View Full Version : Choas Space Marines - how many there should be?

Da Gargoyle
12-02-2016, 05:52 PM
I have seen many a post that complains CSM are broken and wonder, considering they can field some decent armour, are the next best thing to loyal SM and are relatively flexible in the basic tactical squads than many of the alternative units. They have been created as something slightly less effective than SM on the basis that their development stopped at the time of the schism and the Horus Heresy.

It then occurred to me that CSM units should be larger than the loyal counter parts. This is because prior to the rebellion there was no limit on unit sizes for SM. It was only after the Horus Heresy that it was determined that something in the gene seed was corrupted as a result of over production if you will. Since the Heresy SM chapters are limited to 10 companies of fighting marines with support of armour HQ and the like. CSM units never adopted this policy and while they are unlikely to increase in size from the units that turned, they never really die but get re-spawned and returned to the fray in the next battle.

So the simple resolution of all the grief out there is to drop the points cost on the bog standard marines while maintaining it at its current levels for the Characters. They obviously should not be as cheap as Dar or Orks etc but enough to expand units by either extra troops in a squad, (But no combat tactics), or squeeze in an extra unit.

Just a thought.