View Full Version : Same unit - two types of bases

06-06-2010, 05:01 PM
Old chaos terminators have small bases while new ones have large ones. Do old termies need to be rebased on large bases to be legal for play in tournaments?

06-06-2010, 05:40 PM

06-06-2010, 05:46 PM
Nothing in the rules says you do and I believe the only restriction is that you can't mount a model on a base smaller than the one it is supplied with.

While I still see whole units of old terminators on small bases at events from time to time no one really seems to really mind. You may however get some adverse reactions to mixed base sizes in the same unit.

06-06-2010, 06:15 PM
Yeah I wouldn't mix. You may be fine with the old small ones but I'd maybe consider using the big bases just to avoid issues or potential grief in a tournament setting.

06-06-2010, 07:06 PM
My current understanding of the rules is that all models must be correctly based,after a couple of calls to GW the consensus was that means the current base size for a given model. That does not mean that ordering a model from the collectors or classic range is correctly based, as they are not "current" models.

06-06-2010, 09:27 PM
Old chaos terminators have small bases while new ones have large ones. Do old termies need to be rebased on large bases to be legal for play in tournaments?

No, they can stay on their old bases.

Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

You play with the bases that was supplied with the model.

Unless you want to get into your DeLorian, go back in time, and stick large bases in the Termie Boxes before you bought them, keep them on their small bases.

If anyone wants you to rebase them, then tell them to supply the base, and base them themselves for you. Then decline and play with your toys as you see fit.

06-07-2010, 01:45 AM

They SHOULD be based on the bases the models came with (according to the rulebook and 'a note on bases'.

My old metal Eldar War Walkers are mounted on the 40mm SQUARE monster bases they came with (but these are attached to 60mm round (flats) to enable them to fit in with their newer models.

06-07-2010, 05:19 AM
My current understanding of the rules is that all models must be correctly based,after a couple of calls to GW the consensus was that means the current base size for a given model. That does not mean that ordering a model from the collectors or classic range is correctly based, as they are not "current" models.

You are the first poster in three forums that tells me GW made a call on this. Is there a written record of this somewhere? It IS my personal belief that current base size should be used as it is logical but I don't insist on it.

06-07-2010, 05:33 AM
No, they can stay on their old bases.

Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

You play with the bases that was supplied with the model.

Unless you want to get into your DeLorian, go back in time, and stick large bases in the Termie Boxes before you bought them, keep them on their small bases.

If anyone wants you to rebase them, then tell them to supply the base, and base them themselves for you. Then decline and play with your toys as you see fit.

qtf - i agree with buffo - and im not planning on forking out to rebase all my old termies.


06-07-2010, 08:25 AM
PErsonally, I am rebasing my for consistency of look ( and I never finished them on the old bases to begin with), but that's me. No one should ever have issue with the old termies on old bases.

I know Apoc isn't the standard, but there are tons of examples of old models on old bases through out the Apoc books, specifically Tyranids on old square bases.

John M>

06-07-2010, 03:42 PM
For casual play, it's entirely up to your opponent. For tournament play, it's entirely up to the tournament organizer.

You'll avoid headaches by basing them on the current 40mm bases, but imo it should be allowed that older terminator models can keep their original bases. Some people will disagree with that though, and they will give you crap about it.

I eventually put my whole Deathwing army on the larger 40mm bases. I just took the nice, customized 25mm base and glued it to a blank 40mm base. It looks sorta odd but I haven't gotten any complaints since then, and I didn't have to redo my bases.

06-07-2010, 04:10 PM
PErsonally, I am rebasing my for consistency of look ( and I never finished them on the old bases to begin with), but that's me. No one should ever have issue with the old termies on old bases.

I know Apoc isn't the standard, but there are tons of examples of old models on old bases through out the Apoc books, specifically Tyranids on old square bases.

John M>

I agree!

Different sized bases looks ugly, but, I would never decline my opponent a game if he did this. I would probably say, 'Jesus dude, you have the smallest bases I have ever seen. I am sure the female hobbyists laugh at you", but that is about it.

Maybe making him feel self conscious about his 'small base size' may make him get some base enlarging pills or something.

06-07-2010, 05:21 PM
You are the first poster in three forums that tells me GW made a call on this. Is there a written record of this somewhere? It IS my personal belief that current base size should be used as it is logical but I don't insist on it.

GW helpline is where I got that call from, so no paper trail only word of mouth and of course take it with a grain of salt. Call at least five times and use the answer you get the most, kind of like NBA or MLB playoffs.

A guy in my local group has all old termies on small bases and never has problems playing them. I rebased my all of my old Termies and Obliterators on 40mms to make them taller and bigger in general, no complaints with them either. I would only see a problem with mixed sizes in the same army or particularly in the same unit.

Of course it depends on you local group and the local tournament organizers. If everyone is cool with mixed bases go with it. But be prepared to deal with people outside of your local group.

06-07-2010, 06:22 PM
I'd say they should be allowed to play with small bases, if only to avoid forking out cash for more bases (which just seems ridiculous). Another note is that the OLD (chaos termies at least) are much smaller than their plastic cousins, does this the mean they need high heels :D so as to be as tall as the current guys? Just a thought, anyway.

06-07-2010, 07:39 PM
what happens when the model did not originally come with a base? An example of this would be Bjorn of the SWs. Either the original model did not come with a base or my friend got jipped. He absolutely refuses to put him on one stating that he is technically using the n/one that came with the model. Its really nothing, but if i was a jerk, many distance and measuring issues could possibly arise. Wouldn't you agree that it should be on something,even if its those old square bases that dreads used to come on

06-07-2010, 08:21 PM
what happens when the model did not originally come with a base? An example of this would be Bjorn of the SWs. Either the original model did not come with a base or my friend got jipped. He absolutely refuses to put him on one stating that he is technically using the n/one that came with the model. Its really nothing, but if i was a jerk, many distance and measuring issues could possibly arise. Wouldn't you agree that it should be on something,even if its those old square bases that dreads used to come on

Assuming it doesn't come with a base, well yeah it should probably be on some sort of base (if only to be fair to an opponent during measuring, movement, etc.). Now, assuming it came with one and your buddy just didn't get one in the kit, then it should be on a base of equal size (whether a card board cut-out or a real base doesn't matter to me as long as he's on something).

06-08-2010, 08:08 AM
I agree- every model should be based on SOMETHING for consistency's sake- but if it's an old model I don't believe in tinkering with a classic just so you can keep up with the times.

06-08-2010, 12:22 PM
Some of the old dreads did not come with bases because they were able to stand on their own (I don't think the old BA furioso dread came with a base, either). We've got a local guy who plays with a metal furioso sans base, and it works out fine. We just treat it like a vehicle and measure from the hull.

06-08-2010, 07:13 PM
This is interesting as iv'e had the same problem/dilemma of sorts.

Apologies now for talking bout Fantasy but it is a base related question.not the previous edition of beastmen but the one before that, had ungors on 25mm square bases, then last edition came out and they were moved up to fit with their herd to the bigger base size. so i brought a load of new ones as they came with the gors. NOW with the latest edition they are back down to 25mm

ok heres the dilemma.

1 ) i don;t see why i should hack up my nicely based and painted models to rebase them.

2 ) i rebased and brought models to now have to return back to what i had before?!

3) problem is, aslong as base size doesnt give you any benifits, apparently its fine, by having them on larger bases i increase my front rank size, possibly give me a gain.

what do you reakon i should do? rebase? leave?