View Full Version : Apocalypse: 40,000 points of Warhammer 40,000

06-01-2010, 01:30 AM
What does 40,000 points look like?


Titans, Scratchbuilds, and many Superheavies! Woah....

06-01-2010, 02:47 AM
im sooo sorry but tjat just looks like a few nicly painted guys a load of WIPs and too many:

oh oh oh i need moar models!! LETS MAKE SOME, !!!

i LOVE imaganitive conversions but battle tech with bionicles glued on says no, ping pong ball with straw says no, 1/2 painted greater deamons says no!

counts as fine as long as it looks good, those "conversions" listed above would look good with some paint.

however those orks (with the loodted veichals) look sweet and the unpainted atals would be amazing painted


06-01-2010, 03:04 AM
Be more impressive if it was one army, or even one persons collection.

Wish I had pictures of a Big F'n Game I playe years ago. IIRC it was 20k (2nd Ed) per side of IG vs Nids.

IG had 100-1500 pts of Marine allies and about a half dozen Sentinels but the rest was IG Infantry.
Nids had hundreds of Genestealers, a couple dozen Carnifex and Tyrants. The bug side was 15-20 ft long and over a foot deep with models packed in.

06-01-2010, 11:16 AM
Love the A-team van, I hope at least one model was sporting a Mohawk!

06-01-2010, 09:35 PM
Love the A-team van, I hope at least one model was sporting a Mohawk!

Guess you didn't see this....


I pity da foo!