View Full Version : Chaos Mounts

James Beil
10-19-2016, 03:25 AM
Hi all,

I'm currently thinking about treating myself to a full set of Chaos Lords/sorcerors from each god with a separate big stompy monster to ride on. At the moment I have my Chaos Lord on a Carnosaur of Nurgle with green stuff boils and such, but I'm stuck for what to do with the other Gods.

I'm thinking about using the Magmadroth and giving it lots of lovely blue flames as a mount for a Lord/Sorceror of Tzeentch, but for Khorne and Slaanesh I'm drawing a total blank. What big stompy horrors can I use as mounts for these guys?


10-22-2016, 09:26 PM
For Tzeentch, I'd use one of the big Tomb King monsters.
For Slaneesh, you could use the big beetle thing that the new Alarielle the Everqueen rides.
For Khorne, "Khorne cares not." However, I'd use the new Magmadroth with a bloodletter as the "wizard" since Khorne cares not for magic. The Stardrake would be awesome too.

10-23-2016, 02:15 PM
For Tzeentch, I'd use one of the big Tomb King monsters.
For Slaneesh, you could use the big beetle thing that the new Alarielle the Everqueen rides.
For Khorne, "Khorne cares not." However, I'd use the new Magmadroth with a bloodletter as the "wizard" since Khorne cares not for magic. The Stardrake would be awesome too.

I've been considering using the big beetle from Alarielle for a Tzeentch monster, like a giant Scarab.