View Full Version : Orks v. Land Raider?

05-28-2010, 10:19 PM
Is there any practical way for an Ork force to take out a Land Raider? At best I am looking at S8 weapons and even those are kinda special.

I would even say that a Nob with power klaw trying 'Death or Glory' is prone to fail.

So do you guys ignore the LRs and focus on smaller fish, or am I missing somefink 'ere?

05-29-2010, 12:45 AM
Hello there,

A Nob w/ Power Klaw MAY get the job done, but the Warboss w/ Powe Klaw does it better for his better strength...so he maybe a better choice. Putting your Nob or Warboss w/Power Klaw on a bike makes it easier to reach your target too.

But generally after the Deffrolla have been FAQ'd to be able to ram vehicles, The Deffrolla on your battlewagon maybe the best choice available. D6 S10 hits is a vehicle killer, I'd highly recommend you to take this option.

Big mek
05-30-2010, 02:04 PM
As noted above, deff rolla is a nice way... but...

A nob with klaw hits with str 9 on the assault, might not sound like much, but trust me, it helps... other than that, tankhammers are nice, instant str 10 might do the trick, other than that, you might get lucky with a shokk attack gun (require more luck that brain though)..

Ill might come up with more later.

Oh, killa kans...

or again, as noted above, a warboss with klaw, and 4-5 nob bikers, 2-3 of them with power klaws, should be dead on first assault with a little luck ;)

05-30-2010, 05:02 PM
It really depends what you need to achieve Is destroying it essential, or is stunning it sufficient? In close combat it isn't too tricky, power klaws, deff dreads, killa kans, deff rollers, tank hammers. Shooting will require lots of rokkits/kannons to slow it down. Zzap guns and shokk attack guns are possible. A battery of zzap guns doesn't have too bad a chance (relatively speaking) of doing something, only slightly better than average strength roll needed to be able to damage it, and hey, you might get strength 10... Also, send bomb squigs chasing the tracks. Because it is funny.

05-30-2010, 07:53 PM
Any smart player should take Extra Armor on any and all Land Raiders, so stunning isn't an option.

Immobilizing or destroying it will put it out of action, but that's hard to do without any shooting with a strength greater than 8.

I would ignore it, and only go after it either as a target of opportunity, or if you absolutely need to open it.

05-31-2010, 03:56 AM
That is why I said 'is it sufficient?' people tend to get hung up on the difficulty of destroying vehicles, but quite often it isn't essential, you can stop it being a threat without destroying it completely. Taking extra armour isn't simply an automatic thing that smart people do, it is quite expensive, and with the machine spirit ability, not necessarily overly useful.

Basically you shouldn't find it too hard to deal with in close combat, and at rang,e it depends what you need to achieve, but you have access to plenty of strength eight guns if you want them, send a few barrages of rokkits their way and go for an immobilized, couple of weapon destroyed, will do the job.

05-31-2010, 01:00 PM
Taking extra armour isn't simply an automatic thing that smart people do, it is quite expensive, and with the machine spirit ability, not necessarily overly useful.

I've never seen anyone not take it on Land Raiders. Rhinos, sure. But Land Raiders must be able to deliver their cargo. And you're already paying so much, what's an extra 15pts. Having an immobilized Land Raider is just as bad as a destroyed one, if you haven't delivered your cargo yet. Getting Stunned at an inopportune moment can cost you the game.

I would very highly recommend always taking Extra Armor on any and all Land Raiders that will be used as transports. And since Land Raiders are too expensive to be used as mere gunships, they should always be used as transports at least at some point in the game.

05-31-2010, 01:45 PM
I've never seen anyone not take it on Land Raiders. Rhinos, sure. But Land Raiders must be able to deliver their cargo. And you're already paying so much, what's an extra 15pts. Having an immobilized Land Raider is just as bad as a destroyed one, if you haven't delivered your cargo yet. Getting Stunned at an inopportune moment can cost you the game.

I would very highly recommend always taking Extra Armor on any and all Land Raiders that will be used as transports. And since Land Raiders are too expensive to be used as mere gunships, they should always be used as transports at least at some point in the game.

I do not agree, but that is neither here nor there as this is about orks, my point is simply that you need to weigh up what exactly you need to do to a land raider, do you need to blow it up, or do you need to simply immobilise it, then you plan out your list to deal with it accordingly. If you do not need to blow it up, your shooting can probably handle it (chosen appropriately), if you do need to blow it up, close combat attacks are the best way forward.

05-31-2010, 10:16 PM
Right, an immobilized land raider is usually a useless land raider, at least against orks. Land Raiders are fantastic for their very large threat range, that orks just can't really stop. So if you do manage to stop it, the Land Raider probably isn't too much of a threat anymore, though there are cases where it will still be.

Anyways, Extra Armor has saved my Land Raiders too many times for me to ever consider not taking it, especially considering that I play Grey Knights, so EA is only 5pts. There's no excuse not to take it in that case. And even for a SM player, in my experience the 15pts is very well worth it.

06-01-2010, 02:46 AM
So do you guys ignore the LRs and focus on smaller fish, or am I missing somefink 'ere?

One word boy, Tankhammerz! Wot is more orky that whacking a recycled basilisk shell on a stick into the side of a Marine Super-koffin?:D

Dem marines fink dere so speshul... ok I can't keep up the ork-speak. It makes my fingers sore after a while. But honestly once you've cracked your first raider with a Tankhammer its amazing how cautious marine players get.

Seven times out of ten your Tankbusterz are going to get fried before they can sprint from cover to the side of a Raider. Two times out of ten they'll die as they assault, but it's worth it for that one time they assault and swing them hammers for victory! Of course then there's the problem of surviving the blast as the Raider goes up (if you're swinging a tankhammer you'll always be in the radius). Then there are the rather upset Termies who bail out... but hey, Orks are cheap.

06-01-2010, 02:09 PM
sorry for repost

06-01-2010, 02:58 PM
do not use nobz with power klawz against a land raider.
do not fire a looted tank at a land raider.
do not waste tankbusta fire against a land raider.

this is important: immobilized land raiders are still massive threats against orks. this is because 1.) orks fight up close, 2.) every weapon on a land raider can fire accurately, and 3.) all weapons on a land raider have the ability to damage your units.

in my painful experience with the headbutt of the emprah, i use the following:

kanz, warbosses.

all too often i find my kanz sprinting towards the land raider and any juicy contents that might spill out of it, and my warbosses being led around by the noses. sometimes there are other targets more threatening and i may deviate from the LR, but i usually pay for it.

another aspect of having plenty of s10 cc weapons floating about is this will create a zone of caution for your opponent, which may lead to tactical errors where mobz can get stuck in. i know i get cautious as all hell when i see a LR zooming down the middle of the board... your opponent will feel the same way if they see 2 trukkz full of warbosses zooming around 19" per turn.

this is just what works for me... i hope i didn't get too redundant on what kirsten has posted. i would like to stress that all my theory and practice hangs on the fact that i take a really balanced list and don't lean too much on either way of CC or shooting.

06-01-2010, 03:23 PM
this is important: immobilized land raiders are still massive threats against orks. this is because 1.) orks fight up close, 2.) every weapon on a land raider can fire accurately, and 3.) all weapons on a land raider have the ability to damage your units.

It is highly situational really. If the Land Raider is charging down the centre I would agree with you by and large, however, if for example it is flanking, you may be able to strand it on an edge and leave it, if it is a blood angels land raider and deep strikes, maybe you can immobilize it in your deployment zone and simply zoom off behind it. If you have a speed freak army it is easier to stay away, if it is a crusader or redeemer, not too hard to steer clear of its' guns. The question is, is the land raider coming toward you full of terminators? Is it sat beside an objective contesting it, is it shooting you? Is your army mobile or on foot, shooting or close combat based? In each situation the minimum you need to do to it is different. Obviously blowing it up is the ideal.

06-01-2010, 04:58 PM
yeah i was just talking about my experience with raiders.. my opponent usually knows orks have very poor ranged anti-armor so i have 2 LRs in the center of the table butt slamming my orks.. terminators on foot behind them or in them... these people are jerks. i do think your idea about zooming off behind a redeemer is pretty good... but again in my experience i've never had the chance to do that without 30-40 marines collapse around the attacking units and commence butt rape.

06-01-2010, 05:01 PM
Yeah it is really a very situational question, no easy answer, depends on who you are playing, what you both field and so forth.

06-01-2010, 05:36 PM
Plus, how intimidating is a TL lascannon to a 30 boy mob?

06-01-2010, 05:50 PM
Exactly, if your opponent brings a standard land raider, and you have large mobs/green tide army, then just ignore it entirely :p

06-01-2010, 06:12 PM
Hello there,

A Nob w/ Power Klaw MAY get the job done, but the Warboss w/ Powe Klaw does it better for his better strength...so he maybe a better choice. Putting your Nob or Warboss w/Power Klaw on a bike makes it easier to reach your target too.

So far I like this option best. I've got a biker warboss with a 5 Nob posse. The Boss and 2 Nobz have klaws. I don't know why I didn't think of them as an option. I guess I always go for the dakka answer first. So with furious charge I'm looking at a S11 hit from my Boss and S9 hits from the Nobz? That'll do pig.

I like the deffrolla for sure. I may have to try that out in a few games with a roll of tp taped to the front of my wagon before I shell out for a real model though. I can't see a wagon getting the drop on a LR for the ram.

06-01-2010, 06:15 PM
Well Strength 10 is the highest you can go. Battle wagons are pretty survivable, front armour 14, and you can throw in a big mek with a custom forcefield too

06-01-2010, 06:18 PM
So far I like this option best. I've got a biker warboss with a 5 Nob posse. The Boss and 2 Nobz have klaws. I don't know why I didn't think of them as an option. I guess I always go for the dakka answer first. So with furious charge I'm looking at a S11 hit from my Boss and S9 hits from the Nobz? That'll do pig.
That's S10 hits from the boss and S9 hits from the Nobz. Strength doesn't go above 10.

I like the deffrolla for sure. I may have to try that out in a few games with a roll of tp taped to the front of my wagon before I shell out for a real model though. I can't see a wagon getting the drop on a LR for the ram.
Depends on where you need to get it to. Many Land Raiders come barreling up to you, which makes it a lot easier to intercept them with a deffrolla. And remember that a deffrolla gets d6 S10 hits regardless of the Strength of the ram itself - no need to build up speed for the ram with a deffrolla, so it's useful for grinding up enemy vehicles even at close quarters.

06-01-2010, 06:23 PM
That's S10 hits from the boss and S9 hits from the Nobz. Strength doesn't go above 10.
I need to read the fine print. Thanks.

Depends on where you need to get it to. Many Land Raiders come barreling up to you, which makes it a lot easier to intercept them with a deffrolla. And remember that a deffrolla gets d6 S10 hits regardless of the Strength of the ram itself - no need to build up speed for the ram with a deffrolla, so it's useful for grinding up enemy vehicles even at close quarters.

A valid point. I don't get many games against Space Marines in general. Plus, the Orks are new to me so I am still feeling this out.