View Full Version : Thousand sons Tactics on 1d4chan

11-03-2016, 09:06 AM
Was looking around at some ideas for building my Thousand Sons army and came across an interesting article on 1D4Chan (https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Tactics_-_Thousand_Sons). It was last updated in April of this year, but this is nothing like any codex I am aware of. Any thoughts? I can't help but wonder if someone got a hold of the upcoming TS codex and is covering the changes a bit early.

Lord Manton
11-05-2016, 03:50 AM
It's a fandex (https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Codex_-_Thousand_Sons), not a codex.
A TS Codex would be tops, we might get lucky when Magnus is released, maybe a "Daemonkin" style thingy.
What are your ideas for your TS?

11-05-2016, 05:13 PM
I've been considering using 30K marines for my TS army, with only character models getting the distinctive head crests of the TS. The head crest was not something all members had, and hen the Rubric was cast it was supposed to protect from the changing effects of the warp. So I've always imagined the Rubric Marines not having changed in appearance. The TS's were basically a bulk infantry army, so I'm looking at doing just that. I try to keep my armies 'fluffy' while trying to find the tactical edge that way. Trying to keep the army using mostly troops, a few robots, and daemonic stuff.

As for background, I've got some Space Wolf Rubric Marines in there also, as well as Space Wolf Bezerkers. The Idea is that my warlord like the idea of capturing Space Wolves and force-ably turning them. They either go insane and join the ranks as a Bezerker, or they get locked in as a Rubric Marine. They keep their Iconography and colors for the most part, all the better to ruin the reputation of the Space Wolves.

Lord Manton
11-05-2016, 09:49 PM
Typical TS. Can't win properly, so you have to resort to besmirching the name of the heroes of Fenris.

Sounds cool, I like the idea of using mostly 30k marines. I never understood why the whole army got crests. I think with the other Chaos Marines it's explained that it's a mix of warp mutations and their own modifications of their armour and thats why they have spikes, but for TS that doesn't really make sense.
Will you go red or blue? Red would fit your fluff, and it means you can cross them over between 30k/40k really easily.

Are you going to use the CSM dex?

11-06-2016, 10:36 PM
I'm considering going with red to cross them with 30k. From what I can tell, the blue seems to be a repainting pushed by Ahriman, not really a forced thing.

11-07-2016, 09:13 AM
The biggest factor as to which color I go will depend on the Post Burning of Prospero timeline. From what I can tell the Thousand Sons were not involved in the HH, until after the Space Wolves attacked them. Then they got into the fight at the later stages. But I'm not sure if the Rubric was cast before they became active or after Horus was killed. If it was before the Death of Horus, then Blue Thousand Sons in 30K games would still fit.

11-10-2016, 10:50 AM
I don't know if it'll factor into your decisions, but I've seen a number of Chaos chapter themed armies use the regular marine codex rules for their army. I played a Night Lords army at a GT that used the Raven Guard rules and I thought it fit the army better than the Chaos Marines/KDK/CD codexs.

If I ever did a Chaos army, I'd make Alpha Legion and use White Scars SMs as my rule set.

11-10-2016, 08:32 PM
I've considered that as well, but with the Thousand Sons codex supposedly coming out soon I may not have to.

Commissar Cain
11-20-2016, 07:29 AM
Will this be their codex, with rules or is it for the other Chaos gods as well? 19415