View Full Version : Codex Squad Markings

06-09-2010, 02:33 PM
Hey guys,

Is there any source that offers a definitive Codex Astartes way of indicating squad numbers? I'm building a small space marine force and I'm trying to make them as obnoxiously codex as possible. As I understand it, that means that the left shoulder guard carries the chapter symbol, the right shoulder guard carries the squad type, and the right kneepad carries the squad number. My question is:
Is that correct?
Is there prescribed heraldry for the squad number? The Blood Angel codex gives heraldry but I can't tell if that's a Blood Angel specific thing or if that's the codex way of doing things.
I know that even codex chapters like the Ultramarines vary from the codex, so I know I could just make up my own rules, but I'm trying to figure out if there's a prescribed way of doing things. Thanks for the help!

06-09-2010, 02:51 PM
The diffinitive book containing colourscheme and unit markings is Insignium Astartes from the Black Library,


While I can't think of the exact answers to your questions, I know this is a brilliant and very useful sourcebook for a wide range or codex chapters, so should be able to answer any future questions you'd have as well

06-10-2010, 03:54 AM
I had a long thing written out, then started doing reference work, found out I was combining fluff so here is a shortened, and more accurate, answer.

Your best bet is to check out the Insignium Astartes book. If you don't want to buy it, your local game store may have a copy they will generously let you look at, or find a major chain bookstore, like 'Borders' or 'Barns and Nobles', and snap a few pictures with a camera phone of the appropriate symbols and pages.

Also, while it doesn't give you the exact symbols, this page at Lexicanumhttp://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Codex_Astartes#Heraldry (especially the part the link will move you down to) should prove useful as it breaks down the different colors on a company by company basis, as well as any other standard markings for specialists or rank.

06-10-2010, 12:01 PM
There is no prescribed heraldry, you just put a number(a normal number is fine though you can go for roman numerals) and as for where it should go that's not that definite eiter, it can go pretty much anywhere on the right shoulder guard, including inside the squad type symbol or on the right kneepad.

06-10-2010, 01:18 PM
Thanks guys. I did manage to get a look at a copy of Insignium Astartes, and found it quite interesting. Looks like the right kneepad thing is a Blood Angels thing, which is good to know.

06-10-2010, 05:37 PM
Depends which Mk of armour... Insignium asatrtes gives good shout but several SM codexes, probably 2ed and 4ed special edition, shows full Ultra markings, which are codex indicative, including arm colours for company etc. I like the old RT markings with strange symbols for weapons.