View Full Version : Furioso Libr. Force Weapon

Sanguinary Dan
05-29-2010, 07:46 PM
I've gotten so many good ideas from the board that I figured it was time to give back.
I've been trying for weeks to create a good looking Force Weapon for my Furioso. I think I've done it. While working on a terminator with chainfist I had a light bulb moment. :D

Let me know what you think.
Mods if the picture is too big I'll apologize in advanced, quick post while dealing with sick daughter is all I had time for.

Drew da Destroya
05-29-2010, 08:53 PM
That looks awesome!

05-29-2010, 11:19 PM


05-30-2010, 04:00 AM
First let me say I really like it. Personnally I would have made it a little longer, maybe half an inch or so. The only other ways I would have been tempted to give a try would be just a single large blade (as per the Grey Knights Dreadnought from Forge World) or some seriously converted fist covered in runes and the like.

Not owning the BA Codex (yet), does the Force Weapon replace the standard storm bolter attatched to Dreadnought CCWs? If not, where have you re-located this to?

Sanguinary Dan
05-30-2010, 09:05 AM
The force weapon and DCCW w/Storm Bolter replace the twin DCCWs w/SB and Melta Gun.

Like I said, the "feel" of a chain fist is what I was going for and to make it longer would have severely weakened the piece. If I had any real skill with plasti-card I might have done it differently. But the idea of gluing all those sheets together and then shaping them was appalling.

Regardless, glad y'all like it. :)

05-30-2010, 02:17 PM
What about attaching it to the rotating part of the fist? without pushing it too forward as not to weaken it.

Sanguinary Dan
05-30-2010, 03:42 PM
Then it just looks like a blade stuck on the end of a DCCW. Very inelegant.

I've seen a couple of people do it and it always reminds me of a pirate's hook. Can't say exactly why, just that it does.:D

I think it really only works with the Ven Dread "hand" fist. But I'd imagine there are similar, if somewhat larger, blades out there. If I could find my Tomb Kings I'd take a look at the Bone Giants weapons. But till then this works.

05-30-2010, 05:26 PM
I love it. From an Eldar sprue, I assume?

Sanguinary Dan
05-30-2010, 06:59 PM
It's the Tau Commander Farsight weapon. Clipped off the hand and the Egyptian looking bit and cut a slot in the DCCW weapons mount. A little glue and a Purity Seal to cover the join and, voila.

05-30-2010, 08:08 PM
Like I said, I really love it. Nice stuff.

05-31-2010, 04:01 AM
Nice use of the farsight sword.

For some reason, it always prompts the non-eldar players to assume it is an eldar blade.
[fluffwise, it shares a similar name, but could just as likely be a necrontyr weapon).

05-31-2010, 04:34 AM
ushabti might be a better choice, those are pretty big.

I think it is a good start. I recommend using some plasticard to extent. Just takes some patience.

05-31-2010, 10:02 AM
Let me get that straight... that is just the weapon from O'Shova glued to the arm of a cybot?

You could have done so much more to it, come on :eek:

Sanguinary Dan
05-31-2010, 11:43 AM
Sure I could have done "more", but why does everyone assume that the force weapon has to extend 6 feet out from the arm?

Do folks insist that the DCCW needs to be longer? Does the force weapon confer an I bonus to justify making it that much longer than regular? Since the answer is no to those questions why should I use the same ridiculously over sized, non-imperium looking, hand held swords and spears or wacky, giant axe heads glued to the end of a DCCW wrist that so many other people seem to use? I wanted something that looked like it belonged on a Space Marine Dreadnought, not an Eldar Wraithlord or Ork Kan. I think with the Chainfist feel I found what I needed.

Or... Well, I like it the way it is. :D

Herald of Nurgle
05-31-2010, 11:50 AM
Personally I would have just extended the 'spikes' on the end of the DCCW, but meh. It's clean and efficent, and if the Dread wanted it could just say 'MY FACE IS NOW THE FORCE WEAPON... KER-PLOINK!'

05-31-2010, 12:38 PM
Sure I could have done "more", but why does everyone assume that the force weapon has to extend 6 feet out from the arm?

Do folks insist that the DCCW needs to be longer? Does the force weapon confer an I bonus to justify making it that much longer than regular? Since the answer is no to those questions why should I use the same ridiculously over sized, non-imperium looking, hand held swords and spears or wacky, giant axe heads glued to the end of a DCCW wrist that so many other people seem to use? I wanted something that looked like it belonged on a Space Marine Dreadnought, not an Eldar Wraithlord or Ork Kan. I think with the Chainfist feel I found what I needed.

Or... Well, I like it the way it is. :D

Oh come on!!

Bigger is always better, right? ;)

05-31-2010, 05:16 PM
I suggested to have it rotating, not more protruding.

Sanguinary Dan
05-31-2010, 09:29 PM
@Madness: I'm not entirely sure what you meant by "rotating" ? The blade or the arm?

Or are you suggesting the blade attachment point be under the hand instead of under the forearm? While that would extend the blade forward I'm not sure it would be, let alone look, sturdy enough. I'd almost have to have some sort of grip for the hand to get it to look right, and that's beyond my skill set.

06-03-2010, 05:09 AM
I like what you've done, went in a completely different direction with mine - made a big choppy sword out of plasticard, which the model physically holds with the glove power fist. It's way OTT and I love it

Sanguinary Dan
06-04-2010, 07:48 AM
Pictures Noxx? Waaaaayyy OTT can be a good thing too.:D

I used him for the first time last night and it was magic. (har-har - Librarian... magic - funny) I went with Wings and Blood Lance and with a single jump got into position to charge/destroy LRC. Then on the next turn Lanced a Terminator and a Rhino. Lost my DCCW to a Perils of the Warp on that shot. But it was so worth it.