View Full Version : 40k Board Games - The Last Chancers

11-06-2016, 06:29 PM
In short I'm actually liking what GW is doing with its boards games. Although a little annoying to learn different rules from game to game I've noticed that I've enjoyed getting each and painting the miniatures as different side projects to my other armies. Its been fun and for me, an 18 year gamer, revitalizing.

With that I'd love to see a particular board game and subsequent expansions.

I want to see a board game or possible kill team box set of The 13th penal legion also known as "The Last Chancers"!

I'd love to see the group come in a box with some Xenos army - Orks, Tau with a piece or two of scenery and throw in the Kill Team rules or another board game format.

Then I'd like to see small "expansions" for other xenos armies that had a small squad/detachment and a piece of scenery to expand the assignments of The Last Chancers.

I really like the small started armies and I think a small expansion pack of a single army with a squad or mix of elites/troops with a piece of scenery is a good way to:

1) expand an already existing army
2) Generate interest in other armies
3) if kept at the current price point to possibly cheaper than the starter armies a very economic and appealing buy for many gamers

More posting this to see what others think?

I mean a man can dream right?