View Full Version : Kinda disappointed in the Wrath of Magnus book

12-08-2016, 10:29 AM
While the book itself is rather insane with the psychic phase, there is a lot missing that I think should have been there. I did not expect, nor want a copy of Khorne Daemonkin, but there were several things from that book that could have, and really should have, also made the transition.

The Wrath of Magnus gives us an army that is pretty good at Troop killing, and really good and busting out Psychic powers, but where's the daemon integration we saw in the Khorne book? Where are the Hearlds running along side the mortal troops? Where are the sorcerer lords leading packs of daemons? The Khorne book made Warp Talons, Heldrakes, and all other demonically possessed vehicles 'Daemons of Khorne', yet the Tzeentch book completely passed on this prospect. The old Doom Wing already has been redone in many ways in the form of the Heldrake, it just seems a really big missed opportunity to give other units the 'daemon of Tzeentch' rule and allow them to be properly dedicated to Tzeentch.

While I am on the topic of Units dedicated to Tzeentch, I fail to see a reason why the Rubric Marines were not properly expanded. The Death Guard get's a proper formation, effectivly making all marines in the army, Death Guard. So why not with the Thousand Sons? With an army that has always relied heavily on troops over tanks, and every marine in the army (sans the Sorcerers) got dusted, why are there not Rubric Havocs? Why are we not seeing some cool rules with Tzeentchian possessed Marines? Come on, we all know more than a few sorcerers have gotten overly corrupted. I get that the Thousand Sons would no longer have bike units, Raptors, or even Chosen but not having any Havocs, Multilators, Warp Talons, or Obliterators? Your telling me, that in 10,000 years, it has never occurred to a Sorcerer to give his Rubrics some Missile Launchers or Lascannons to help deal with those pesky tanks?

The Wrath of Magnus book has it's cool spots and is definatley a niche' army, but there is/was a lot of missed opportunities there.

12-14-2016, 09:25 AM
It does seem weird. They seem to develop books/rules in isolation with little regard of what has come before or what might make sense in a wider context.