View Full Version : Big Mek's attention needs ;)

Big mek
06-04-2010, 01:10 AM
Hey hey

Just stopping by for a small introduction for all to see.
Heard about this forum through some friends, and found it to be to my liking, so thought id stick around hehe.

On the personal stuff, just turned 27, married and 3/5 kids, so not as much game time as i'd like :(

Anywho, ive been in the warhammer hobby since i was 12-13 i think, and was hooked right away, started with Warhammer fantasy, but moved on to 40k quite fast as i like the rules and models more, i have, however, been goofing around with some Inquisitor and Mordheim too!
As of now, im the proud owner of a growing ork horde, getting close to 3500 points, and i absolutely love them, its hard to find a more fun army, specially when thinking of our newest codex whitch adds a good deal of randomness to the game, you just gotta love it when a Shokk attack gun blows up half a unit of orks lol. Been playing a bit of Mech IG in the past, and alot of Nurgle CSM, back when Nurgles rot was alor more fun, but somehow i allways end up leading a massive WAAAAAAGH!!

My biggest joy in the hobby would be converting, i just love cutting, sawing and modding my poor little plastic dolls, and im surely gonna share some pics at some point, especially proud of my simple but quite good looking Boss Snikrot, and next project will me Nobs in Éavy armour for my Warboss' retinue, cant wait hehe...

Anyways, cya all around, and may youre WAAAAHG!!! run across the galaxy!

06-04-2010, 08:28 AM
Hello and welcome Big mek.

06-04-2010, 09:00 AM
Hi Big Mek, and welcome to the Lounge!

We have a thriving hobby and conversion community here, so dive right in!

Remember, you can post images to the gallery right away, and after 10 posts, you can add image attachments to posts.