View Full Version : Parasite of Mortrex and flank marching

05-26-2010, 11:54 PM
I'm about to have a massive (80,000pt) apoc game tomorrow, and we've run into a problem: The Parasite of Mortrex and Flank Marching. Are units flank marching effected as if they where out flanking? I say no, as the rule specifficaly says Out Flanking, my friend says yes, as they are basically the same thing. Your thoughts?

Also, does the Parasites ability (the sarge is acting strangely) stop working when the Parasite is killed?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-27-2010, 05:36 AM
I would say yes as well, generally when I have queries, I go for the answer that sounds the most fun =D

05-27-2010, 06:17 AM
If you're playing a big friendly game and you are using an ability that is exactly like Outflanking, but is called something slightly different, then play that the parasite effects them/it. It's a friendly game and if you try to weazel out of it, then you're not a nice friend.

Also, if he's killed, the abilities stop.

05-27-2010, 09:11 AM
We decided it won't work on Flank Marching, mostly for a balance thing. The game is a 4 player free for all, and we decided it's ability would be way too overpowered/slow the game down too much.

05-27-2010, 01:47 PM
I would generally say it does not but remember that ambush is pretty good against flank marching that is not mech. How big of a surface are you playing a 80K point game on.

05-27-2010, 01:49 PM
It is Apoc, so do whatever you guys want.

As for 'balancing' Flank March, um, by not allowing the Parasite to work on Flank Marching units, you are making a broken asset even more broken.

In my opinion, and the opinions of a few experienced Austin players I have seen, just ban Flank March form your games...

05-27-2010, 01:50 PM
Unless the rules state otherwise, an ability ceases to work when the model/unit with the power does not exist.

05-27-2010, 05:21 PM
It is Apoc, so do whatever you guys want.

As for 'balancing' Flank March, um, by not allowing the Parasite to work on Flank Marching units, you are making a broken asset even more broken.

In my opinion, and the opinions of a few experienced Austin players I have seen, just ban Flank March form your games...

We had gotten to the point where both teams had more or less completely reserved, and there was absolutely nothing on the board specifically because no one wanted to get flank marched on by the other team:rolleyes:.

Then we kept running into different issues, like the majority of people having no fun while the few people with a bunch of superheavies made them shovel them off the board.

Yeah... we just stopped playing apoc games a long time ago. We've done one or two small ones, but didn't even bother using apoc rules.

05-27-2010, 07:40 PM
I would generally say it does not but remember that ambush is pretty good against flank marching that is not mech. How big of a surface are you playing a 80K point game on.

The table is a 6x6 center with a 2x6 extension on each edge for the deployment zones. Everyone except our tyranid player took flank march, but the tyranid player dropped spore mines to deny about 50% of each other players deployment zones. He also lined his table edges with gaunts to stop anyone flank marching him. Our choas player did the same thing using his 200 odd zombies.

So needless to say, there's very little room for flank marching.

06-03-2010, 12:46 PM
We had gotten to the point where both teams had more or less completely reserved, and there was absolutely nothing on the board specifically because no one wanted to get flank marched on by the other team:rolleyes:.

Then we kept running into different issues, like the majority of people having no fun while the few people with a bunch of superheavies made them shovel them off the board.

Yeah... we just stopped playing apoc games a long time ago. We've done one or two small ones, but didn't even bother using apoc rules.

This is the major reason you need:

A moderator that approves all army lists and sets up restricted Stratagems, point values, teams, ect.
A Team Captain per side.
A Number of Sgts for Sub-Groups.

This really helps the game A LOT. With those things, it prevents one side from completely dominating (like they have all the Super Heavies).

The Ultimate Goal for the Moderator should be that when the last side of the last turn has finished, there are no models left on the board!

06-03-2010, 12:51 PM
The table is a 6x6 center with a 2x6 extension on each edge for the deployment zones. Everyone except our tyranid player took flank march, but the tyranid player dropped spore mines to deny about 50% of each other players deployment zones. He also lined his table edges with gaunts to stop anyone flank marching him. Our choas player did the same thing using his 200 odd zombies.

So needless to say, there's very little room for flank marching.

This is why our moderator banned Flank March completely-- because those types of tactics were disrupting the game completely. Same with Disruption Beacon and Vortex Grenades.