View Full Version : Codex Imperial Agents and Traitor Legions

11-21-2016, 02:04 AM
Well played GW for the first time since AoS dropped I'm interested by a 40K release.

Imperial Agents has been a book long muted, I first heard it rumoured in 3rd Ed. I really like it as a concept there's always been lots of smaller fighting forces in the imperium who don't really consistute a full army (fluff wise) and who generally only take the field alongside the other armies of the imperium. I include SoBs in this I've always felt they've been rather conceptually stretched to fill a full codex. I've always enjoyed the idea of disparate nature of imperial armed forces so really happy to see this.

Traitor Legions, very very happy this has finally happened there's not a lot that hasn't been said already. I'll draw your attention to my Avatar that's one of my miniatures and I've modelled my VIII th to be usable on both 30 and 40K so it'll be nice to have 40K rules. I've also got high hopes for the fluff content Codex Black Legion was top notch on that front so I'm looking for more of the same.

11-21-2016, 12:36 PM
So rumors of 8th edition are getting louder by the day. Its nice how we get the first codex in 6th, and wait till the end of 7th to finally get legions. If there is a huge AoS style shake-up, it brings into question of if the current codexes are even going to be valid... Aside from the fluff, is there even a point to pick this up? Its kinda like the WFB end times all over again. Tons of new releases, only to be invalidated in a few months.

11-22-2016, 02:11 AM

11-22-2016, 09:39 AM
So rumors of 8th edition are getting louder by the day. Its nice how we get the first codex in 6th, and wait till the end of 7th to finally get legions. If there is a huge AoS style shake-up, it brings into question of if the current codexes are even going to be valid... Aside from the fluff, is there even a point to pick this up? Its kinda like the WFB end times all over again. Tons of new releases, only to be invalidated in a few months.

The invalidation of product certainly was a thing - under the old regime. But with the new model, customer friendly GW, I would be genuinely surprised if they did such a thing as bring out codexes and supplements now, that get totally made worthless in 8th in Apr next year.

11-22-2016, 11:56 AM
Surely any Codex is invalidated once a new one is released. Also the last time 40K had a mass extinction was when 3rd ed came out (18ish years ago) it's not something that happens as much as people claim and could be argued as a necessity at some points. Also who says that these books won't be compatible with any upcoming edition. It's also not been unknown for GW to release Codex before the Edition they are written for the 3.5 Chaos Codex was written for 4th ed rules and the Militarim Tempestus Codex was written for 7th but released in 6th. The rumours so far have suggested a streamlining of the rules rather than a full AoS.

I remain excited about this release

11-22-2016, 09:14 PM
Surely any Codex is invalidated once a new one is released. Also the last time 40K had a mass extinction was when 3rd ed came out (18ish years ago) it's not something that happens as much as people claim and could be argued as a necessity at some points. Also who says that these books won't be compatible with any upcoming edition. It's also not been unknown for GW to release Codex before the Edition they are written for the 3.5 Chaos Codex was written for 4th ed rules and the Militarim Tempestus Codex was written for 7th but released in 6th. The rumours so far have suggested a streamlining of the rules rather than a full AoS.

I remain excited about this release

GW released several new and expensive hardback books for AoS then completley nullified them all with the new rule set. And while I agree that the rules could use an overhaul, with the recent release schedule of all these new books and armies, it would be insane (and a total prick move) to invalidate them with an incompatible rule set. But, again, it's not like they didn't do something like that recently already.

11-23-2016, 01:36 AM
That's hardly either a course of conduct or necessarily the same thing. The End Times (5 Books) were source books charting the End of the Warhammer World not Warhammer Armies Books and they made it fairly obvious. We're talking about a Codex and a supplement also it's 40K not WFB also. Oh gad they provided a complete set of free rules to replace them, which they have done every time a large scale overhaul has occurred.

Why is it that the exception must be considered the rule, it's a bit like when everyone keeps bumping their gums about armies being "Squated" like it's something that happens all the time when in fact it happened once ,to squats, 20 odd years ago.

Going off topic here I'm more interested to hear what form people think this supplement may take the existing Chaos ones have been fairly lightweight as far a changes went but we're going to be looking at rules for 8 different factions in one book. Also do we think this is going to signal a moving of SoB to a support faction sort of roll, it also says Grey Knights are going to be included in Imperial Agents I'd very much doubt that it'll mean their Codex is removed

11-23-2016, 09:02 PM
That's hardly either a course of conduct or necessarily the same thing. The End Times (5 Books) were source books charting the End of the Warhammer World not Warhammer Armies Books and they made it fairly obvious. We're talking about a Codex and a supplement also it's 40K not WFB also. Oh gad they provided a complete set of free rules to replace them, which they have done every time a large scale overhaul has occurred.

Why is it that the exception must be considered the rule, it's a bit like when everyone keeps bumping their gums about armies being "Squated" like it's something that happens all the time when in fact it happened once ,to squats, 20 odd years ago.

Going off topic here I'm more interested to hear what form people think this supplement may take the existing Chaos ones have been fairly lightweight as far a changes went but we're going to be looking at rules for 8 different factions in one book. Also do we think this is going to signal a moving of SoB to a support faction sort of roll, it also says Grey Knights are going to be included in Imperial Agents I'd very much doubt that it'll mean their Codex is removed

Yes the end times books were source books and not full army books, but that didn't change the fact that they were expensive and there was no 'these will be useless in the rules change in a few months' notification in them. Yes AoS did provide some new rules, but in the 2nd to 3rd edition change for 40k the 'new unit rules' were basic at best. As for not being worried about an army being 'squatted' every time a major change occurs... I'm sure Tomb Kings and Brettonian players would have something to say about that.

11-24-2016, 03:25 AM
What those players who have a complete set of official rules, the same as everyone else and were given fair warning and a opportunity to finish up their collection.

I've clearly caused some confusion here by posting this in the 40K section with the intent of discussing an upcoming 40K release. For those still bitter about AoS how about you start your own thread in the AoS section.

11-24-2016, 10:20 AM
I suspect that the Imperial Agents book will be more of a revision/combination book for the few digital only and outdated codexes - Assassins, Inquisitors, and Sisters. I'm sure they'll add in the Sisters of Silence from the recent Burning of Prospero board game, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Militarum Tempestus, Astra Militarum, Grey Knights, or regular Marines units to make a full army.

For the Chaos Codex, I can only assume that we'll see rules like the Space Marine chapters.
The Black Legion will be the generic (like Ultramarines) style army that's flexible that most current Chaos armies can play. Death Guard, Emperor's Children, World Eaters, and Thousand Sons will probably have some of the best rules/tactics/formations because they already have rules and units based on the single Chaos god they are devoted to.

I imagine Night Lords will probably get some rules similar to Raven Guard, or perhaps White Scars. Iron Warriors will likely be similar to Iron Hands, and Word Bearers, I feel, are a lot like the Black Templar. Who knows what Alpha Legion will do? Maybe they'll have a bunch of cultists/traitor Guard but I bet it'll probably be awesome.

The thing I think I like the most, GW really seems to be putting the things out that fans want.

11-25-2016, 03:26 AM
So you're thinking it'll be a complete Codex rather than just a set of extra units to add to existing imperial Codex? I like that it's always something that pops up in the fluff, with the armies of the imperium drawing from a number of sources.

The Taitor Legions book is going to have to be pretty packed with stuff there's so much to cover. I'm interested to see how the cover each Legions character especially given how the HH series has changed how some of them are characterised. The Nightlords for example aren't necessarily the super stealthy force they were portrayed as in the 3.5 Codex. I guess we could look at the FW HH series but that would add a lot of extra rules rather than using existing USRs. Of course they did add plenty of extra rules for AD Mech so who knows.

Exciting times.

11-27-2016, 02:23 AM
I Have been putting together a inquisition army for a while now and after the creation the digital codex which turned out to be a 95% cut and paste from the old grey knights codex, I can't say the exact same cover artfills me with hope.

Also the timing and lack of hype is a concern. It will be out before the next Jan white dwarf. So unlike Magnus where the pics have been floating around for weeks we are likly to find the next dwarf just moves on to what the next release. Even the back page is vague on the next dwarf with our man red and his brethren forming the eye candy.

Cynical me thinks that we will find the digital editions of codecs, digital codex inq, sob, plus data slates all dumped copy and paste job.

That is cynical me view, the optimistic view (but with no evidence) view is for inquisition.

Probably a Dec with a description of 15ish troop types as a lot of warrior types appear in two dexs ( archoflagents/priests) a straight forward copy and paste job would lead to a lot of repeated ground.

It would be nice if the inquisitor could pick any of these for war band as there is game/fluff president for sob death watch and untouchables being part of their retinues. THough a lot can be represented through acolyte war gear choices but at a higher point cost and decreased effectiveness.

The Damon host needs fixing and the archoflagent needs a boost
War bands should be able to get grenades.
The chimera needs to be brought in line with Astra milita
Transports need to include turoxs and maybe Goliath

I always felt with arbiters codex inquisition missed a trick not giving the acolyte a shot gun this would of meant a stand in squad could be made with crusaders and acolytes. If they are faction 9 . They should have a presition strike rule so that they can take down their man. Also some sort of rule/war gear that allows them a bonus in close combat if out numbered. riot control/they are the few that keep the masses in line.

Eislehorn rules and model

Dave l

Commissar Cain
11-30-2016, 02:42 PM
Eislehorn rules and model
Dave l

That would be amazing, but, correct me if I'm wrong, didn't GW release an Eisenhorn model ages ago? Is there no way of getting this model and its rules anymore? :confused:

11-30-2016, 03:39 PM
The only model and rule set that I'm aware of is for the inquisitor game. The scale of the game was different the models being larger. I have seen some decent conversions.

One other thing I'm hoping for is a inquisitor formation. The current one only has the one benefit of a warlord Errol that every one gets