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View Full Version : New Tau Super-Heavy from Chapterhousestudios.com

05-30-2010, 09:08 PM
Hi Folks,

Let me unveil our first "Super-Heavy" vehicle kit, the SXV-141 Super-heavy Assault Walker, or the SAW for short. (I am leaning towards calling this big boy the "Kraken" to keep up the ocean theme of tau)
After seeing the work of the guy who designed and sculpted this walker I knew we had to carry it! We were even able to drop the production cost of this huge kit.
Price is set at $285 plus shipping.

It is a completely new design, but it has an obvious "Tau" style to it.

This is a resin model kit consisting of over 50 parts, weighing in at approximately 2kg and standing almost 30cm tall when complete. The kit components are supplied “as cast” and require cleanup, assembly and painting for the finished product.

Needless to say I think the Imperial Warhound titan will have its hands full.

This monster mounts Twin Heavy Rail Guns, Smart Missile launchers, Marker Lights and Burst Cannons for close defense.

We are working on rules for this bad boy and welcome any thoughts.

Tau Walker (http://chapterhousestudios.com/webshop/component/virtuemart/?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=81&category_id=37)

Designed by Zac Soden
Paint in Progress shots courtesy of Mark Tait


Nick - [email protected]

05-30-2010, 09:38 PM
It's certainly an interesting looking design.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
05-30-2010, 09:51 PM
For someone like me who hates Tau, thats very cool looking, i can just imagine many Tau players drooling now.

05-30-2010, 10:44 PM
Very ghost in the sheel looking.

05-30-2010, 10:53 PM
I thought the Tau didn't use super-heavies? I remember hearing something about how they thought they are an inefficient use of resources...

Regardless, that thing is very cool looking!

05-30-2010, 11:09 PM
I thought the Tau didn't use super-heavies? I remember hearing something about how they thought they are an inefficient use of resources...

Regardless, that thing is very cool looking!

That and they are a fairly mobile force. Plus their air power has recorded kills against titans.

But nonetheless, a very cool design! Seems cheap in comparison to forgeworld titans

05-30-2010, 11:26 PM
I thought the Tau didn't use super-heavies? I remember hearing something about how they thought they are an inefficient use of resources...

Regardless, that thing is very cool looking!

On the other hand, the Tau do ahve the Manta super heavy flyer, so maybe they've reevaluated the value of super heavy vehicles. Sort of a 'if our enemies have them, we should have them too, if only to kill theirs.'

I have to agree with the above posters, that is one sweet looking model. Almost makes me wish I played Tau.

05-30-2010, 11:58 PM
I still haven't forgiven GW for introducing Tau, and I think that looks great.:rolleyes:

05-31-2010, 02:43 AM
The Manta is acctually a transport ship. And it is a flyer and mobile. Tau would never use unmobile walkers, especially heavy ones.
But still its a cool design. Somehow saw a similiar one scratched build on the internet.

05-31-2010, 02:46 AM
Very ghost in the sheel looking.

indeed :D it looks like those ones at the end of 2nd gig :D

i might get one cause chapterhouse is A LOt CHEAPER THAN gw:p

05-31-2010, 04:24 AM
I have liked this design since it was scratchbuilt, in my mind its more of a defensive weapon than an attacking war machine, like a re-locateable defence tower - as it fits quite well with TAU architecture rather than vehicle design.

My friend and I are working on a tau superheavy
its going to be a kind of "flying saucer" design, like a giant drone, dropping down from the sky to release swarms of drones and close quarters fire.

05-31-2010, 04:53 AM
I thought the Tau didn't use super-heavies? I remember hearing something about how they thought they are an inefficient use of resources...

being cool overrides all other considerations

Inefficient or not, if some Tau engineers built that they would all stand around going 'yeeeaaahh, high three'

Really no 40k super heavies make sense, but they rock, so I am glad they are there.

05-31-2010, 07:45 AM
That...is one very nice looking design!

05-31-2010, 08:04 AM
I'm not sure I agree with the majority of the posters. Yeah, it is kind of cool looking but I don't think it fits with Tau at all. I imagine a Tau super-heavy would either be a skimmer (like all of their existing vehicles) or look something like a very large Crisis Battlesuit.

05-31-2010, 08:22 AM
Totally disagree on this one (about tau never using super-heavy land vehicles), I think people are forgetting that Tau have cities with large towers and heavy urban environments. Surely you wouldnt have a flyer defending a Tau city with all its towers and tight streets, you would have mobile defence fortress that could easily navigate the cities, and hide behind structures.

(personally I think a giant crisis suit is a bit silly, what is this Robotech?! :) )

Lets not forget Tau utilize AI driven Turrets for defense as well as walking battlesuits.

05-31-2010, 08:27 AM
Do the legs remind anyone else of hairdryers? Probably not...

05-31-2010, 08:41 AM
[QUOTE=chapterhousestudios;78795]Totally disagree on this one (about tau never using super-heavy land vehicles), I think people are forgetting that Tau have cities with large towers and heavy urban environments. Surely you wouldnt have a flyer defending a Tau city with all its towers and tight streets, you would have mobile defence fortress that could easily navigate the cities, and hide behind structures.
I really dont think that thing could hide anywhere:)
But anyways, Tau dont have to defend their cities with these big things. Sure they have their platform with some defensive weapons but the Tau would mainly leave their city behind (I think i read that in the codex, will check tomorrow) so that it wont be destroyed and the citizens will come back if the foe is eliminated. And if they have to defend they will use their infantry and battlesuits to do that.

05-31-2010, 09:06 AM
Looks very awesome indeed. My friend and I, he plays Tau, have agree that if the Tau were to have a ground based super heavy, it would probably look like something from Armored Core. A giant mech bristling with weapons. And fast, can't forget that. Nothing near the size of the Titans, but fast enough to get in, shoot and get out before the titan can react.

The Imperator
05-31-2010, 09:29 AM

It reminds me of ratchet and clank deadlock! good times good times

MC Tic Tac
05-31-2010, 09:53 AM
Very ghost in the sheel looking.

Damm I want Tachikoma's now!

Drew da Destroya
05-31-2010, 10:57 AM
Is anyone else seeing a 'Toss Dragoon here? Well, sort of a cross between the 'goon and the new Immortal. Not that that's a bad thing, this beast looks pretty cool!

*escapes before anti-Starcraft crew shows up*

05-31-2010, 12:56 PM
Being a Tau person i think its awesome! It fits in with the army without being a skimmer (call it a 4 leg battlesuit if it makes you feel better). As for the question of Tau defences the codex talks about how they choose not to defend static locations, but will if neccesary. What better way to form a non-static defense than a huge walker?

05-31-2010, 03:10 PM
They would be giving high 4s not 3s :D

05-31-2010, 03:32 PM
Well I knew it was one or the other, at least you got it :p

05-31-2010, 05:54 PM
So looking at this with Tau aesthetics in mind, I think this comes fairly close and as this is most likely for Apoc, then if it looks good, do it. :)

However, from a pure "does it align with existing Tau canon", then I would have to say that it misses the mark. We've had similar discussions about super heavies on the Epic boards and after quite a bit of analysis and discussion, the current line of thought is:

1. The Fire caste has not introduced many new weapon systems through it's expansions. In general, it is almost as if they are comfortable with the evolutionary improvements of existing systems...or another possibility is that the Fire caste could be rather conservative in their approach to weapons and since their current inventory seems to be working Ok (for the most part), then they are willing to run with what they have.

2. However, the Imperium did put them on the back foot during Damocles with super heavy tanks and titans. What is interesting is their response. Instead of coming up with their own "super flyer walkers", they responded with Air caste assets, i.e. the Manta. What is even more interesting is that since Damocles, the only completely new weapon systems that we are aware of are from the Air caste (AX-1-0, AX-2-2, Remora fighter). Everything else seems to be technology upgrades or improvements of existing systems.

3. The Tau are not adverse to asymmetrical warfare.

Hence, for the Tau Epic list design, SH walkers do not fit within the list design framework. Air craft and larger skimming chassis (e.g. based on the Orca) do seem to be their current path to expansion of capabilities.

I'm trying to rain on anyone's parade because after all, this is 40K and anything can happen...and it is a very nice looking model.


05-31-2010, 06:06 PM
But the Tau are adaptable, you say no new weapons, well the Tau empire codex introduced several, so they do move forward. There could be situations where heavy support is needed and fliers are simply impractical, weather conditions or mountain valleys, or underground for example, and so they develop an all terrain super heavy walker. Basically, I think there are simple ways to justify it =)

05-31-2010, 06:33 PM
On the other hand, the Tau do ahve the Manta super heavy flyer, so maybe they've reevaluated the value of super heavy vehicles. Sort of a 'if our enemies have them, we should have them too, if only to kill theirs.'

The Manta is more an assault boat/shuttle like a big thunderhawk (both are space-capable). Fluffwise they don´t give much for clumpsy big warmachines. And this is the walker - big and clumpsy compared to the swift flyers that tear titans apart.

Yes it is nice looking and fits in the tau-design-line. But for the near 300 bucks i would buy a ax-10 from FW and be go more the tau way of war.

05-31-2010, 11:06 PM
Make it something O'Shava built and call it a day. After all he has no etherials hampering his personal style. He already has a sword give him a walker.

06-01-2010, 07:49 AM
you say no new weapons, well the Tau empire codex introduced several, so they do move forward.

Actually, what I said was "no new weapon systems", which I didn't explain very well. A weapons systems by my definition would be on the order of a crisis suit or a new type of vehicle not based on the Hammerhead/Devilfish chassis. On the other hand, I do agree that the Tau did introduce new weapons for their vehicles.

If I am missing something from their latest codex and IA books, I'm all ears. To date, all I have seen is new weapons and methods of employing them.

Now having said that, it just occurred to me that there were some new types of missiles introduced in Apocalypse Reload, which had very interesting battlefield effects, so that may be what you are referring to.


06-01-2010, 08:24 AM
Actually, what I said was "no new weapon systems", which I didn't explain very well. A weapons systems by my definition would be on the order of a crisis suit or a new type of vehicle not based on the Hammerhead/Devilfish chassis. On the other hand, I do agree that the Tau did introduce new weapons for their vehicles.

If I am missing something from their latest codex and IA books, I'm all ears. To date, all I have seen is new weapons and methods of employing them.

Now having said that, it just occurred to me that there were some new types of missiles introduced in Apocalypse Reload, which had very interesting battlefield effects, so that may be what you are referring to.


XV-9 Hazards?

06-01-2010, 01:08 PM
As the most progress-based army in 40k, I don't think it's a stretch to say that Tau may have developed an experimental super-heavy walker. Tau have a long history of experimenting with new tech to see if it's effective. I don't think they are so beholden to their current MO that they would shun a super-heavy walker before testing it.

06-01-2010, 01:28 PM
Oh great! How am I *not* supposed to buy this eventually? Thanks, Chapterhouse! :mad:

06-01-2010, 03:13 PM
As the most progress-based army in 40k, I don't think it's a stretch to say that Tau may have developed an experimental super-heavy walker. Tau have a long history of experimenting with new tech to see if it's effective. I don't think they are so beholden to their current MO that they would shun a super-heavy walker before testing it.

QFT! Just because the tau haven't used superheavies in the past doesn't mean they won't ever us them.

Uncle Nutsy
06-13-2010, 05:12 PM
I just had a look at the rules for this beast and it's DEFINITELY a beast!

I can just see people calling 'supra cheeze' with this thing.

Of course with what this thing can do, it'll be a massive fire magnet, but that's okay. they'll be too distracted to realize my entire tau force is sneaking up behind them.. and then WHAM!

and using this walker in spearhead would be just evil :)

06-13-2010, 11:53 PM
I still haven't forgiven GW for introducing Tau, and I think that looks great.:rolleyes:


The only army I disliked more that Tau was the first edition of rules for Necron.
IMHO Tau stole the High Tech angle from the Eldar and the SAFH from the IG. In violation of the policy "each army has a strength and a weakness they got accurate and high strength basic weapons as their good area but their disadvantage of poor Assault ability was canceled by allowing Kroot which are cheap meatshields for the shooty troops.


06-14-2010, 12:13 AM
So looking at this with Tau aesthetics in mind, I think this comes fairly close and as this is most likely for Apoc, then if it looks good, do it. :)

However, from a pure "does it align with existing Tau canon", then I would have to say that it misses the mark. We've had similar discussions about super heavies on the Epic boards and after quite a bit of analysis and discussion, the current line of thought is:

4: Their expansion from the core systems, slow travel times and heavy combat losses could cause logistics problems.The Imperium has few skimmers because of a lack of raw material and few places to produce suspensor systems. It is possible that the Tau could face the same problem. As they expand they have to locate, mine, refine, ship the raw materials back to the home systems then wait for the equipment to reach the front lines. At some point they may be forced to use alternate motive sources.

5: The Tau are expansionist and integrate other races. If the Tau were to absorb a race that had highly advanced walker technology and an innovative culture willing to fight they might provide such a unit.

06-14-2010, 07:03 AM
I don't see why anyone would try to justify it. If you like it that is fine. But lets be honest, it just doesn't fit.

It is like terminator armor on guardsmen. Could a lack a troops and an abundance of raw materials and skilled artisans lead to a certain regiment of guardsmen using armor that would give them a 2+ save? Sure.Why not? Obviously anything is possible and we could come up for an explanation for anything if we tried hard enough. That doesn't mean that it would fit.

That said, I do like the design. I like the paint scheme that they choose even more. I would gladly play against it, but in my opinion, the expansion of tau to include super heavy walkers is a movement in a different direction.

Big mek
06-14-2010, 09:17 AM
Hi Folks,

Let me unveil our first "Super-Heavy" vehicle kit, the SXV-141 Super-heavy Assault Walker, or the SAW for short. (I am leaning towards calling this big boy the "Kraken" to keep up the ocean theme of tau)
After seeing the work of the guy who designed and sculpted this walker I knew we had to carry it! We were even able to drop the production cost of this huge kit.
Price is set at $285 plus shipping.

It is a completely new design, but it has an obvious "Tau" style to it.

This is a resin model kit consisting of over 50 parts, weighing in at approximately 2kg and standing almost 30cm tall when complete. The kit components are supplied “as cast” and require cleanup, assembly and painting for the finished product.

Needless to say I think the Imperial Warhound titan will have its hands full.

This monster mounts Twin Heavy Rail Guns, Smart Missile launchers, Marker Lights and Burst Cannons for close defense.

We are working on rules for this bad boy and welcome any thoughts.

Tau Walker (http://chapterhousestudios.com/webshop/component/virtuemart/?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=81&category_id=37)

Designed by Zac Soden
Paint in Progress shots courtesy of Mark Tait


Nick - [email protected]

OMG its da Protoss Dragoon.... RUN!!!!

Uncle Nutsy
06-14-2010, 01:10 PM

The only army I disliked more that Tau was the first edition of rules for Necron.
IMHO Tau stole the High Tech angle from the Eldar and the SAFH from the IG. In violation of the policy "each army has a strength and a weakness they got accurate and high strength basic weapons as their good area but their disadvantage of poor Assault ability was canceled by allowing Kroot which are cheap meatshields for the shooty troops.


Personally, I wouldn't say a 50% chance of hitting something is 'accurate'. in fact it's closer to 'regular'. Tac marines are more accurate than tau.

06-14-2010, 11:53 PM
my bad, I was thinking they were BS 4

06-15-2010, 03:04 AM
It's Nice. It's Tau looking. I am also planning to build a large Tau Titan Walker. Mine will likely have six legs and a much larger rail-gun, a landing pad and troop carrying space.

But well see when that happens:o

06-15-2010, 03:17 AM
Looks like that Chaos thing with legs that the name of has gone right out of my head right now.....

06-15-2010, 10:21 AM
Cool, I was just looking at that thing on the Chapter house site. As an Ork player, I can appreciate all that Dakka!