View Full Version : DrLove's Tau - the 501st Kau'ui of T'au

05-26-2010, 07:48 AM
Howdy y'all. First i'll apoligise for my slightly average paintwork (really below average compared to a lot of you guys stuff)

So heres a picture of some of my new Tau stuff. Just started the army, and in middle of exams so not got a lot of progress down yet. Going with a traditional Tau colour, just a little darker.

Gun Drone

Firewarrior Shas'ui (heads not finished yet)

So firstly constructive criticism is welcome, my skill is limited to but looking to learn!

Also on the learning front i want to "duff up" the force a bit. Dust on the legs, battle damage etc etc. Scratches and stuff i know how to do, i was wondering if anyone had any good ideas on how to paint cement (grey) dust onto the legs? So it looks after a day trudging through the city they've picked up some on their trousers?


05-26-2010, 08:55 AM
good start mate.

for the cement dust, you can try a few options

just lightly dab on some Fortress grey (very light grey) and dab some skull white. but don't go mad!
drybrushing this on might also give a similar effect ^
or buy some of forgeworlds weathering powders (or any other company if you know of any) this is a little more difficult to work with but would give a more professional finish

hope this helps

07-27-2010, 04:37 AM
Kinda been neglecting my Tau, lots of shiny eldar projects on the go right now



Stealth Suits. Also the drones attatched to my stealth teams are painted in the "stealth" colours...no point being a stealthy team with a great orange drone buzzing around behind you


My kroot shaper (awful picture i know). Used as a test for the paint scheme on the rest of my kroot. Also my first ever conversion, even if it is as basic as swapping out the gun. When i made him i didn't know there was a set shaper model so i converted him out, and added lots of the bitz to him to make him look the most important