View Full Version : Counter Attack

06-04-2010, 08:57 PM
Hey guys. Quick question. Do you still recieve the +1 attack for counter attacking. I play Space Wolves and when you read the SP errata it says you do, but i was just told by a friend that a new errata came out that i cant find and it says that you dont recieve it anymore. Because Guard was getting to crazy with that rule or something like that.

Sir Biscuit
06-04-2010, 09:01 PM
You still receive the +1 attack for counter-charging, of course. What you can't do anymore is benefit from Furious Charge during a counterattack.

It'd be a bit silly if you didn't get the attack bonus, as counter-attack would then have no effect.

06-04-2010, 09:04 PM
Oh ok cool thx. When he said that i almost cried lol

Archon Charybdis
06-05-2010, 11:06 AM
Biscuit is probably right, it sounds like your friend was thinking about the Counter-attack + Furious Charge ruling and subsequent re-ruling in the SWs FAQ. Originally they had the brilliant idea that a unit that succesfully counter-attacks should also benefit from Furious Charge and other charge-based special abilities. Upon realizing how wholly stupid that was, they re-wrote it to say a Counter-attacking unit does not count as charging, and only gains the +1 attack.

06-06-2010, 09:27 AM
Not to mention the effect that defensive grenades would have upon the counter-attack "charge". It basically boils down to having +1 attack if you make your Ld test (this means that Blood Claws and their variants would not get their "normal" +2 Attacks), Furious Charge would not apply to this round of assault and the +1 attack could not be negated by defensive grenades.

When I've been playing against SW with my 'crons, it is often more deadly charging into combat because of our low initiative and the fact that Gaze of Flame doesn't work on the counter-attack "charge". To make things even more interesting whether the -1 to enemy Ld tests which Gaze of Flame has is ambiguously worded so there is controversy as to whether it applies to the counter-attack test. I guess it never came up in the Necron FAQ because not enough people were playing SW at the time to make this situation occur often enough to require resolution.