View Full Version : Magnus The Red spotted!

10-10-2016, 10:45 AM
Just in case you hadn't seen it yet..


Deacon Ix
10-10-2016, 03:06 PM
Vid on FB

Mr Mystery
10-11-2016, 01:03 AM
Let's discuss the video, eh?

1. Nice attempt at misdirection with the paper bin. Can't quite make out what the poster is, but his left hand is deliberatly covering something up.

2. Thousand Sons. 'we'll put them in a box'. Throwaway line, or not terribly cryptic reference to a forthcoming 40k boxed game of some kind? I don't think that refers to Prospero, as that doesn't seem to have Thousand Son specific stuff.

3. Magnus. Yep. Unambiguous.

4. Plastic Sisters of Battle...seemingly coming in a few months. And you know, with the background getting darker, and the clock seemingly moving to one minute to midnight, that does make sense. Who better to maintain a faithful presence on key Imperial Worlds? Astartes don't have the numbers (and do seem to be awfully busy right now), and Astra Militarum fulfil a different role. But small forces of Sororitas, literally working miracles on the battlefield through sheer faith? What better way to keep the Imperium's candle burning?

10-11-2016, 01:23 AM
1. It was definitely a picture
2. definitely needs a box.
3. I think they were trying to tell us something here.
4.plastic sisters are becoming te new squats :(

10-11-2016, 02:12 AM
He covered up something but left the SoBs showing so I'd say it's something we haven't seen, possibly something non imperium given how they love a battle scene at GW. Thousand Sons a defo then 😊

10-11-2016, 07:04 AM
Just in case you hadn't seen it yet..


Not sure that nipple horns were the way to go.

I guess it gives him something to hang the shopping on.

Or string a hammock between.

Wake me when Mortarian arrives.

10-11-2016, 10:46 AM
take a close look at the bottom right corner of the Magnus box, the mini there almost looks like on of the guys from the Silver tower box set, but this isn't an AoS box. So new Tzeentch cultists?

10-12-2016, 05:45 PM
take a close look at the bottom right corner of the Magnus box, the mini there almost looks like on of the guys from the Silver tower box set, but this isn't an AoS box. So new Tzeentch cultists?

The Tzeentch stuff in ST includes Kairic Acolytes (humans) and Tzaangors (beastmen). Either would be awesome inclusions as cultists in a Tzeentch themed army.

10-14-2016, 08:38 AM
The Tzeentch stuff in ST includes Kairic Acolytes (humans) and Tzaangors (beastmen). Either would be awesome inclusions as cultists in a Tzeentch themed army.

That was kinda my point, they are AoS Stuff, this box is not marked for both games, which suggests one or more of those units moving over from ST/AoS to 40k