View Full Version : Paypal For Sale: Lunar Landscape Battle Board (via Etsy)

09-28-2016, 03:39 PM
http://orig04.deviantart.net/3704/f/2016/272/f/d/lunar01a_by_necron2_0-dajb4pj.jpg (https://www.etsy.com/listing/481029467/war-game-28mm-paper-crater-terrain-lunar)

If you've seen this before, I made this to sell, actually. I'm selling it via >>Etsy<< (https://www.etsy.com/listing/481029467/war-game-28mm-paper-crater-terrain-lunar).

This is a six foot by four foot battle board - hand made from scratch. It is fully modular. It is made entirely from pulped paper, via a process similar to something called "Carton Pierre." The individual tiles are as ridged as particle board. It comes painted and sealed. Instructions will also be included with tips and hints about laying out the board. Each tile is numbered on the back, and there are magnets intended to help hold the tiles in place (the magnets are not very strong, however).