View Full Version : Female Pilot

05-26-2010, 07:25 PM
Okay, so I really want a female Lightning pilot ala this FW exclusive Thunderbolt pilot. (http://www.solegends.com/citle/citle2000/forgeWorld/fwimppilot.htm) In damn near every BL book, there is a female pilot somewhere. They exist GW. Give them to us.


Now, if I can find a base female pilot figure, I know I'll be able to do some greenstuffing to make it look nice, but I'd be open to commissioning someone too, if someone was willing.

Commissar Lewis
05-26-2010, 07:43 PM
I too want one, so I can have that pilot chick from Aliens as either a Valkyrie pilot or an Officer of the Fleet. I already intend to make Vasquez as a Harker counts-as.

05-26-2010, 08:22 PM
You could probably use that exact model. I know it wouldn't really be OBVIOUS but she could be an older slightly butch pilot. I'm pretty sure having breasts hanging out wouldn't have the desired effect.

05-26-2010, 08:54 PM
Urban Mammoth makes a pretty good one:


It's not GW, so you won't be using her in any GTs, but as long as that's not a concern she should do a pretty good job. Scale is pretty close (enough that it is unlikely that anyone would notice). You may want to do a weapon swap on her though.

05-26-2010, 09:16 PM
Urban Mammoth makes a pretty good one:


It's not GW, so you won't be using her in any GTs, but as long as that's not a concern she should do a pretty good job. Scale is pretty close (enough that it is unlikely that anyone would notice). You may want to do a weapon swap on her though.

Oh, that's not bad at all! Thanks!

Keep em coming if you know of anything.

05-28-2010, 01:19 AM
Protip: GW can't make female models to save their lives. Banshees? Incredibly old sculpt. SoB? Even older, and pretty much everyone agrees the helmeted ones look better. Daemonettes? Yeah. Hell, there are only two female IG models (the faction that has the best excuse to have women mixed in) and one of them was limited edition and the other one is a specific unit for a specific sub-army that isn't even pictured when you click on the blister it comes in. (The horrible Last Chancers women don't count.)

05-28-2010, 01:50 AM
I agree on the whole, but to be pedantic I would say that 'for the most part GW can't make female models in 28mm scale to save their lives'.:rolleyes: Their 54mm females are lovely, and someof the fantasy range females are quite good, as are some of the Escher. Then there is Lelith Hesperax, which I think is a brilliant sculpt. There is also that countess from Mordheim which is painted well is a good sculpt, though you wouldn't know it from tha paintjob on the GW site which is mind-numbingly awful and makes the sculpt look like rubbish.

Protip: GW can't make female models to save their lives. Banshees? Incredibly old sculpt. SoB? Even older, and pretty much everyone agrees the helmeted ones look better. Daemonettes? Yeah. Hell, there are only two female IG models (the faction that has the best excuse to have women mixed in) and one of them was limited edition and the other one is a specific unit for a specific sub-army that isn't even pictured when you click on the blister it comes in. (The horrible Last Chancers women don't count.)

05-28-2010, 02:43 AM
I think female sculpts as a whole are difficult to do.


Theres some females on there (and some other stuff) but most of them...are pretty poor (although that Dionne (b) model would make a bad-*** female inquisitor...)

05-28-2010, 07:53 AM
I think female sculpts as a whole are difficult to do.


Theres some females on there (and some other stuff) but most of them...are pretty poor (although that Dionne (b) model would make a bad-*** female inquisitor...)

I dunno about that. Studio McVey seems to have no problem with them, nor do many of the smaller production houses featured on coolminiornot.

C'est la vie. I think I'm just going to try and commission one. Yikes.

05-29-2010, 09:24 AM
I agree on the whole, but to be pedantic I would say that 'for the most part GW can't make female models in 28mm scale to save their lives'.:rolleyes: Their 54mm females are lovely, and someof the fantasy range females are quite good, as are some of the Escher. Then there is Lelith Hesperax, which I think is a brilliant sculpt. There is also that countess from Mordheim which is painted well is a good sculpt, though you wouldn't know it from tha paintjob on the GW site which is mind-numbingly awful and makes the sculpt look like rubbish.

Well, it's true- the human eye, and especially the male eye, are finely-tuned machines for detecting imperfections in women's bodies, because that was a pretty good sign of who had a horrible, disfiguring disease and who was eating well and ready to make babies way back in the days of prehistory. So female models are always going to have that extra level of scrutiny on them that others can get by without.

That still doesn't excuse that near-total lack of female models in the range and the incredibly poor examples of the ones that do exist.

I am, unfortunately, less familiar with Fantasy and I don't know much of anything about GW's 54mm stuff. The Eschers aren't too bad, although I wish they'd lavish some more attention on them (and on Necromunda in general). I may have to check some of the stuff you mentioned out, just to see how it looks compared to the rest of their range.

05-29-2010, 09:41 AM
And girls have a finely honed eye for picking out female flaws to make snarky comments about the prettier girls, so its really a no win situation.:rolleyes: (yes, sarcasm, but agreeing with the point)
Fact is GW could nad should do better with its female figures, the ability IS there, as I said, some of their female sculpts are very good. But they just don't seem to care.

Edit: Studio McVey do a good female sculpt, but then they have, what, ten sculpts available? They can afford to lavish a bit more time on each.

05-29-2010, 09:48 AM
If you don't mind GSing a couple of the Pulp Miniatures figures (http://www.pulpfigures.com/cat.php?range=Personalities&catalog=PHP&custID=581731292171275147978) could work (I've got some and they scale well).

05-29-2010, 10:12 AM
try the pilot from the immolator, with some work you could do a good pilot, just cover the corset or mellisia will get you! lol, seriously though, the stuff you can do with the mini is scary as long as GS doesnt put you off.

05-29-2010, 11:36 PM
The female scupts from the Malifaux game are pretty nice.

05-30-2010, 10:07 AM
The female scupts from the Malifaux game are pretty nice.

Sadly, they are too big for 40k.

Shadow Queen
05-30-2010, 04:04 PM

This guy is a friend of mine his name is Bryan Steele, and has worked for Priveteer Press and Mongoose Publishing and did a ferrus Manus for my Iron hands. He might be able to help you.

05-30-2010, 06:37 PM
How can games workshop scuplt a female when they have never seen one. Ha ha.

05-30-2010, 07:25 PM
Not true, AFAIK they have had at least two on the studio staff.

05-30-2010, 08:09 PM
How can games workshop scuplt a female when they have never seen one. Ha ha.

Hyuk Hyuk. You. Are. Hilarious.

Way to spend your first post.