View Full Version : Eldar Mythology inspiration

10-27-2016, 09:18 AM
I was wondering if anyone knew where GW did, or may have gotten, their inspiration for the Eldar mythology. They've pulled from numerous other mythologies and religions in many of their armies, but I seem to having difficulty finding the source they may have pulled from for the Eldar.

10-28-2016, 12:45 AM
Parts of it are heavily Celtic (a lot of the older craftworld and kabalite names are celt and gaelic), and the main 'cycle' of the old court has some strong Hindi influences, particularly in Kaela Mensha Khaine who is influenced by Shiva and in Cegorach who bares some similarities to Krishna. Vaul is a direct rip of the greek god Hephaestus but other than him there isn't much influence from the Greek mythology. One could argue the performance methods and story telling of the Harlequins has roots in the Greek tragedy theatre though.

10-28-2016, 08:33 AM
thank you