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View Full Version : 4 Grand alliance boxes confirmed 19th of november release.

11-12-2016, 01:45 PM
All though we have heard of the grand alliance boxes we still dont know exactly what they contain,

i have seen an image of what comes in the sylvaneth and khorne bloodbound kits.

Sylvaneth are -

drycha, treelord, 2x tree revenant kits and 2x kurnoth hunters for £100!!!!

as for the khorne the image was blurry but from what i could see it was simalar to the last big khorne box with skarr bloodwrath, aspiring champion, 3x juggers, blood warriors, wrathmongers, and some reavers.

11-12-2016, 03:43 PM
also for 40k there is space wolves more updates soon.

11-14-2016, 10:49 AM
So as said here are the 4 super box grabs for AoS.

Sylvaneth are - drycha, treelord, 2x tree revenant kits and 2x kurnoth hunters.

Stormcast Eternals - Prime, knight azyros/or prosecutor kit (could only see 1 model), a set of dragoth knights, and 2x sets of liberators.

Orruk - Giant, Megaboss, 2 units of brutes, and a unit of Gore Gruntas.

Khorne - skarr bloodwrath, aspiring champion, 3x juggers, blood warriors, wrathmongers, and some reavers

as for 40k there are Death watch, Tau, Adeptus Mechanicus, and space wolves