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05-30-2010, 01:18 PM
I have just returned from the London MCM expo, ( it was bobbins), where they had a very proffesional stand for the promotion of the Ultramarines movie. They had images from the gallery on display, a couple of models painted by the eavy metal team and some computers they were getting people to sign up to the site on. They were also showing the teaser.
The main producer was on hand and I did my best to get info out of him. I asked him about who the bad guys would be, but I got nothing. I said a couple of alien names to see if he reacted but nothing. They are really keen that their website, facebook and twitter sites are the only places to gain any info.
The only scrap I got is that the Spacemarine in the trailer is a captain and is the character voiced by John Hurt.
Sorry. I tried.

05-30-2010, 01:30 PM
This is an instance where GW's ongoing committment to utter and total media control is going to kick them in the teeth HARD. You DON'T ADVERTISE MOVIES THAT WAY. It leads to poor sales and a loss of interest over time. GW really needs to figure out that what works for little plastic army dudes isn't how the movie busines works--and sooner or later, Codex or somebody affiliated with them is going to be making a late-night call to Nottingham after a few beers wondering what dip**** isn't doing their job right.

05-30-2010, 01:37 PM
This operation seems very, very seperate from the GW over lords from what I have heard.

05-30-2010, 03:43 PM
I already lost intrest in the movie. I don't give a damn anymore. Any excitement that I had is gone. Maybe I am the only one so GW will not give a damn about me not caring anymore.

05-30-2010, 05:30 PM
That won't stop people blaming GW if it is not everything they want it to be and more. GW is responsible for everything up to and including the GFC.:rolleyes:

This operation seems very, very seperate from the GW over lords from what I have heard.

05-30-2010, 08:21 PM
This is an instance where GW's ongoing committment to utter and total media control is going to kick them in the teeth HARD. You DON'T ADVERTISE MOVIES THAT WAY. It leads to poor sales and a loss of interest over time. GW really needs to figure out that what works for little plastic army dudes isn't how the movie busines works--and sooner or later, Codex or somebody affiliated with them is going to be making a late-night call to Nottingham after a few beers wondering what dip**** isn't doing their job right.

I'm going to throw it out there that teasers and tight information control is EXACTLY how most movies are advertised in this early stage. I hate the way everyone complains about anything and everything that GW does. They're not perfect, but they still make the most popular gaming systems and some of the nicer models out there. If you don't like it, go find another gaming system.

05-30-2010, 08:24 PM
Except it's not really early stage is it?

05-30-2010, 09:39 PM
I'm going to throw it out there that teasers and tight information control is EXACTLY how most movies are advertised in this early stage.

Do most teaser trailers require you to register on their website just to see it?

05-31-2010, 11:17 AM
When I first heard about this I was thinking "HOLY **** A 40K MOVIE!" then weeks after, "oh yay another drawing" then more and more non finished 3d models then a trailer that you have to be registered on the site just to see of what? Epic fighting? Awesome looking characters? Nope, a decent looking space marine standing still for a few seconds. I couldnt' care less about the movie right now, either way the World of Warcraft movie is going to make this one look like outdated crap.

05-31-2010, 12:22 PM
Hey guys, I posted my experience on my blog.

it has a brief outline of what was said during the panel and a pretty interesting hint I got.

Ultramarines Panel (http://www.heresy-online.net/miscellaneous/ultramarines-movie-panel/)

05-31-2010, 12:41 PM
Except it's not really early stage is it?HA! Didn't they just announce who was IN the movie a couple months ago? I mean, I guess you would have to define "early."

There isn't even a release date for it yet.

05-31-2010, 12:53 PM
even if it isn't early stage development (which it is...early to mid development) its early stage advertisment.

AS for the bad guys...anyone wanna take a bet on Orks/CSM with some Eldar-y interference in the background?

05-31-2010, 01:10 PM
I'm going to throw it out there that teasers and tight information control is EXACTLY how most movies are advertised in this early stage. I hate the way everyone complains about anything and everything that GW does. They're not perfect, but they still make the most popular gaming systems and some of the nicer models out there. If you don't like it, go find another gaming system.

Well if you don't like people complaining about it, why do you bother then? Just ignore us and let us rant. Why should I go find another gaming system? Why don't you go find another Gamining Forum that dosn't complain about GW then?

Sorry had to say that, we all have a right to our opnion, so who are you to be telling all of us on BoLS to be finding another gaming system when we do complain about GW?

05-31-2010, 01:47 PM
The producer did say they were looking to release by the end of this year.

05-31-2010, 05:15 PM
Why don't you go find another Gamining Forum that dosn't complain about GW then?Does such a magical place even exist?

I'd love to see a forum that had a no-hate policy, like the D6G podcast. I'd probably be the only one there :(

05-31-2010, 06:29 PM
The animation looks good. But why oh why I had to sign up to see it is beyond me.

The monologue was good up until that bit at the end that sounded like it was added as an afterthought.

"...and the Ultramarines are better than the other marines.......nanner nanner" :p

...Ah close enough.

I'm worried about how good it will be, hopefully Dan Abenett set everything right.

05-31-2010, 07:03 PM
You have to sign up to see the trailer? WTF? You are suppose be able to watch these things with ease not singing up and that nonsense. This does not bold well at all.

05-31-2010, 10:33 PM
You have to sign up to see the trailer? WTF? You are suppose be able to watch these things with ease not singing up and that nonsense. This does not bold well at all.

Yeah, I've tried looking on Youtube and stuff, and couldn't find it. I'm not registering just to watch a teaser trailer.

Forcing you to sign up just to see it defeats the whole purpose of making a teaser trailer. You're supposed to get as many people to see the teaser trailer, then force them to sign up to see more stuff. Without a freely available teaser, no one's going to get very interested. Bad move on their part, I think.

05-31-2010, 11:27 PM
It just came out. Give it a few days to hit you tube. Also the sign up is a breeze, if your pissed on principal fine, but if your pissed cos it makes you do work ehh its 10 seconds of your life. you dont even have to enter a valid email.

As for the trailer itself....

Made me feel like i was watching a video game. If the plan is to just have him stand there like an HD avatar for some game they succeeded. Otherwise they should have just done a simple atmosphere teaser.

And as for Ultramarines being the best..... This goes along with everything GW has been writing lately. I guess they must be basing it on monthly administratum audits or something.

Lets see.
Completion of all daily paperwork... Check.
Following all rules and regulations... Check.
Everyone was wearing name badges... Check.
No chaos worshipers... Check.

Cos they certainly aren't the biggest, strongest, fastest, fiercest, deadliest, or most manly. Some random primarch writes a book, and now they are gods. Was L. Ron Hubbard a primarch?

06-01-2010, 01:03 AM
Except that when you have a teaser available for public viewing, no it's not. Public trailers (as opposed to industry trailers such as you see at conventions etc.) are meant to capture interest in the movie. But they can only do that if they are seen. I don't anticipate that Codex Pictures is thinking his is going to be a summer blockbuster, but I promise you a couple people are over there scratching their heads at why they went to all the trouble of a trailer for the public but the public has to jump through hoops to see it, and it's almost certainly not their fault.

Normally when something like this happens there's an outside media campaign that is building up hype for the film which directs the faithful to it, and then the trailer almost immediately goes fully public as soon as a few people get to it. This doesn't appear to be the case here. Instead, people have to jump through multiple access points and fill out forms and blah blah blah when all you and I want to do is watch the damn trailer. Which in theory is what we should be able to do now.

06-01-2010, 01:30 AM
Everyone is also jumping to the wild conclusion that this trailer isn't going to be released anywhere else. Its only been on their site for what, 2 days? Maybe this was a ploy to get us on their mailing list by giving us an early viewing. None of us know their plans, just be happy we got to see a trailer.

06-01-2010, 01:41 AM
And without warning, the forums were rife with movie-marketing moguls. Hollywood rejoiced.

06-01-2010, 02:32 AM
Your funny. All i was trying to say is this.

HA! Didn't they just announce who was IN the movie a couple months ago? I mean, I guess you would have to define "early."

There isn't even a release date for it yet.

06-01-2010, 02:40 AM
As an avid space marine player, who's original army was Ultramarines, I am pretty excited about this movie. I have been waiting for half my life to see warhammer 40k made into a decent movie. I believe the team working on this movie can do a great job and I hope they do.

My only complaint about the trailer was that it didn't show more of the Ultramarines in action. By more I mean, more than just the sole Ultramarine standing there. However, I was fairly impressed by the graphics or CGI work whatever it was.

All in all, I'm pretty excited about this movie.

06-01-2010, 07:36 AM
As people on dakka-dakka are fond of spazzing out about, it wasn't a trailer so much as a teaser.

Mind you it wasn't a good teaser either...

06-01-2010, 10:11 AM
Everyone is also jumping to the wild conclusion that this trailer isn't going to be released anywhere else. Its only been on their site for what, 2 days? Maybe this was a ploy to get us on their mailing list by giving us an early viewing. None of us know their plans, just be happy we got to see a trailer.

I certainly hope so, for their sake.

06-01-2010, 11:14 AM
I am in complete agreeance that this was a horrible trrailer! And now I'm signed up for email notices! Booooo! I wouldn't mind if It was a trailer along the lines of the Marines in DoW 1 against the orkz. That would be worth signing up for, but this was seriously crap if your going to give us a teaser/ trailer then give us one! The trailers for shrek don't just have shrek standing there with a voic over, cmon this is horrble marketing.


06-01-2010, 04:03 PM
I am in complete agreeance that this was a horrible trrailer! And now I'm signed up for email notices! Booooo! I wouldn't mind if It was a trailer along the lines of the Marines in DoW 1 against the orkz. That would be worth signing up for, but this was seriously crap if your going to give us a teaser/ trailer then give us one! The trailers for shrek don't just have shrek standing there with a voic over, cmon this is horrble marketing.


It's a teaser! Not a trailer! We have to wait some more for a trailer.

06-01-2010, 05:50 PM
Here is an example of a teaser:


06-01-2010, 08:14 PM
Here is an example of a teaser:



06-01-2010, 10:38 PM
It's a teaser! Not a trailer! We have to wait some more for a trailer.

Teaser, or Trailer, it is still crap... It didn't tease me into wanting to see the movie at all. What it really was is Guerilla Marketing.


06-02-2010, 04:30 AM
I thought it was a fine teaser. Look at everyones reaction to it, it seems to have teased just fine.

06-02-2010, 04:45 AM
Going completely off track here so burn me if you wish (please don't! :p)

Anyway considering that we have had NO news of the Space Marines game for ages, could the film and the game be now a parallel venture? I hope not and it doesn't seem likely considering the difference in the teasers. However, it could be quite a good marketing idea to release the pair within a short time of each other or at the same time (if they are both released for Xmas then this last bit goes out the window as the Xmas release is just the intelligent decision to make).

Your thoughts?

06-02-2010, 06:15 AM
I thought it was a fine teaser. Look at everyones reaction to it, it seems to have teased just fine.

It was a fine teaser? Really? Why don't you ask Joe Smoe on the street about it? He will probably not even know it exsits. They are just marketing to a small crowd, at least with Teasers, most of the public should be aware of this. So for one, most of the public dosn't know about it, 2, how will the public now about it if yoiu ahve to sing up for it?

You really thing Joe Smoe will want to sign up for something he dosn't know about?

This movie is on track for utter fail. I will be shocked it if's half decent. Oh well waiting for the BoLS reviews whenever it comes out.

06-02-2010, 06:50 AM
I think you missed my point entirely, but I guess humour is wasted when people are ranting and raving like mad

06-02-2010, 08:23 AM
It was a fine teaser? Really? Why don't you ask Joe Smoe on the street about it? He will probably not even know it exsits. They are just marketing to a small crowd, at least with Teasers, most of the public should be aware of this. So for one, most of the public dosn't know about it, 2, how will the public now about it if yoiu ahve to sing up for it?

You really thing Joe Smoe will want to sign up for something he dosn't know about?

This movie is on track for utter fail. I will be shocked it if's half decent. Oh well waiting for the BoLS reviews whenever it comes out.

Firstly chill, and secondly, as a DVD only release its not being marketted to Joe Smoe. its being marketted to those who play 40k. those who play 40k can then show their friends. then they can get into the hobby.

marketting a 40k fan film to the general public will only upset the fans (because it will never live up to their expectations)

06-02-2010, 08:46 AM
I think you missed my point entirely, but I guess humour is wasted when people are ranting and raving like mad

Actually I didn't meant to quote you, hit the wrong button, it was for another poster. Sorry about that. I got what you said, was pretty good.


06-02-2010, 12:09 PM
You really thing Joe Smoe will want to sign up for something he dosn't know about?

This movie is on track for utter fail. I will be shocked it if's half decent. Oh well waiting for the BoLS reviews whenever it comes out.This movie isn't designed for Joe Smoe, so of course he wouldn't care/know about it. If your criteria for being this movie being good is to have it be some sort of blockbuster, then yes, I suppose this movie is on track for utter fail.

Also, if this post bothers you, I didn't mean to actually quote you...despite refuting your points word-for-word.

06-02-2010, 04:14 PM
I think it will still be a success. I mean if Twilight can grow an army of scream fangirls, why can't this. Hell it already has fans, even if it sucks we'll all still go and watch, just so we say so.

06-02-2010, 05:25 PM
I think it will still be a success. I mean if Twilight can grow an army of scream fangirls, why can't this. Hell it already has fans, even if it sucks we'll all still go and watch, just so we say so.

Hmmm lets see. Twilight and many girls. 40K and a few girls? Hello?! Someone home? Lets see, Twilight, vampires and wolves with not shirts, 40K, nerds geeks with a few who don't shower.

I wunder why one is more popular than the other.

I can't believe somone would compar 40K to Twilight LMFAO. :rolleyes:

06-02-2010, 05:40 PM
This movie isn't designed for Joe Smoe, so of course he wouldn't care/know about it. If your criteria for being this movie being good is to have it be some sort of blockbuster, then yes, I suppose this movie is on track for utter fail.

Also, if this post bothers you, I didn't mean to actually quote you...despite refuting your points word-for-word.Hey, you're funny.

06-02-2010, 05:54 PM
Hey, you're funny.Thanks, I think so too! Unless that was intended for somebody else and you just misquoted me. :)

06-02-2010, 05:56 PM
Hmmm lets see. Twilight and many girls. 40K and a few girls? Hello?! Someone home? Lets see, Twilight, vampires and wolves with not shirts, 40K, nerds geeks with a few who don't shower.

I wunder why one is more popular than the other.

I can't believe somone would compar 40K to Twilight LMFAO. :rolleyes:

I think he meant that if a steaming piece of crap like Twilight can appeal to it's fans with a sucktastic movie then a semi-crappy 40K movie should make most of us coo and awe like 12 year old girls watching Edward change his maxi pads.

I give myself 10 points for a run on sentence. :)

06-02-2010, 06:02 PM
Besides, 40k DOES have Glampires:
I am pretty sure you can get Mephiston hair gel at Hot Topic...

06-02-2010, 06:30 PM
So what you're saying is that if Mephiston had an invulnerable save he might sparkle?

06-02-2010, 08:54 PM
Hmmm lets see. Twilight and many girls. 40K and a few girls? Hello?! Someone home? Lets see, Twilight, vampires and wolves with not shirts, 40K, nerds geeks with a few who don't shower.

I wunder why one is more popular than the other.

I can't believe somone would compar 40K to Twilight LMFAO. :rolleyes:

Hur Hur Hur!!! Yer so funny! And so the thousands of drooling wargaming fanboys dont count, we are leigon. I shouldnt feed the troll but I cant help it.

06-02-2010, 09:51 PM
Speaking of twilight:

06-03-2010, 08:29 PM
Hur Hur Hur!!! Yer so funny! And so the thousands of drooling wargaming fanboys dont count, we are leigon. I shouldnt feed the troll but I cant help it.

If it came down to it, the battle would be fierce. We are a stoic and righteous lot, and We Know No Fear, but the Twilight fans are Without Number. Bring your flamer.

There is less than a single Warhammer 40,000 fanboy for every Twilight discussion on the internet... but it is enough.

06-03-2010, 08:47 PM
If it came down to it, the battle would be fierce. We are a stoic and righteous lot, and We Know No Fear, but the Twilight fans are Without Number. Bring your flamer.

There is less than a single Warhammer 40,000 fanboy for every Twilight discussion on the internet... but it is enough.

Normally I enjoy bashing on spacemarines but against twilight fans even us who can tap into the powers of the hive mind will join you against this common foe!

06-04-2010, 03:04 AM
Normally I enjoy bashing on spacemarines but against twilight fans even us who can tap into the powers of the hive mind will join you against this common foe!

Related, is anyone other than me wishing the movie will be the Battle for Maccrage?

06-04-2010, 02:04 PM
Donīt think so...

Cause Marneus Calgar should appear and his "voice" should be someone more important than Stamp or Hurt, someone like... Sean Connery.

And we didnīt hear so...

06-04-2010, 02:27 PM
damn, just watched it and all it reminded me of was






lets hope it has a better script than ***** of fire

06-04-2010, 06:07 PM
Donīt think so...

Cause Marneus Calgar should appear and his "voice" should be someone more important than Stamp or Hurt, someone like... Sean Connery.

And we didnīt hear so...Oh god, I hope not! Marneus is awesome, even though his gauntlets are tainted with Chaos and he never should have taken them in the first place...I digress...

Marneus deserves his own voice, the last thing I would want is to see Calgar on screen and then out comes the voice of James Bond/Indy's dad...give him a good no-named actor please!

06-07-2010, 10:44 AM
I think it should be some one with kinda of a low rough Clint Eastwoodesque voice, but thats just me.;)

The Imperator
06-14-2010, 06:57 PM
i think a james earl jones calgar or a arnold Swarszarnager(poor speller sorry) voice would be cool


06-21-2010, 07:30 AM
i think a james earl jones calgar or a arnold Swarszarnager(poor speller sorry) voice would be cool

IMHO. Vader always will be Vader, same for Terminator.
As some has said, I'm for a very good voice talent, but to so well established, like those guys dubbing blockbuster videogames.

06-21-2010, 08:46 AM
Well, hope we know about it soon...

Kieranator K82
06-21-2010, 09:10 PM
Related, is anyone other than me wishing the movie will be the Battle for Maccrage?

I think that if it were to be BfM, then it would need a super tense build up, starting with Inquisitor Kryptman's investigation on Tyran, before the Ultramarines' preparation, and finally culminating in a massive land-and-space battle.
Cool, I just wrote a movie's plot!

06-22-2010, 05:27 AM
Has anyone else noticed that the lack of alien voice actors might point towards a silent enemy? like nids...

06-22-2010, 06:56 AM
I'm also going for Tyranids. It seems to be the most logical bad guy. I think your observation about the lack of bad guy voice actors is excellent.

06-22-2010, 10:00 AM
Or they didn't advertise the bad guy voice actors so that we'd think nids?

06-24-2010, 10:00 AM
they have to do something in the way of keeping hype going its the same story with the space marine game from thq and the mmo intrest is just going to die if they dont show alittle more or at least talk about it . i dont agree that im going to lose intrest like some others it would be nice to have some info

The Imperator
06-28-2010, 07:14 PM
ya but at least for the mmo its still a few years out so they most likely dont have much they can talk about