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05-28-2010, 08:15 PM
This is a pretty cool game its cheaper than GW and Warmachine and to me its a better game.

This is the Official Forum for Dream pod 9

This is there website.

This is about Heavy gear

This is the quickstart rules

cool battle report


05-31-2010, 01:22 PM
Heavy Gear is much more closely inspired by a less-well-known series called 'Armored Trooper VOTOMS.' The big difference between VOTOMS and the better known Gundam series is that it has a lot more 'real military' feel. Less super units: Heavy Gears (the mecha) are more of a mid-point between tanks and infantry. They need to use pack tactics to take down tanks, and infantry can get lucky shots.

The minis are a smaller scale (1/144) such that a Gear miniature is a bit bigger than a 40k human figure. In scale, a Gear is generally 3-5 times as tall as a human.

I think the prices are reasonable (again, I'm biased). I won't argue that the miniatures do cost a couple bucks, but they're available in pretty useful squad boxes and have a lot of add-ons. Depending on the size of games you want to play, an army is generally around 3 squads, which are about $40-$50 if you can make them from the (recently revised) box sets.

The most current rules (Heavy Gear Blitz! Locked & Loaded) are pretty good. There's some valid arguments (a few units are less useful than others), and effort is being made to resolve them. I don't think there's a 'perfect' game system out there, after all. I can put up with some weird stuff if the game is good overall and doesn't frustrate me.

As an extremely high-level overview Blitz! uses opposed rolls and each model (or a set of infantry bases). To make an attack, you roll a number of dice (d6) equal to a model's skill and take the highest die. The opponent does the same. Apply modifiers and compare the two. If the attack rol is higher you subtract the two and have determined the 'Margin of Success' or MoS. Multiply the MoS by the attack's damage number, and compare to the unit's armor, and the effects of the attack are determined.

It sounds more involved than it is. It means each attack is essentially two rolls and done, and the attacks factor in range, skill of both the attacker and defender, cover, and speed of both units. The MoS system is a neat concept, but it does cause a couple weird points.

The setting is very 'deep' as it's been around as an RPG/tactical hybrid from the mid 90s. It's a bit more subtle than settings like 40k: Two major factions, the North and South, are really enemies more for political and social reasons than because of a clear good and evil like 40k.

Heavy Gear also had two computer games. Heavy gear and Heavy gear 2 both where great games. They did have a TV show but it was for kids and it was not really that good. I posted the links cause I thought it was easier for people to see this game I discovered. Since I have found this game I have built 3 army's and heavy gear has started up in my store and in Monroe near bossier. And yes its not as popular in England cause its hard to break into the 40k homeland but it is growing their. It has really picked up in the US and other country's.

The game is more tactical than 40k and fantasy but dose not have the book keeping of battletech. They use data cards and a lot of the stuff they do makes since. There are no scatter dice is use's the base of the model to scatter so there is no fighting as to where the Mortor or missiles hit. Indirect Fire is nice as you can use another gear to spot for your fire support guys so you can keep them out of line of sight from the enemies.

there is ECM and ECCM to block Forward Observations (spotting) and CP (command points) which CP's let you like give your guy a parting shot before he blows up move again , shoot again things like that but you can only give one CP to any model so that way you can poor like 3 CPs into the same dude.

HG also has a lot of objectives Offense, defense, and standard objectives which are picked according to your PL (priority Level) and a dice roll.

There are Air support and Artillery as well as the ability to get turrets.

Its a great game lots of factions to choose from I enjoy it a lot and with GW prices going up and I do not like warmachine kill the wizard its a good replacement.

07-13-2010, 10:40 AM
Umm....I got a 404 on the last two links. Broken perhaps?

07-29-2010, 07:25 PM
I have many of the HG books and models (both newer 1/144 and older 1/87-HO scale) but have only played once at a gaming con in College Station.

I really liked HO scale because of the availability of plastic tank kits and buildings.

Anyone playing this in the Austin, TX area?
I love battletech - but dig anime style of Heavy Gear from time to time.

08-26-2010, 01:07 PM

Demo at a few different spots in austin tomorrow.

03-05-2012, 03:18 PM
I've always loved the Heavy Gear setting since the HG pc game (came out around the same time as MW2). I've also constantly danced around investing in the minis - are they still releasing stuff (ie, is the game still "alive")?

03-05-2012, 03:56 PM
I really enjoy the game, and I just got into it myself.

However, the statement about it being "cheaper than 40k" is a bit misleading. It's not a super cheap game to get into by any means, despite the fact that I DO think it's a very good value.

03-24-2012, 11:39 AM
i remember playing allot of second edition of this game, loved the custom gear creation rules but it was allot more rules intensive then.