View Full Version : Chipped wraithbone?

05-29-2010, 12:45 AM
I've been thinking, how would you weather Eldar? Their stuff is made of wraithbone, so chips would presumably be either bone-coloured or the same colour as the outer layer. I don't think I've ever seen it done. People hardly even give them faded, ancient looking equipment. For an ancient, dying race they look awfully new and shiny most of the time.

I think faded, cobwebbed Eldar with scarred armour would look pretty darn cool.

05-29-2010, 10:38 AM
I would probably weather them with more color than usual. I usually use dark browns and black for chips and such with the lightest highlight color painted under them. For eldar, I think I would make the chip a lighter shade of the base color with a bone colored streak underneath. If you are handy with greenstuff, you could even make splintered areas, like a fracture in a bone. I would think that lots of dust would would be on the underside of a skimmer also.

Tau are another army that doesn't get a lot of weathering. But the guys at Forgeworld have done some great paintjobs featuring just that. Check out the xv9 hazard suit to see what I mean.

05-29-2010, 01:24 PM
in the how to paint citadel tanks books theres a small part in there about how to make a damage wraithbone might want to check that out

05-29-2010, 02:28 PM
Wouldn't that hinder the "eternal" look of Eldar tech?

05-29-2010, 04:24 PM
I would agree with madness, also wouldn't wraithbone regenerate this leaving it unchipped?

05-29-2010, 05:16 PM
Wraithbone is regenerated, but if you wanted to chip it, I'd go for the lighter under coat.

If you look at natrual things, the outside tends to oxodize, and get darker. If you crack it open, you'll see a lighter un-oxodized layer. Would probably look pretty damn cool. If you went for one of the more non-psycher oriented craftworlds, it would work, as you need psychers to repair the wraithbone.

05-29-2010, 07:33 PM
How to paint citadel tanks says...

"The wound was painted with Scab Red, then washed with Badab Black. A highlight of Tallarn Flesh was applied before the whole wound was washed in Baal Red."

The effect makes the exposed interior of the wraithbone look like marrow (which makes sense).IMO I thought the inside of wraithbone would be a glowy light blue color.

05-29-2010, 07:38 PM
I just always assumed the inside of Wraithbone would be like ivory or horn, not living bone. Then again, it's probably the same colour as the outside - a red Wraithguard carapace is probably red all the way through. I don't think it seems likely that the Eldar paint or dye their wraithbone!