View Full Version : "ard Boyz senarios updated!

06-09-2010, 02:57 PM

That was quick!

06-09-2010, 03:30 PM
Incidentally, note that there was another error on mission 2, regarding the killpoints. It says "5 or more" at one point, and "4 or more" at another. The guy writing them posted on dakka that he'll fix this soon, after the community's looked it over for any other mistakes as well.

Also note, that Seize the Initiative isn't in effect (this was also confirmed by the guy who wrote them, when he posted on dakka). Here's his post (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/120/296816.page#1652003).

I find it odd how these scenarios list the special rules. By default, all normal 40k missions have reserves, deepstrike, etc allowed. Seizing the initiative is allowed as well. These rules, however, list everything that is allowed, but do not directly list Seizing the Initiative as being disallowed. I see that as kinda odd.

06-09-2010, 04:16 PM
Darn my computer is acting up so I can't see it right now...

Seize the Initiative isn't in effect is that all that is really different...

or are there some big differences?

06-09-2010, 04:32 PM
They updated some of the rules for clarification purposes.

For example, now "any time you draw LOS into, out of, or through fog, you must use nightfight rules." It used to just say "draw LOS through fog", which some brought up as a potential wording issue.

06-09-2010, 08:04 PM
Incidentally, I think searchlights will be very useful in game 1.

06-10-2010, 07:18 AM
I think all three scenarios are very strong for assault based armies. Gun line armies will have some problems in 1 and 3.