View Full Version : Quick IA rules question....

The Mystic
05-30-2010, 03:02 PM
Just been reading through some old White Dwarfs and was wondering if any of the chapter specific rules from the Index Astartes articles are still legally useable?

05-30-2010, 03:19 PM
The ones that your opponent says you can use?

The Mystic
05-30-2010, 04:02 PM
Thanks Tynskel.

What I meant was have the rules been retconned or can you still use them without opponents permission unless an new rule set has replaced them?

05-30-2010, 05:43 PM
Only current Codex rules are usable without opponent permission. That is to say Index Astartes rules are not "legal". Of course neither is Forge World.

05-30-2010, 07:12 PM
There may also be a problem with trying to get those rules to work with the current codex.

05-31-2010, 02:00 AM
Actually, since Imperial Armour II, it's been stated that FW rules are legal.

For a tourney, it's up to an organiser whether to allow them or not - many don't as it'd require the TO's to own the books as well.

05-31-2010, 05:40 PM
Actually, since Imperial Armour II, it's been stated that FW rules are legal.
For a tourney, it's up to an organiser whether to allow them or not - many don't as it'd require the TO's to own the books as well.
The Mystic was asking about Index Astartes alternate army lists, not Imperial Armour vehicle rules.

06-01-2010, 12:55 PM
It's tricky to say what is and isn't legal. It's really up to the tournament organizer and/or your opponent. I've seen current GW codices banned from tournaments, FW and Chapter approved as legal, and everything in between. For a casual game, you can ban or allow whatever you want. Nothing forces you to accept any particular rules.

06-01-2010, 02:20 PM
Let us keep it simple, trust me....

You buy the basic rule book, right? You look near the begining of the book, where you are told what you need to have to play the game. everygame has pieces you need to play, right?

You are told, among other things, you need two books; the rule book in your hand, and an army codex. That is all the reading material that is standard for all players to have to run a smooth game.

If the source you are reading from is not;

The basic Rule Book
An Army Codex
An Army's Errata (Not FAQ)

then it is optional, despite what someone in Forge World, owner of a Tourney, or anyone else, may say.

Want a simpler reason?

Look at any major tournament, either run by GW or endoresed by GW, and what are the only rule sources they use nearly 100% of time across the board?

The basic Rule Book
An Army Codex
An Army's Errata (Not FAQ)

Now here, each tournament has it's own set of FAQs, so FAQs are still left out of this. I have been to tourneys where the GW FAQ is NOT used, so yes, it happens.

What is left out nearly 100% of the time? White Dwarf entires, supplimental rules/armies/books and Forge World RULES. Anyone who plays Fantasy knows how annoying it is to have half the game's creative content banned from tournaments.

This simple rule keeps the game running smoothly when finding games with strangers.

Keep It Simple Stupid.