View Full Version : New GW Trends?

Lunar Camel
06-01-2010, 01:52 PM
I don't know if its just me, but I've been noticing some new trends that GW is putting out. They could be good or bad.

The first (which I think is good) is the introduction of weapon swaps built into the model frames. The new WD shows this on the Leman Russ and Eldar Heavy weapon platform. You can now field the many weapon options, as GW puts it, "with a clever push fit connection". No more having to magnetize your models for different weapon options; no more having to buy bitz or two models because the weapon options you want are housed where you can't magnetize them. Hurrah!

The second is the points used in the battle reports. Everyone debates whether 1500 or 2000 points is better. Tourneys use 1750 or higher. But most of the battle reports that appear in White Dwarf are 3000 and upwards. Even the Fantasy battle reports are almost 4000 points. Is GW gearing towards the larger game instead of the small pick-up games everyone is used to playing? Or a we as players limiting ourselves for playing small games?

Just some food for thought.

06-01-2010, 02:03 PM
I don't know if its just me, but I've been noticing some new trends that GW is putting out. They could be good or bad.

The first (which I think is good) is the introduction of weapon swaps built into the model frames. The new WD shows this on the Leman Russ and Eldar Heavy weapon platform. You can now field the many weapon options, as GW puts it, "with a clever push fit connection". No more having to magnetize your models for different weapon options; no more having to buy bitz or two models because the weapon options you want are housed where you can't magnetize them. Hurrah!

You will still have to use magnets, and the surfaces of the weapons and chassis rub, causing the paint to come off. It is a wonderful idea though, I agree.

Is GW gearing towards the larger game instead of the small pick-up games everyone is used to playing?


People confuse what GW does in the battle reports in WD with that they do in real life.

WD BRs are there for a couple of reasons; To show off new models, sort of like advertising. To show how a FUN game is supposed to be with players taking 'weak' units and 'house rules' left and right.

People in 'real life' tend to play 'by the book/rules vanilla games' where if it ain't official, it is banned, or if you ain't running the most cometetive units, you are a noob.

Oddly enough, what I see in the WD Batreps is more of what a typical 40k game should be played, for fun! This is why many people blast these WD reports, because they use 'weak' armies or do 'stupid tactics'. These people need ot reasses why they are in the hobby if they keep thinking in this destructive manner.

So in conclusion, 3k games in WD just allow for much more dynamic, sweeping games with tons of different units doing different things, instead of the same 3 Plague Marines squads doing the same thing every single game.

Or a we as players limiting ourselves for playing small games?

I believe that the 40k has NO point limit for a game. The game is designed for people to play at 100 points up to a trillion points. I don't believe in 1500 or 2000 whatevers.... Whatever you and your opponent decide to play is what the game is based on. get me?

06-01-2010, 02:04 PM
The first part is definitely awesome, I would like to see more combination kits moving forward...it seems like a really efficient way to streamline costs and delivers an overall better product to the consumer.

As far as the second part, I think that players tend to limit themselves greatly when they play games. The trend used to be get to 1750 and your army is "done." Obviously the points have changed slightly, but that is how things used to go. With the advent of Apocalypse, suddenly everything got blown up...it wasn't enough to have 2K, suddenly now everyone wanted 5-10k! I think there is room for a happy medium. For me, 3000pt Fantasy Games are when it starts getting fun...I can't even play with Settra for UNDER 3K...so I can rarely get a pick-up game with the army that I would like to field.

From GW's standpoint, I think they want to put in larger battle reports to open the eyes of the readers into the fact that there is no ACTUAL points limits to thee games...nobody is going to chastise you and a friend for playing 2,500 point Fantasy games. Altering this line of thinking allows them to potentially sell more product as well, many would argue that this is most likely the primary reasoning.

06-01-2010, 02:06 PM
People in 'real life' tend to play 'by the book/rules vanilla games' where if it ain't official, it is banned, or if you ain't running the most cometetive units, you are a noob.

Oddly enough, what I see in the WD Batreps is more of what a typical 40k game should be played, for fun! This is why many people blast these WD reports, because they use 'weak' armies or do 'stupid tactics'. These people need ot reasses why they are in the hobby if they keep thinking in this destructive manner.I also concur with this. :)

Lord Azaghul
06-01-2010, 02:13 PM
I think buffo is right on all counts.

'nuff said.

06-01-2010, 02:32 PM
OMG, was it earlier last year, or the year before, where almost the entire 40k section of the WD was dedicated to Orks and Ork missions? Where the missions had mine laying flying Ork vehicles, a giant Ork Train that had to be stopped...

Personally, I think WD is just a giant pile of crap, but that was the ONLY issue I bought since around 2001ish. After I bought it, I was enamored by the AWESOMENESS of the mission objectives, house rules, and just frikkin greatness of the scratch built models created for FUN. I mean, sneaking around an Ork Military Encampment, trying to not sound any alarms with a hand full of Imperial Guard just made me shat my pants at the wonders that was that issue!

Because of that one issue, I was nearly tempted to get a subscription.... Almost...

Now, if I propose something like that in my area, PFFTTT, the amount of glares I would get could darken the sun on a clear day. You know how many people would accuse me of cheese for proposing missions like that?

Somedays when I play vanilla 40k with my pals, I feel like I would be better spending my time laying in my bathtub pissing on myself than going through the motions of yet another 1500 - 2000 point MEQ filled game.

06-02-2010, 12:26 AM
That's what happens when you play in a store.

06-02-2010, 05:38 AM
I would have replied but then i read what Buffo had put and all I can say is that I agree with him on every account.

06-02-2010, 06:59 AM
Aside from the price increases GW has been doing a great job with their model releases and 40k (dont really play FB so cant judge) since I've started playing in '06.

The WD bat reps to me represent the mind set of the people who design the games which ironically enough is pretty different from that of a lot of the people who play it (my self included half the time:o).

Herald of Nurgle
06-02-2010, 07:24 AM
Aside from the price increases GW has been doing a great job with their model releases and 40k (dont really play FB so cant judge) since I've started playing in '06.

The WD bat reps to me represent the mind set of the people who design the games which ironically enough is pretty different from that of a lot of the people who play it (my self included half the time:o).
Mostly agree - except the mindset thing.

I may be a Nurgle player but i'm not dirty and my armies don't smell like cheese!

06-02-2010, 08:45 AM
Aside from the price increases GW has been doing a great job with their model releases and 40k (dont really play FB so cant judge) since I've started playing in '06.

SW Venerable dreads are at 26 pounds, while plain Dreads are sold at 27.... :confused:

Herald of Nurgle
06-02-2010, 10:23 AM
sw venerable dreads are at 26 pounds, while plain dreads are sold at 27.... :confused:

06-02-2010, 10:59 AM
He probably means the Forge World venerable Wolf dread, but that's 26 quid without arms, which are 7 pounds each.

Herald of Nurgle
06-02-2010, 11:46 AM
Ahh. That's totally different.

06-02-2010, 12:03 PM
That's what happens when you play with strangers.-Fixed.

06-02-2010, 10:40 PM
He probably means the Forge World venerable Wolf dread, but that's 26 quid without arms, which are 7 pounds each.

Nope.. I'm referring to GW SM dreadnoughts.. Venerables are at 26 while Plain dreads and ironclads are 27...you can check it at their UK site... :)

Big mek
06-04-2010, 01:23 AM
Well, the weapon thingy is quite nice, but i still miss something from GW.... i recently bought the new killa kans, thinking id go with 3 grotzookas for plastering enemies with blast markers, but, alas i cannot, as theres only one of each weapon in the box, i mean.... c'mon, give me some weapons...
LOL, but enough naggin!

As to the point/size of games, like others have stated, i dont think theres a special size you should go for, whatever you want to play, do it, use 2-3 standard FOC's if you want, whatever makes youre gaming experience worth it, thats why we have Apocalypse too hehe