View Full Version : Sad 40K Units

Da Gargoyle
11-05-2016, 09:26 PM
So I read a post on the BOLS screen "The 5 Saddest Units (In 40K)". The list went, Vespids, Pyrovors, Rough Riders, Predators & Tech Marines. The author also added bonus members to the list which included Guardian Defenders and Choas Space marines.

Now in the top five list, I would have substituted the Predator with Ork Flash Gitz, which while visually appealing are the worst unit for points cost v effect on the table. And while Techmarines no longer provide the worth they once did, there is more worth in a Techmarine than there is in a Conscripts unit. Back in the day you could stiffen the spine of the Conscripts by adding a Commissar, precisely what Commissars were made for in fact. But now no more. With Ld 5 BS & WS of 2 the first assault or round of wounds will see the survivors bugger off quick smart and provide your opponent with 1st kill. Neither are they the Tarpit. They will lose more troops in combat and can you imagine what a minus to Ld 5 will do in a moral test. And I would list Harlequins over CSM or standard GD given their fragility, and relatively limited assault value these days.

What say you.