View Full Version : Pre-heresy World eaters and Death guard using Forge World parts?

05-28-2010, 04:40 AM
Morning all,

I've always been interested in the Horus Heresy and for a long time have wanted to do a pre-heresy army. However I am also planning to update my 40K Death Guard to include Forge World torsos etc (they've been good boys and won a fair few games therefore, in the absence of plastic cookies or beer, they deserve a treat), and my money probably won't stretch to doing both.

My question is thus:

What 'era' do you reckon the Forge World upgrade sets for World Eaters and Death Guard represent?
Early-heresy (Istvaan and beyond)
Full-on-heresy (travelling to Terra and the siege)
Post-heresy (once the legions were camped out in the Eye of Terror they then had time to sit and convert their armour and twiddle their thumbs).

Now in my opinion they ain't pre-heresy even if the Chaos symbols are filed off/left out. But I have no idea when the legions updated their armour, though there was reference in one of the HH books that new suits (new MKs) were being fabricated on Mars and the other Forge Worlds prior to and during the conflict. All I do know is that the Death Guard were pretty standard armour-wise until they got caught by in a warp storm on the way to Terra, they then emerged looking mre like the plague-ridden Death Guard we recognise today. However I have no idea of similar fluff for the World Eaters.

I am wondering whether I can, with a little work, pull of the Forge World upgrade sets as mid-heresy. If anyone reading this plays in the UK Tempus Fugitives events, can they tell me the rules on armour variants as my aim is to one day play in their big weekends held up there in Warhammer World.

Thanks, good gaming to all

05-28-2010, 08:26 AM
The Death Guard upgrade set would do well representing them after their time in the warp en route to Terra. Their helmets lend themselves well to the MkII/III armor that was common amongst the Death Guard before the heresy.

The World Eaters set could represent them at the Siege of Terra. Though their armor is too warped to be very useful for Pre-Heresy. After the seven years of war leading to the Siege, who knows what they've done?

Also, as an idea, the World Eaters' color scheme was Blue/White, but after a campaign their armor would be so splattered with gore that they'd be red anyway. It'd be cool to represent them like this.

Horus Aximand
05-28-2010, 09:24 AM
Seeing as the World Eater kits are wearing modifications of their current helmets, I would imagine them as definitely quite POST heresy. The Plague MArine kits could be used as Heresy/Scouring era Death Guard with some work

05-28-2010, 11:02 AM
Also, as an idea, the World Eaters' color scheme was Blue/White, but after a campaign their armor would be so splattered with gore that they'd be red anyway. It'd be cool to represent them like this.

Thank you! You just made my Pre-Heresy painted World Eaters a lot easier to paint! White is such a pain to paint, but if I only prime it white and splatter it all over with red... :D

Or maybe not...

05-28-2010, 11:52 AM
Thank you! You just made my Pre-Heresy painted World Eaters a lot easier to paint! White is such a pain to paint, but if I only prime it white and splatter it all over with red... :D

Or maybe not...

I was thinking of doing pre-heresy World Eaters too and the easiest method i found was to spray them white(twice if necessary but don't do it too thick) and then to line the recesses with watered down shadow grey(GW) then paint the blue over on the respective parts.
As for the forgeworld stuff I'd say it looks post-heresy; the death guard looks quite corrupted and the world eaters helmets have been modified as someone above said.

05-28-2010, 02:07 PM
Thanks for all the responses. I think i'll start with the Death Guard first and redo my army giving it a slightly more crusade/herresy era feel while I'm at it (DG legion banners, slightly older armour, cream and green colours). The maybe once rich and brave enough move on to World Eaters, though I now quite fancy the challenge of converting a full blown pre-heresy force so will most likely not use the forge world suits for them.

Many thanks. When I have the time and money i'll crack on and maybe even post a few pics.

Good gaming to all

05-28-2010, 03:21 PM
Use the Red Scorpion upgrade packs from Forge World. All of the chests and helms are pre-heresy- very cool and easy.

05-29-2010, 08:58 AM
@IronGut: That's what I've done with my PH Ultramarines army- all MkIV torsos and heads, using the 1st edition Rhinos and Land Raiders.

Then again, for the DG, I imagine the MkII crusade style helmets a la Index Astartes. For the World Eaters I always picture them in MkV plate- it's far more brutal looking than the others (with the possible exception of Thunder Armor).