View Full Version : Blood Angels Hidden gems

06-01-2010, 11:34 AM
Hey guys I'm currently building a BA army and as I'v been going along I'v been keeping an eye on the treads to see what units out there are really doing a job for the BA. I'm gona do my own play testing but I wana know what units are doing it for you + what sneeky tactics have you been using.

Here's some unit ideas that have got me very excited.

1: Storm-raven equipped with typhoon missile launcher,twin-linked lascannons, 4 blood strike missiles and extra Armour. For 240 points this thing can come on and lay down 6 str 8 shots and 1 str 9 shot which can be used to target another unit. This sounds pretty sweet. no i know it can be brought down easy but still used in the right way this could be killer + the fact in can drop a dred and troops in the combat is killer.

2: Furioso dreds are scary, so what weapons are you guys using and tell me your tactics

Also let me know what other units are you loving + which of the hq characters are doing well

thanks and look forward to your comments

06-01-2010, 01:11 PM
In my experience sanguinary priests are a must buy and the fast vehicles are excellent for ramming.

I haven't had a chance to use a furioso but I intend to try them with talons and fists coming out of drop pods.

06-01-2010, 01:54 PM
I'm looking at drop podding Tri-Temp Furiosos (Frag + HF + EA) as a shock unit.


06-01-2010, 03:49 PM
Tri-Temp Furiosos Are nasty, what about deep striking Land raiders has anyone used this one in mass two or three?! wonder what thats like

06-02-2010, 01:03 AM
I'm looking at drop podding Tri-Temp Furiosos (Frag + HF + EA) as a shock unit.


Drop the EA, as shock troops their fodder to distract the opponent from you're true hammer units and most likely will be dead before turn 3. The points for EA are better spent else where.

06-02-2010, 01:10 AM
what about deep striking Land raiders has anyone used this one in mass two or three?! wonder what thats like

Don't. Simply put. Given their size its far to easy for them to scatter onto a Grot or something tiny (or large) and suffer a mishap.

Keep one in reserve maybe, to make your opponent plan for a deep strike, but then just field it normally.

06-02-2010, 01:24 AM
Keep one in reserve maybe, to make your opponent plan for a deep strike, but then just field it normally.
You can't do that - when you place a unit into Reserve you need to declare whether it will exit Reserve via Outflanking, Deep Strike, or normally.

06-02-2010, 12:18 PM
You can totally run deep striking Land Raiders-- you need Locator Beacons.

So, Scouts, Scout Bikers, and Drop Pods with Locator Beacons are a must...

Really a fantastic combo- Light forces calling in the heavy reinforcements!

A trick: the Land Raider is HUGE, so you do not have to have a Locator Beacon right up in the enemy's face. You can have one ~12-18" away, and still have an effective drop zone!

Deep Strike in, Pop Smoke and fire a weapon. Next turn- move up, and unload!
If you are using a crusader/redeemer-- take a Tactical Squad with a Priest and a Character (I personally like captains), and when the Land Raider deep Strikes, disembark, and unload all of that firepower!

06-02-2010, 02:20 PM
A trick: the Land Raider is HUGE, so you do not have to have a Locator Beacon right up in the enemy's face. You can have one ~12-18" away, and still have an effective drop zone!

Plus, you're opponent probably won't expect it to work:D, since they likely won't realize how far away the Locator Beacon can be and still work.

Sanguinary Dan
06-04-2010, 08:11 AM
Another "Hidden Gem" is our ability to place obscene amounts of firepower anywhere we please with the Stormraven.

Most people expect you to dump a clawed Furioso and assault troops out of the SR. But you can also use it to dump shooting units right in the middle of the enemy army. I watched a guy Deep Strike 12 DC w/Bolters and a Frag Cannon/HF Furioso into the middle of an Ork Horde last night. It was the first SR that I've seen use the Hurricane sponsons combined with Typhoon missiles and it was unreal. Between the three of them they must have killed 50 Orks in that first volley. It's quite possibly the ultimate shooty deathstar. Then again for 650 points it better be the ultimate.:p

06-04-2010, 08:23 AM
I Havent been using storm ravens at all. Currently it is Assault marine in Razorback spam.


06-04-2010, 10:57 AM
I've been having loads of luck with Astorath the Grim, a Librarian with jump pack, a Priest with jump pack and a Large 10 man Assault Squad deep striking in. Give the Sarge a hand held Flamer and two chaps meltas... They can kill pretty much anything they shoot at. The FNP rule helps them stick around for the turn they get to charge... O i drop a pod down with a Dred or a 9 man Tactical squad with a priest for more FNP goodness first turn.. Give the Sergeant a combi weapon. They also do loads of damage...

06-07-2010, 06:49 AM
I've had good luck with Corbulo + 5 assualt marines(no jumppacks) in a razor back with twin link assualt cannons, then i have good Tycho and 5 sternguard in a razorback with twinlinked plasma cannons supporting them. As far as furioso's go mine has a frag cannon and magna grapple and mows infantry and light veichles pretty good.

Also for fun in a game i played against IG, i took a flamed out Baal pred and a redeemer full of shotgun scouts and scouted them in and flamed the heck out of them. then proceeded to assualt with the scouts and cleaned house

Sanguinary Dan
06-07-2010, 08:57 AM
I... Wait. What? You want to try that again in English Brotherjames?

06-07-2010, 09:41 AM
sure what part?

06-07-2010, 10:18 AM
Massive, run-on sentences are too hard to read. Most people will glance at them, and skip them.

High school has english classes for a reason:p.

06-07-2010, 10:53 AM
Has anyone been using sponsons on their baals? I haven't been and have liked them, but I'm just curious to see what effctvness the have brought...

My thoughts:
flamestorm cannon with sponson hvy bolters. Usually my baals sit back and wait for the perfect time to strike, this often means turn one and/or two they don't shoot anything.

06-07-2010, 11:04 AM
no worries i'll fix it

Mycroft Holmes
06-07-2010, 01:07 PM
Librarian, assault terminators(4XLC), Sanguinary Priest.
Everyone rerolls to hit every turn(or Force Weapon), reroll to wound every turn, Feel No Pain and Furious Charge.

In my standard SM army I typically take Kor'sarro Khan and the same terminators to get Furious Charge, Hit-and-Run and Khan's special Instant Death weapon.

The first setup is even more consistent (reroll to hit), harder to kill (FNP) and 10points cheaper.

06-08-2010, 10:50 AM
But how much does that unit cost with the termies?
700-ish points?

For that same cost I could get 5 assault squads in razorbacks

06-08-2010, 01:19 PM
Paper plates have never been my way to go.

Librarian ~140
Sanguinary Priest ~85
5 Terminators (1 TH+SS) 205

A lot less than 700.

I like this combo--- I used it at Apocalypse (I upgraded the Libby to Epistolary, and took all TH+SS). I Charged a titan and re-rolled to hit and gave a captain with TH+TH 3 more attacks (he had 8 Re-rolling to hit Str9 Thunder Hammer Attacks). It was quite impressive.

Mycroft Holmes
06-08-2010, 07:46 PM
Librarian ~140
Sanguinary Priest ~85
5 Terminators (1 TH+SS) 205

I actually take it even cheaper than that, because very little lives through the terminator's attacks so no need to upgrade the ICs.

Basic Lib 100
Basic Priest 50
5 Terminators (1 TH+SS) 205
= 355

06-08-2010, 10:14 PM
Also for fun in a game i played against IG, i took a flamed out Baal pred and a redeemer full of shotgun scouts and scouted them in and flamed the heck out of them. then proceeded to assualt with the scouts and cleaned house

If I'm reading this correctly, you used a scouting land raider filled with scouts. Presumably, you had that LR as a dedicated transport to the scouts, thereby giving it scouts, but the Scout squad doesn't have the option to take a dedicated transport.

06-09-2010, 08:54 AM
Image thanks you bring up a good point im pretty new and reread the codex looks like i gave the IG the shaft sry

06-09-2010, 10:26 AM
Has anyone tried fielding Death Company out of a Drop Pod? Saves the points of jump packs without the problem of a Rhino or Razorback getting popped before getting across the board. I haven't tried it myself but I was wondering if anyone else has.

And if so, does it work better with bolters so they can rapid fire the turn they drop, or with BP/CCW?

06-09-2010, 11:45 AM
Image thanks you bring up a good point im pretty new and reread the codex looks like i gave the IG the shaft sry

Don't worry about it too much, dude. Even veteran players make mistakes. For instance, I think in one game, Jawaballs admitted he took four heavy support choices. These kind of things happen when you're working out the kinks of a new list. :)

06-09-2010, 12:15 PM
I actually take it even cheaper than that, because very little lives through the terminator's attacks so no need to upgrade the ICs.

Basic Lib 100
Basic Priest 50
5 Terminators (1 TH+SS) 205
= 355

hehehe, I teleport mine in, usually--- but, whatever, it isn't that expensive either way.

Sanguinary Dan
06-11-2010, 07:17 PM
Has anyone been using sponsons on their baals? I haven't been and have liked them, but I'm just curious to see what effctvness the have brought...

My thoughts:
flamestorm cannon with sponson hvy bolters. Usually my baals sit back and wait for the perfect time to strike, this often means turn one and/or two they don't shoot anything.

Baal Predator without sponsons = 115
Razorback w/Aslt Cn = 90 (before RAS credit)

You gain 2 points of armor but lose 6 points of transport. And you get to pay 25 points for that "privilege"? Pass. You aren't going to want or have to move over 6" per turn every turn. And those are the turns where you are going to miss those sponsons. And in shooting there is no effective difference between AV11 and 13 when firing the Assault Cannons. The Razorback needs sixes to penetrate, but so does the Baal.

Another way to look at it is like this:
RAS-5 (Lightning Claw & Melta Gun) w/Aslt Cn Razorback = 180
Baal + "naked" RAS-5 = 215

I don't know about you but there have been a lot of times where 35 points goes an awfully long way in my builds.

So... No, I don't and won't field Baal Predators without sponsons.

06-21-2010, 02:12 PM
I have a 1750 that completly deep strikes.

2 sanquinary priests W/packs
Sanguinary guard
6 death company(includes lemartes)
2 units of 10 assault marines
Death dread in drop pod w/ locator beacon

Army is only 33 models but packs one hell of a punch. The other day leamartes alone took out a hive tyrant and trygon prime, and thats after he took his first wound. Plus with the priests survivability is pretty good.

tyrant of khador
06-25-2010, 08:24 PM
I run a 1500 pt mech with
reclus chap with jumppack
2 priest 2 pw 1 pack
3 ras squads3 pw 2 flamers 1 melta with razors 1 tl las 2 las tl plasma
10man assault 2 meltas 1 pw
2 baals ac hb
1 vindicator

does quite well for 1750 I add 10 man assault squad with 2 meltas and pfist in a rhino with bout the same result.

06-27-2010, 03:16 PM
I was totally sceptical about the Deep Striking Land Raider option, I saw it and thought 'Wow that's just not going to work.' But, Tynskel, your idea is brilliant. However, I don't think you'll see many Blood Angels Land Raiders about in all honesty. It seems to me that it's all about the Rhino sized tanks now, that fast movement is everything.

Sanguinary Dan
07-01-2010, 09:31 PM
Just in case...

I completely retract any bad things I may have written about Blood Talons. I got into a 1000 point game tonight and decided that the Furioso Librarian would be a bit of overkill at that level. I was wrong. The DCF with Blood Talons scored 14 wounds in a single round of combat. Fourteen. :eek:

I doubt I'll leave home without one of these beasties ever again.

07-01-2010, 10:36 PM
Just in case...

I completely retract any bad things I may have written about Blood Talons. I got into a 1000 point game tonight and decided that the Furioso Librarian would be a bit of overkill at that level. I was wrong. The DCF with Blood Talons scored 14 wounds in a single round of combat. Fourteen. :eek:

I doubt I'll leave home without one of these beasties ever again.

See I tried one out tonight (2nd game with the new dex) on a death co furioso and I was kinda let down. I placed it wrong and it ended up charging a brood of gaunts! Killed 3, then 1, then 1 more before it crapped out and then was hit by a tyrant and guards the following turn and exploded. The end.

Although in all fairness I made a big mistake and forgot his lil Rage rule and really really need to get me a drop pod! :o

07-01-2010, 10:47 PM
The best hidden gem honestly is that Sanguine Sword is a one cast only. It never ends.

07-02-2010, 07:14 AM
The best hidden gem honestly is that Sanguine Sword is a one cast only. It never ends.

Good Catch...

try to get that one through at tournaments...

Sanguinary Dan
07-02-2010, 07:46 AM
RAW is RAW after all. Though I suppose it could be countered by saying that it only works at the start of the Assault Phase. Since with no duration listed... :rolleyes:

And of course you couldn't use any other psychic powers while it was active unless you were an Epistolary. But if you activated it turn 1, while still outside the range of any anti-psyker toys, do you really need anything other than S10 CC attacks?:cool:

07-02-2010, 12:53 PM
And of course you couldn't use any other psychic powers while it was active unless you were an Epistolary.

No, you could. You just can't take more than one psychic test per turn. So your turn one test would be for the Sword, then you could take different tests each subsequent turn for the Librarian's other power.

07-02-2010, 08:16 PM
Although, I have to admit, this encourages one even more to be an Epistolary: Cast Sanguine Sword, and then Cast Might of Heros, and whenever you run into an opponent that won't be instant death due to str, you can Force weapon (most likely be wounding on a 2+) them afterword.

Sounds like a great way to bump off Hive Tyrants and Trygons to me!

As I said before, I don't think this one will fly very far...

They did come out with the FAQ and for some reason this wasn't on there.

07-03-2010, 12:31 AM
See I tried one out tonight (2nd game with the new dex) on a death co furioso and I was kinda let down. I placed it wrong and it ended up charging a brood of gaunts! Killed 3, then 1, then 1 more before it crapped out and then was hit by a tyrant and guards the following turn and exploded. The end.

Although in all fairness I made a big mistake and forgot his lil Rage rule and really really need to get me a drop pod! :o
Even with rage, there's nothing short of a Land Raider a Blood Taloned dreadnought shouldn't be able to deal with. We're talking S6 lightning claws here--anyone trying to reroll wounds is totally doing it wrong.

Swatting down a 20-man squad of plague marines may be unrealistic, but most MEQs and lower are going to come out looking like they were dropped in a blender.