow Word bearer on DakkaDakka. Writing some text at size 3 I made the columns 3cm wide (the width of my banner pole) I then added a image to the end. I made more but haven’t taken a photo of them, then after cutting it out I gave it a bit of wear and tear using a craft knife to pick at the bottom and make some small holes. Finally I gave it a couple of washes with Devlan Mud and Gryphonne Sepia, the mud darkened the holes and tatters giving it a burned look from bullet hits and general fire while the sepia aged it.

And there we go for the next few days I’ll be slowly modelling the green stuff onto all 40 odd models and will be back with another update.

DakkaDakka word bearer log - banners on page 2 (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/244662.page)
Obliterator tutorial part 1 (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?autocom=ineo&showarticle=392)
Obliterator tutorial part 2 (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?autocom=ineo&showarticle=393)

06-13-2010, 07:31 AM
Looks very good so far!

... and that is comming from someone who really dislikes Word Bearers.

The Madman
06-18-2010, 06:28 AM

Been working one my models for a bit now and I’ve finished all the assembling (bar the Lord) and all await some green stuff love :3

Updated to show you all my Twisted Blessed, Possessed Retinue of Coryphaus Vaspen.
Icon Bearer
Charging possessed 1

The Madman
06-18-2010, 06:30 AM
Charging possessed 2
Charging possessed 3
With all of them I removed the warrior legs up to the hip plates and used the shins and feet of the possessed to give them a unique look to the rest, I’ll need to fill in the gaps.

Oh and finally a slight teaser for my chaos Lord.

Will be back shortly once I finish my lord’s assembling hopefully today, if not tomorrow.

Lord Inquisitor
06-18-2010, 11:35 AM
This looks awesome.

The Madman
06-19-2010, 04:30 AM
thanks for the comments. :D

managed to assemble my lord but then the legs didn't look right so i've taken them apart to do again, will be going to my local workshop today to check out the new 8th edition so pictures may be popping up this afternoon (11:30 here in jolly old england) or later tonight.

The Madman
06-20-2010, 04:48 PM

right when I said later tonight I meant to say tomorrow at about midnight
anyway I’ve assembled him and will begin sculpting everyone tomorrow and then begin the painting.
So here is my chaos lord

The Madman
06-20-2010, 04:49 PM
And here is a close-up

first thing to sculpt will be the lesser daemons as they need little work and I can get them out of the way fast. The pretty much all the marines need boots and butt plates sculpting and the greater daemon needs a lot of work.

The defilers and obliterators were done before I started this log and the rhinos are in the same situation as the defilers (being they need paint stripping.)

So till next time…

C&C welcome.

The Madman
08-09-2010, 02:08 PM

oops, time flies by doesn't it?

well, where to start. pretty much life outside of the hobby decided i needed a s***storm of a month so threw several things minor (PC bricking from a virus) and some major (loss of a loved one), along with a friend's and my own 21st birthdays things have been pretty hectic to say the least. but i've managed to get some spare time recently and i thought i should work on my colour scheme for my forces.

you see, in the 10 years (marked on my 21st) i've had no guidence what so ever on how i painted so i decided to get help from my local workshop. and with some help from Mike (store manager) and Rebecca (a regular painter) they managed to actually get something good out of me. :D

so here is my new scheme for my Word Bearers.


The Madman
08-09-2010, 02:21 PM

this guy was simply built as a test model with no intention to be part of a squad but with the results i'm now looking to find a place for him to go. my greenstuff skills are rough from the texture of the power boots i sculpted but its all a bit of a learning experience.

the paint scheme was the following

armour given a coat of mecrite red (watered down)
then red gore followed buy a red gore, blood red mix (watered down)
then highlighted with blood red (watered down)
then finally fine highlighted with blazing orange
this was then given a was of baal red and badab black (waterdown) to blend and darken

the metal was all down with chainmail followed by a mythril silver highlight and the chainmail cloth was washed with badab black

the claw was done with Tallarn Flesh followed by highlights of Tallarn Flesh with varying mixes of skull white for lighter tones. finally a wash of watered down leviathan purple.

the bone was done with a base coat of snakebite leather followed by a light brush of bleached bone and then skull white done over the top with each colour coming through each other.

its not entirely finished (some gold detail and some tidying up) but its pretty damn good i say for a single day.

oh and heres a comparison of a model i did near the end of 2009, back when i had little skill and little patience with painting.


EDIT: oh and new camera horay :D

08-09-2010, 02:36 PM
Nice work on the, well everything, I like the new paint job on the marine and especially the running possessed models.

Only one small criticism is that the final wash on the red parts reall dull down the highlights, I was wondering what it looked like with just the baal red wash, but thats just me.

Overall though everything else is great

The Madman
08-09-2010, 03:00 PM
Yay Criticism :D

i'll try it with just the baal red, though the in person the highlights are noticeable.

also heres a preview on my WiP while i do marine legs for the next week or so.


08-09-2010, 03:38 PM
Love those obliterators, can't wait to see those painted. They look so much better than the standard model.

The Madman
08-13-2010, 12:53 PM
Love those obliterators, can't wait to see those painted. They look so much better than the standard model.

its nice to see what a bit of leg straightening can do to a guy :D

1 prince down, 2 to go.

08-13-2010, 06:56 PM
These are very nice conversions. Too many chaos conversions I've seen are too grotesque for my tastes, but these models are very nice designs and entice me to want to see more.

John M.

08-13-2010, 09:05 PM
This CSM army makes me wanna do a happy dance and really makes me want to get one going of my own!

The Madman
08-14-2010, 09:41 AM

Finished assembling the new daemon prince for another army list I’m doing which will borrow units from the current list and add extras to it so i can mix it up without carrying two 1500pts armies but have about 2200pts worth of models with me if that makes any sense.
Overall the kit is pretty good and being plastic makes it very versatile when it comes to conversions (so much so that I have another two on the work bench, one for my fantasy warriors and another for 40k but I’ll reveal that later).

So this is Dala’Karn, Dark Apostle of the Disciples of Despair and one of the original members of the Word Bearer Legion. Through the years he has participated in 13th Crusade with his own intentions, Medusa V under the banner of the Speartip Alliance who decimated the Edathor sector with the destruction of the Hive city - Sybilla Tertius. Other notable campaigns include Fornost IX, Mirala and Vector VII.





The Madman
08-14-2010, 10:03 AM

the Crozius is built from the classic chaos warrior icons and banner pole. This along with the defiler mask have been on the previous deamon prince I used for the last 10 years.
The icon was done entirely with greenstuff as I wanted to have a consistency with the rest of the army have sculpted shoulder pads. Its not as good but I’m happy with it.
I didn’t like the idea of having one hand bigger then the other (like the previous model) so I removed the fingers and attached the hand from the other left arm. The left army had a bone the came away from the hand from it’s wrist, this had to be removed as it wouldn’t fit and I replaced it with a guitar string leading into the arm.
As with the odd hands I wanted even arms as well so I sculpted armour to the model in several stages. I used a armour guard from the box as it was the same size as the “power arms”.

Other then that, the marines are coming along well (got three fully booted up and another 6 in progress) and I’ve almost finished all the lesser daemons (half way through).

So till next time.

The Madman
08-30-2010, 07:26 AM
heres a quick update on the prince.
i've painted more but heres a general idea on what he looks like.
not sure how to paint the chaos star indented into his right shoulder pad, should i colour it or just leave it black?
C&C welcome

08-30-2010, 09:10 AM
I recommend yellow with an orange glow around the edges for a fiery look. Sort of consistent with the world eaters symbol.

The Madman
08-30-2010, 04:31 PM
I recommend yellow with an orange glow around the edges for a fiery look. Sort of consistent with the world eaters symbol.

i guess you meant Word Bearers and not World Eaters :D
thanks for the suggestion i'll try it out to see if it works.

08-30-2010, 08:16 PM
I gotta say--- the best kit bashing army I have ever seen was a Word Bearers Army.

And I have to say, I think you are surpassing that army.

Awesome Conversions and use of kits. Wonderfully inspiring, and above all...

Makes me want to collect a Word Bearers army!

Ya know, a lot of people complained about losing their daemons n' such for the Word Bearers. But Lesser/Greater Daemons are just a profile, and leaves you open to creating all sorts of stuff. As for Chaplains-- take mark of Tzeench, and you have a 4+ invul. Use a defaced Rosarius as the 'mark'.

The word bearers, to me, have always been about being creative.

The Madman
09-26-2010, 04:46 PM

Today I attended Gamesday UK 2010 and bought some stuff for my rhino transports that are currently being stripped.

Three rhino dozer blades…
… and a set of word bearer rhino doors

The doors are there for the icons. For my rhinos I’m converting them into mk1 rhinos using templates made by a fellow chaos player (he plays Iron warriors, I’ll look for the link again later) as I want all my vehicles look closer to heresy era vehicles. I’m going to make molds of the icons (its been said that its okay as long as I don’t sell the copies) so that I can have them on the dozer blades themselves and other areas of the rhino and possibly the defilers too.

As for the current state of the rhinos and defilers…
here are the stripping vats, left is three defilers and the right are the rhinos (got rocks to weigh them down) the stripper you ask? Well its plain old antiseptic disinfectant. I put this in a post somewhere on blogspot.

“The chemical that does the paint stripping is Isopropyl Alcohol, it’s in Dettol and other antiseptic disinfectants, though it is in normal disinfectant the concentration is much lower then the antiseptics. Tesco Value pine Disinfectant does work but at a much slower rate then Dettol, Morrison's own brand anti-septic disinfectant works just as well as Dettol. Nail polish remover work as well but make sure it is Acetone free as the Acetone will attack plastic, Acetone free nail polish remover will do the job in a matter of minutes but is more expensive then other choices.

Here is a break down of what I’ve used so far.

Dettol (Medium strength) £3.40 at 750ml
Morrisons Own brand antiseptic disinfectant (Medium strength) £1.50 at 750ml
Betazone antiseptic disinfectant (Medium strength) 55p at 500ml (from Lidl)
Tesco Value Pine Disinfectant (weak strength) 29p at 1L
Superdrug acetone free nail polish remover (Strong Strength) £1.50 for 250ml

Medium Strength takes about a three to five days to break down the paint
Weak strength takes about four to six days to break down the paint
Strong takes about five minutes to an hour to break down the paint

though the antiseptic disinfectants work at a decent pace, they leave the paint behind as a gunk that needs to be washed off with a new volume of antiseptic disinfectant or it will glue to the model and either stains or ruins the model.

The Tesco value disinfectant doesn’t show any progress at all until it comes to clean it off, the paint is weakened enough that you can brush it off and the disinfectant can be used again, also the disinfectant can be washed straight off with warm water without any gunk to worry about.

Finally the Superdrug nail polish remover shows results in a matter of seconds at first I thought it was melting the model but it actually cracked the paint up and removed the first layer, reducing it to its basecoat. And like the Tesco disinfectant it doesn’t leave a gunk as it dissolves most of the paint which in turn darkens the polish remover. Still useable but it’s a bit dark to see anything. And for an extra bonus the test model that I did had a green stuff cape and it wasn’t harmed by the chemical.”

The stuff in the vats is the Betazone antiseptic disinfectant as it was the most value for money and does a decent job of stripping. I also found out that the Tesco Pine disinfectant couldn’t break through gloss finishes.

Oh and a note on cleaning: the left over gunk stains BAD, make sure you’ve got everything covered and wear something you don’t care if you get it stained.

hopes this helps UK residents on deciding what to use for their miniatures.

09-29-2010, 11:49 AM
Nice work, I like it!

I have a growing force of Word bearers so its nice to see others spreading the good Word!

Now If I could just find a way to paint little black ties on my chosen...

09-30-2010, 02:38 AM
Good tips on paint stripping, cheers!

The Madman
10-25-2010, 01:33 PM
Sorry for the lack of progress but I recently went back into collage as 2 years of unemployment was getting to me. But right now it’s a half term so I’ve got a week to do stuff.

Got no pictures right now but I’ll add some tomorrow when the lighting is better.

I’ve finished modelling all 20 daemons and filled in the legs of the Possessed, just need to redo their loin cloths.

One of my lord’s shins has had some detail added (a spine running down it) and I’m doing the other shin tomorrow as the legs are too close to each other.

The Obliterators are almost done, currently looking for gun barrels to put on them as I lost the originals a LONG time ago.

Both the defilers and rhinos are out of the stripper but for some unknown reason the defilers still remain sticky so I’ll have to sort that out.

One of the rhinos have almost been finished in converting into a MK1 version from templates from DeSnifter on bolter & chainsword. I’ve also built each rhino a base as it came to me that the rhinos will be the only models without a base and like all vehicles are not on the same level as infantry.

Link to Rhino conversion and templates here. (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=182396)

for now I will continue modelling and will do the painting once everything has been modelled.

The Madman
10-26-2010, 02:31 PM
Huge update here (six posts worth) so to start off here are my lesser daemons ready for painting.
It was a simple conversion, swapped the heads for skulls that lacked a lower jaw and then added a neck that had been gorged out from the front. Then I sculpted hair to it to obscure its head a bit more.

The Madman
10-26-2010, 02:33 PM
Next is the Rhino
The templates didn’t come out the right size so there was a bit of cutting and filler done but nothing that would cause a problem.
You may have noticed the lesser daemons were standing on a larger base.
This is for my rhinos as I realised that the rhinos are always three mm or so shorter then they should be compared to marines because they don’t have a base. So since they were the only models without a base I decided to make some for them.

The Madman
10-26-2010, 02:34 PM
Here is a shot on the base with the dozer blades from Forgeworld. I left a space behind the rhino so that when the hatch is open its still on the base.
Also here is a size comparison of the model with and without the base
The base is made out of 8 40mm bases giving it a total of 80mm by 120mm

The Madman
10-26-2010, 02:34 PM
Next up is the obliterators and the possessed.
The only addition is the weapon arms and a pair of legs of an unfortunate guardsman who meant the business end of a duel chain fist.
The possessed have had their legs filled and the loin cloths sculpted back on (they’re a bit bad but I couldn’t get them to look right.
I added metal washers to the bases of the charging ones as they fell over often.

The Madman
10-26-2010, 02:35 PM
Finally some side projects.
First up is Padman. Padman is the name given to one of my friend’s old models who had a jump pack bade of six shoulder pads glued into two rows and stuck on the model’s back. He made this when he was about seven (he’s now 19).

So about five years ago he was digging through his warhammer bitz and found Padman, he no longer collected chaos and now played fantasy dwarfs. He decided he would smash him up “4 teh lulz” with a croquet mallet in the garage, after about three hits I intervened and adopted Padman into my army. For the last five years he’s been in my box of models with his limbs broken and some of his detail damaged, so now I’ve decided to include him in my revamp as a Raptor champion. Of the original bitz only the head, torso and jump pack remain as the rest was either snapped or flattened by my friend’s thunder hammer. :D
The marine helmet will be dark angels as he collected a force of them when he got back into 40k a while back.

The Madman
10-26-2010, 02:35 PM
And the second project well I’ll let you guys figure it out :D

10-26-2010, 02:40 PM
Thats looking good, I do like the idea of bases on the rhino, but you'll still have to work everything from the hull, so it may make model placement a bit off for disembarking through a side hatch.

The Madman
10-26-2010, 02:46 PM
thanks for the comment, yeah it may be a bit off but the side hatches are lined up to the base edge so it shouldn't be much of a problem. it won't lead to any unfairness, i will assure you :D

10-26-2010, 02:54 PM
tbh mate, if you were playing me i'd happily let you use the base edge for everything, if nothing else its easier that way.

The Madman
10-27-2010, 11:46 AM
Quick update, I’ve finished the greenstuff phase of the marines (and padman as he got the leftover greenstuff applied to him) and will be adding arms to them tomorrow. I’ll be preparing the lord’s cloak as it needs some greenstuff but I don’t want it to be fixed one yet.

So hopefully tomorrow I can say that all that’s left is the greater daemon, rhinos and defilers left to assemble/sculpt.

10-28-2010, 02:28 AM
Keep up the excellent work, looking at this thread is making me wanna go all chaotic

The Madman
10-29-2010, 07:40 AM
Gentlemen, opinions?

10-29-2010, 07:58 AM
Whole hearted approval. Cast it and sell it.:p

The Madman
10-29-2010, 08:02 AM
Whole hearted approval. Cast it and sell it.:p

now, now eldargal. that would be illegal considering she's made of plastic bitz.

10-29-2010, 08:06 AM
Oh, silly me, of course.:( Don't ask me why but I thought it was epoxy.

10-29-2010, 01:37 PM

10-29-2010, 03:12 PM
Hmm, her upper torso is quite a lot larger than her waist... What's she look like with arms on?

10-30-2010, 10:09 AM
she needs space bewbs

10-30-2010, 04:24 PM
Looking very nice! I started a Word bearers army when I got a chaos army dumped in my lap for CHEAP. I just could not help myself and the Word bearers just seem too cool to pass up.

Anyway, I love the banners and will definitly be creating some for my army.

The Madman
11-14-2010, 06:23 PM
she’s taller because of her high heels, without them she’s shorter then the marine.

11-14-2010, 06:40 PM
Wholehearted approval.

The Madman
11-15-2010, 04:48 AM
Wholehearted approval.

thanks for the approval :D

The Madman
11-15-2010, 05:54 AM
Just wanted to share this link from the GW site
The picture featured here was taken at my local store with Mike who helped me paint my test model. :D

The Madman
11-16-2010, 10:41 AM
Intended pose, not the final weapons.

Might as well fill you all in now on why there is a female marine in my force. Firstly she’s not a female space marine (bad tag on my part) but a woman in power armour like a battle sister. Fluff wise she’s part of a subspecies of enlarged humans who have only been seen among piratical fleets, with one or two ever consisting entirely of these abhumans.

Like his other four chosen, Dala’Karn (my deamon prince) had seen her within his dream visions and that she would be an important part of his chosen. When he finally met her though following clues within his visions, she was royalty among her people and was ruler of a city upon her planet as well as the commander of her own pirate fleet.

From his visions he discerned that when they would meet, it would be because she would target his ship and try to take it from him. Unfortunately for her and her people they had never set eyes upon an Astartes let alone a one of the nine legions of chaos. The boarding action was quick and resulted in many of the abhumans deaths, however instead of being furious, she was quite intrigued by these unearthly warriors that were of similar stature to herself.

She along with her race favoured strength and when asked if she would join Dala’Karn, she accepted. A specialised suit was fashioned for her by the dark mechanicus on his ship, of the five chosen to be found by Dala’Karn, she was the third.

I have yet to think of a name for her, in previous fluff it was Glaria but I have grown tired of the name.

I’ll be adjusting my fluff that I’ve been working on but this is the general idea for her background.

11-16-2010, 06:57 PM
the powersword looks good, If it was me I'd have a bolt pistol instead of the chainsword but keep the arm in the same pose. As for names what about Bathory or soemthing similar- as in Elizabeth bathory who bathed in the blood of virgins

edit- one quick wiki'ing later of elizabeth bathory turned up

the name darya is similar to your original

The Madman
11-17-2010, 04:55 PM
the powersword looks good, If it was me I'd have a bolt pistol instead of the chainsword but keep the arm in the same pose. As for names what about Bathory or soemthing similar- as in Elizabeth bathory who bathed in the blood of virgins

edit- one quick wiki'ing later of elizabeth bathory turned up

the name darya is similar to your original

cheers for the idea, i'll look into it. :D

11-17-2010, 06:47 PM
Though I am normally against female space marines I must say that this is one of the most well thought out and wonderfully executed background/ modeling jobs out there! Kudos... I love the fluff and the model is great...

One question, is she really wearing high heels?

11-17-2010, 07:03 PM
If you want to keep up the pirate queen theme theres also the Irish Pirate Queen - Grainne Uaile (pronounced Graw-nyah wail)

An Irish hero who raided ships and fortresses and once met Queen Elizabeth the first (they spoke in latin as neither could speak the others native language)

*last suggestion

The Madman
11-18-2010, 05:58 AM
One question, is she really wearing high heels?

Indeed she is.

The pose created was based off images of women in mid step in high heeled shoes, as it gave an aura of confidence and intimidation (I say that as height is usually associated with intimidation), and normal power boot would detract from it. I thought of platforms but I didn’t like the look of them.

Also the thought of a superhuman using adamantine heels as a weapon sounds pretty brutal. :D

@ Grailkeeper
Thanks for the info.

The Madman
11-18-2010, 01:56 PM
Though I am normally against female space marines I must say that this is one of the most well thought out and wonderfully executed background/ modeling jobs out there! Kudos... I love the fluff and the model is great...

What I posted was merely a draft note for her that I thought up on the type. I’ll be fleshing it out a lot more latter on, and just wait for the other four chosen backgrounds.

The Madman
11-24-2010, 04:38 AM

Okay, so I was going to update this last Sunday but when my dad asked my to turn everything off so he could sort out some electrics, during this time my PC decided I didn’t need a System 32 and corrupted it making my PC OS a brick. So now that I’ve got my PC back I’ll show you what I did last weekend.

Finished my marine squads, I haven’t glued the guns on so that I can reach the torso properly.
Squad 1

The Madman
11-24-2010, 04:39 AM
And squad 2

The Madman
11-24-2010, 04:40 AM
And here is a close up of both the icon bearers.
I’ve also cut the banners out, this is an old picture I’ve given them a ink wash and tattered the bottom edges.

The Madman
11-24-2010, 04:41 AM
Also I’ve dried fit a model I’ve wanted to do for a while.
This is Vilitch the Curseling, I’ve never really used special characters nor really into fantasy itself. But I liked the idea of Vilitch and his rules sounded pretty entertaining.
I noticed in the artwork that he has a cloak made of feathers so if it’s possible I’ll give him that instead, the pieces used are the following.
Least decayed zombie head
Classic chaos warrior torso
Chaos warrior legs
Ghoul torso
Ghoul arms
Ghoul head
Terminator lord cloak

The Madman
11-24-2010, 04:43 AM
I thought I had put another photo of my greater Daemon however it seems I hadn’t. I scrapped the old one and began on a new one. This one takes a chaos spawn torso, a new daemon prince axe and the gothic ruin “skull in rubble” skull
oh and here is a teaser.

Till next time.

11-24-2010, 05:06 AM
I start hearing the whispered words "Join us! Come to Chaos..." in my head... :eek:

The Madman
11-27-2010, 01:34 PM
Here is a shot of my first acolyte Siren, straightened out the terminator legs as he was shorter then a marine which wouldn’t do.

comparison with old terminator
comparison with a marine and obliterator

C&C welcome.

EDIT: now that I think about it the model is nice for a champion but not a First Acolyte.
Back to the drawing board I guess.

The Madman
12-13-2010, 08:08 AM
Past few weeks have been a bit hectic, big projects were due in, snow covered Britain both which are not suitable modelling conditions. But I was able to sort out some stuff for the army’s transport

Got this storage box from Wilkinsons for £10 (sale from £15 I think), made out of hardboard and is pretty sturdy.

I also ordered some foam from a local upholstery specialist as I couldn’t find a local supplier, also a £10 and cut to the size I needed it, except for one small problem.

I forgot to knock off a few millimetres so the foam is the exact same size as the box. XD So when it comes to cutting the foam out I’ll have to shave the edges a bit.

And here is a size comparison with a normal marine.

Going to figure out a way to add a strap and a lock system on the lid for carrying.

12-14-2010, 10:06 AM
Your conversions are rediculously awesome!!! I had painted up Word Bearers years ago for my CSM force and after seeing all of your work have been inspired to go back and revamp those mothballed minis - esp my obitz which I was never impressed by until I saw what you were able to do with them! Thanks for the ideas and keep those awesome converts coming!!

12-14-2010, 10:26 AM
These are looking great! I like the amount of detail you put into your models and the fluff.
Good Work, can't wait to see it all finished!

The Madman
12-19-2010, 07:15 PM
Not really an update more of a request for input.

So far I’ve got a good idea of what I want for my army, most of my infantry is finished and the rhinos are slowly getting there but there is one thing that has me at a mental block – my defilers.

Below is a picture of two of them originally (the third was never photographed).
And this is the current state of them now.

Now the look of them was never a problem in fact I loved it, nor was it a problem when people in the local club (and internet forums actually) picked sides on whether a 9 inch high battle cannon was fair. The problem was transporting them. Trying to transport a three 9 inch models each with a 120cm base (used CDs), GW cases couldn’t cut it nor most other cases I could find. And I don’t really want the standard model in my force as I’m not fond of it, I like to have all my models to have a unique look and have the defilers as the only non modified models in my army would suck.

So now that I have rebooted the army I want to rebuild these guys so that they fit into a case. From my rough estimates on foam tray allocation I got about 7 inch in height(and 4 inch depth to the tray) to play with and they will be based on the oval bases from the trygon and valkrie kits.

The Madman
12-19-2010, 07:16 PM
This is my first idea is to shorten the defiler but give it thicker legs shown below with blu tac. As I haven’t cut anything it may not shorten it enough so I’m not that clear on this.

next is to go with a tripod style configuration with the battle cannon underneath the body, the extra close combat weapons would be in the form of thick cable tentacles that come from the upper torso that act in a doctor octopus type of manner.

So any ideas really go really.

speaking of walkers, here is a preview of something I started over the weekend.
Yes it’s a Warhound titan and here is some delicious fluff

Name: Lorgar’s Fury
Vehicle Type: Warhound Titan
Weapon armaments: Two Inferno guns (most common mountings)

Taken from Medusa V, Lorgar’s Fury was one of two Warhound titans that were to defend Sybilla Tertius during the last days of the Edathor sector. However the infiltration teams successfully assassinated the local Magos and titan crew before activation, severely damaging the hive city’s defence. The Speartip used the hanger of the two Warhounds to release the Daemon Lord Pazarzu, who was imprisoned by the Eldar many millennia ago due to his almost god like power.

The 57th Host led the summoning ritual using every, summoner, sorcerer and psyker adept available to release the daemon from it’s prison, not to mention the entire population of the hive city were used in sacrifice to power the ritual. Upon Pazarzu’s release, Dante current Warmaster of the Alliance awarded Karn’s Host with one of the two titans in thanks to not only the 57th host but also the Word Bearer legion that made the majority of the summoning personal.

However the titan was not to be used during the campaign as it had to be properly baptised back on the home world of Word Bearers. Their return to Sicarus was a triumphant one, as the members of the seventeenth legion love nothing better then desecrating the most prized war machines of the Imperium and their blasphemous machine cult.

Painted in the colours of the Legion and infused with daemonic energy, the Warhound was blessed by each of the Dark Council, their hand prints line the exterior armour of it’s head printed with the blood of the original titan crew. At that moment, Erebus first chaplain of the word bearers blessed it with the name Lorgar’s Fury, in dedication to their Primarch and his fiery retribution against all enemies of the Gods.

EDIT: oh i forgot to mention the this host is the 57th.

The Madman
01-17-2011, 09:15 AM
Just a quick question.

Is there a Obliterator Cult scheme and if so can i have a link to the image? i know in the 3rd edition chaos book Raptors had their own scheme (bronze/ eavy metal scheme) (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/7/71/Chaos_Raptor_4th_Edition.jpg) so i was wondering if the obliterators had theirs too. it states on lexicanum that the obliterator virus originated from the Iron Warriors so parhaps include some of their scheme parhaps? (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Obliterators)

The Madman
04-03-2011, 02:58 PM

So the grey knights are out and I thought I’d show you what I’ve begun this weekend.




“The purer it is the more fun it is to corrupt it” is what comes to mind!

Using a dreadknight kit I’ve been able to shed 4 inch off the height of my defiler (making it just under five inch). I’ll be replacing the standard leg armour with defiler armour (or if its too big, angular armour made from plastic card) with the battle cannon mounted on the top of the torso with the head where the cannon would be normally.

For the arms I’m either using the dreadknight ones or using the defiler legs to make the arms as the CCW arms are too big. That said the dreadknight arms are a bit small so I’ll be lengthening them with plastic tubing, and given claws or if I can get some, some soul grinder swords

Also I recently bought another obliterator just to complete the unit and undercoated the lesser daemons which along with the marine squads are ready for painting.

P.S the terminator that pilots the dreadknight is a separate model which I thought was nifty.

The Madman
04-03-2011, 06:06 PM
Just a post on the options for my defiler (brought up by Cry of the Wind on warseer). The first one is what I’m going for.

And here is the standard defiler setup which Cry of the Wind suggested.

tell me what you think, C&C are welcome.

04-03-2011, 06:21 PM
I like the first one a lot better.

04-04-2011, 06:07 AM
Same here, it has a great word bearers head and the gun actually looks pretty good. I'd have the arms dreadknight style as well with the defiler claws and the guns wrist mounted where the spikes normally go.

The legs are going to need building up with extra armour to balance the model out, but looking good so far.

The Madman
04-05-2011, 04:02 PM
Here is the intended look, NOT the final pose or pieces modelled.


The arms will be the defiler legs, shortened and finished with the dreadknight wrists (and possibly the hands, may make some clawed hands). Not sure if I should use some of the left over swords and axes from the Daemon prince kits (both plastic and metal) as it might be too “dreadknighty”, however if I don’t then I’ll fix some DCCWs similar to the chaos dreadnaught like the power scourge and chain axe/fist from FW but bigger).

Also has anyone used Hasslefree miniatures?


The reason I ask is that I place an order about halfway through December 2010, money from my account was taken by them on the 25th of January but I’ve not received my order. Been emailing them weekly and they haven’t replied to a single one and there isn’t a phone number to call.

The order was a mix bag of magnets (for DP and defilers among other things) and a couple of 28mm armatures (for a secret project) at about a total of £35.00. I'm going to try their Forum now, as it seems to be active.

C&C welcome.

P.S. Also got to use my rotary tool kit for the first time, and it’s great!

The Madman
04-05-2011, 05:10 PM
just used my shoop-fu to detail how the arms will look on the final model.

C&C welcome.

04-06-2011, 09:11 PM
I think that the claws that come with the defiler would look cool on it. You could also make a big buzz saw for one or both of the arms. I don't know if you have any but if you do you do you could use some daemonette claws for chaos fingers on a hand if you want it to hold a big ole sword.

So what are your plans for the thighs of that thing? I know it's pretty early in the build but may I suggest some chaos sheilds from the fantasy range. I think they are about the right size. Also I would add some wire in the hip area for hyrolics, because right now it looks bare.

The Madman
04-08-2011, 09:21 AM
I’ve finally figured out a way to strip my defiler effectively rather then what I did previously.

heres a quote from a previous post of mine;

“The chemical that does the paint stripping is Isopropyl Alcohol, it’s in Dettol and other antiseptic disinfectants, though it is in normal disinfectant the concentration is much lower then the antiseptics. Tesco Value pine Disinfectant does work but at a much slower rate then Dettol, Morrison's own brand anti-septic disinfectant works just as well as Dettol. Nail polish remover work as well but make sure it is Acetone free as the Acetone will attack plastic, Acetone free nail polish remover will do the job in a matter of minutes but is more expensive then other choices.”

I’ve chosen the nail polish remover because I found when soaking models the paint peels off and floats to the bottom, thus sticking to the models or parts that are lowest in the tub.

For the stripping I dabbed a bit onto a piece of kitchen towel (or paper towel) and then wiped over each piece a few times.

It went from this…

… to this!

now it hasn’t got into the cracks but I’m buying some cheap tooth brushes tomorrow and finish up the pieces and prepare them for the next two dreadknight kits I’ll be purchasing at which point I’ll have everything I need for my army.

The Madman
04-23-2011, 07:48 AM
Hey all, a new update is coming soon but for now I want to show you all my latest creation (I’ve attached them to this post as it would take too much time resizing them)

On Friday I checked my email to find there is a competition on the GW site for a nine foot poster of the tomb king background used in their interviews. So the dead line is tomorrow at midnight and I thought “F***!” and began building the dreadnought below yesterday morning.

The picture is the most recent picture taken of it (there about 23 pictures so far!) and I hope that my hard work pays off. Now I’m off to have a barbeque with my friends and will be coming home about midnight where I’ll put some finishing touches before undercoating and painting it tomorrow hopefully before the deadline.

I wish everyone who is participating good luck and I hope you all do the same for me :D

P.S added a size comparison photo as well for those who want to know how my dread sizes up to the rest of the army and a normal dread.

EDIT: Internet cookie to anyone who can name all the parts used.

The Madman
06-05-2011, 04:56 AM
Dear Games workshop,

Unfortunately (for you) I don’t have £38.50, but I do have £4.80 worth of plastic card and a lot of patience.

Floor and doors
Left side parts
Right side parts
Hull Top
I also have enough spare parts for the guns

The Madman
06-05-2011, 04:57 AM

C&C welcome.

EDIT: the side sponsons are going to be similar to the classic predators or most specifically these. (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/BLOOD-ANGELS-MKIIB-LAND-RAIDER.html)

The Madman
06-05-2011, 04:58 AM
Second night working at it, spent most of the day doing it while watching House


The Madman
06-05-2011, 04:59 AM

It took forever to get the doors to work and the vehicle base is 200mm by 100mm

C&C welcome

The Madman
06-05-2011, 05:00 AM
Almost finished. The engine block, the sponsons and rivet detail are left.

The Madman
06-05-2011, 05:01 AM
Also it my friend’s birthday tomorrow (22nd) but I won’t be able to attend his party (in Sheffield) so I’ve make him this.

The Madman
06-05-2011, 05:02 AM

The Madman
06-05-2011, 05:02 AM
Name is Captain ‘MF’ Jim and he leads a regiment of Catachans that specialise in urban warfare. He got a power axe, bolt pistol and Carapace armour.

The Madman
06-28-2011, 03:07 PM
Got a little side tracked recently with something I’ve had unassembled for three plus years.

Here is the start of my chaos fleet from the starter set. It may not look like much but each ship is magnetized with five magnets each, reason being I couldn’t make my mind up on which of the seven cruisers I wanted to build.

It also seems at the same time I assembled these I got a friend interested as well. He’ll either buy the imperial ones off me or start a Tau fleet.


The Madman
06-28-2011, 03:08 PM
As you can all see the magnets hold pretty well when a good shaking is enough to loosen them.

only problem now is attaching the turrets as they are too small for magnets, maybe extend the pegs with a magnetic piece of wire.

I’ll be painting them similar to my word bearers, red hull with a silver trim.