View Full Version : Chris paints over 3000 points of 'Nids in 1 week

Chris Copeland
06-11-2010, 11:52 AM
Hey troops! I've been painting like a madman for a week getting ready for Ard Boyz. My bug army was unpainted when I began working on it on Monday. Since then I've painted: 64 Genestealers, 40 Termagaunts, 1 Hive Tyrant, 3 Tyrant Gaurd, 8 Warriors, 9 Zoanthropes, and a Mawlock. I am also scratch building a Mycetic Spore. Good times! It's all at: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2040411&id=1318955238&l=b913c23b3d

Cheers! Chris

06-11-2010, 12:00 PM
great job for such a short amount of time!
nice and cohesive too!

06-11-2010, 01:16 PM
I am most impressed with the fact you are willing to do all this work for Ard Boyz. Don't like 99% just show up with grey armies anyhow?

Good stuff, man!

Chris Copeland
06-11-2010, 01:28 PM
Thanks, guys! Truth be told, I had a lot of fun painting these models this week. I am glad that the end of the project is in sight.

As for 'Ard Boyz: in my experience, about 1/3rd of the armies there will be unpainted. I will sheepishly admit that I showed up to prelims with an unpainted army.

I like to use upcoming tournaments as incentives to get painting done. It focuses me. Since I am a school teacher I have a LOT of free time now that it is summer... I put this week toward getting this army ready!

Cheers... Chris

06-11-2010, 08:20 PM
Nicely done.Good luck tommorrow.

Chris Copeland
06-11-2010, 09:15 PM
Thanks, Addict! I'm going to go dry brush the Mycetic Spore now... then turn in and get ready for a great day of 'Ard Boyz fun!

06-11-2010, 11:22 PM
Meth is a hell of a drug.

Great job dude! Hi fives are in order

06-12-2010, 03:19 AM
wow most of these "I PANTIND 1900000 PTS OF SPEESH MAHERREENS INNA DAY " posts (normaly on places like dakka) are 1000 guys badly assebbeld with a spray undercoat then finished! but these are VERY good quality and look good my only suggestion would be for the eyes/ green bits badab wash, gloss coat!!

thay look excellent and good luck with ARDBOYZ :P

06-12-2010, 04:09 AM
Sleep is for girls

Chris Copeland
06-12-2010, 04:38 AM
Thanks all around! I think I will gloss over the green bits eventually... there was only so much I could fit in this week, though. :) I'm embarrassed to point out that my bases are all undone... I figure that I'll get to that eventually.

I'd also like to put yellow highlights on the tips of the Genestealers rending claws and wasp-like markings on the heads of the Zoanthropes... again: I just ran out of week.

Man, it's 5:30 AM and I should be sleeping... I'm too excited about today's tournament to sleep... maybe I'll paint somemore... I don't need to be in San Antonio until about 10 AM...

Cheers... Copeland

Chris Copeland
06-12-2010, 04:41 AM
wow most of these "I PANTIND 1900000 PTS OF SPEESH MAHERREENS INNA DAY " posts (normaly on places like dakka) are 1000 guys badly assebbeld with a spray undercoat then finished! but these are VERY good quality and look good my only suggestion would be for the eyes/ green bits badab wash, gloss coat!!

thay look excellent and good luck with ARDBOYZ :P

Fuzz, is there a gloss coat I can brush on? I don't want the gloss on ALL of the model. I wash considering using clear nail polish but don't want to screw up my models with something not made for models... any advice would be helpful...

06-13-2010, 01:18 AM
either the GW one or I use humbrol acrilic 35



i like using humbrol acrillics because of the loads of greens and muted colours but theres not much else :P

i origanly tried using super glue but it F@@@@@@@ up my brushes and its not as shiny as the above :P

06-14-2010, 05:02 AM
There are quite a few brush on gloss coats. The best thing to do for the sake of the model though is to use a spray on gloss varnish to give it a nice protective shell, then hit it with a spray on matte varnish, then go back over the areas you want glossy with a brush on gloss varnish. Leads to a protected model that retains its matte finish except for the areas you want.