View Full Version : God Machines

Jordan Ashworth
05-27-2010, 07:17 PM
So I am planning on building a Mars Pattern Warlord Titan thanks to the inspiration of the novel Titanicus and David Smith's Warlord Titan. (A drop dead gorgeous site by the way David.) I have begun sketching and gathering materials to create the God Machine, however this will be my first scratch build piece this size.

So any help and suggestions would be appreciated.

My current resources:
- Foam Board
- Styrene Sheets
- The Chopper (Thank you for mentioning this tool David)
- Wood Glue
- 40k Bitz (mostly stuff from my baneblades, basalisks and leman russ)
- Bristol Board
- PVC Pipe and Pipe fittings (On shopping list)

And that would be all.

Jordan Ashworth

05-27-2010, 09:54 PM
PVC Pipe and pipe fittings, they are useful for arm, leg and hip joints.

Jordan Ashworth
05-27-2010, 09:56 PM
Thanks Plasticaddict, I will add those to my shopping list.

05-28-2010, 02:40 AM
for testing out coulor schemes and for how sttuff sticks togerher a few epic warlords would help :D

and scratch build something smaller (e.g. dreadnought rhino) first to see how you do it !! (e.g. you wouldnt build a resin reaver as your first model!! :P)

when finished please post piccys :D


Jordan Ashworth
05-28-2010, 06:14 AM
Oops I messed up there, meant to say this will be my first scratch build item this size. >< But I will defiantly be sure to post pics of my progress and finished result.

05-29-2010, 02:01 AM
One of the detailing tricks used in movie studio models is to use bits from regular plastic model kits.
I have seen bits of aircraft, tanks and even half a car engine block.