View Full Version : Have I picked the right army?

09-17-2016, 12:45 AM
Morning all,

I made the decision to get back into 40k about 3 weeks ago having not played it for some 20-odd years. Problem is, I'm a terribly indecisive person! As such, I have some models from a lot of armies (mostly old, all metal) but no actual army any more. I have read articles, forums etc and my mind is still torn. As such I was hoping I could tell you what I am looking for, what I am leaning towards and you could at least offer me an insight that hopefully tips the scales.

I am looking for:
* A fast army
* A durable force
* Relatively easy to paint

The armies I have toyed with playing:
* Necrons (current winner)
* Khorne Daemonkin / Chaos Daemons / Chaos Marines (The Heldrake is a major selling point for me)
* Eldar (I have a lot of old Eldar already)

The armies I know that I don't want to collect at this time:
* Imperial Space Marines of any sort (I've got some but never took to them)
* Tau (Too many people at the club play them - I intend to base my initial list on facing these)
* Orks (Too unpredictable)

Final thoughts:
* The club uses a lot of cover, likes to stick to around 1500 and although I'm very interested in going to tournaments one day - I need to build experience first (so that could be a different army)
* In terms of fluff - they're all great, I don't lean towards any.

Any help, direction, opinions from your own experiences would be appreciated.

09-17-2016, 01:39 AM
Choosing which army to play is a major issue.
There have been loads of threads on how to pick an army in the past and nearly any member would give you their own two penneth worth of what is the right way.

For me, the rules are the last part, the rules ebb and flow and what was an army strength maybe their weakness next edition/codex.
I went from being able to have a 30 man death company, to a randomly generated one, to a maximum size of 10 and now currently back to multiple large squads.

Certainly the Necrons meat the options of being relatively easy to paint, I've always considered them to be quite slow (but that might be based on their low i[And I've not played against them for several editions]), but with their scythes and arcs they can be quite mobile. So go with it ;)

09-17-2016, 02:04 AM
Thanks Wolfshade. For me the reason Necrons are winning is firstly - I have most of my old army when I wanted to get back into the game in 2003 (but lacked a local club or a driving licence). Secondly, the army can be geared up to be very swift, with a lot of fast troops or deepstriking options (along with the night scythes).
That said, I worry I may be missing something from the other armies, or potentially restricting myself to a certain type of gameplay.

09-17-2016, 02:48 AM
Hi ho! So many choices... so little time. As a collecting fanatic that can field every 40k army in it's glory I've toyed around a lot over the years. At the end of the day though my personal fave is Eldar... I love them in all their varieties! I like to play a game of movement and they are masters of screaming around the table. You also get to play around in the psychic phase which can be fun too. Best of luck rejoining the madness. And like Wolfshade said... don't sweat the rules much. They change as often as a pop star's outfits when hosting an awards show. :)

09-17-2016, 03:50 AM
Fortunately now with unbound armies and allies and such you can always mix and match the armies as you see fit :)

Though I am not sure anyone should ask me as I never finish an army I just collect more and another one

09-20-2016, 03:49 PM
So strange as this sounds Im actually going to roll Dark Eldar. As much as I like the Necrons, I really like the Dark Eldar models. In addition, I think they will be a good match at the local club. Thankfully I dont mind losing :)

09-21-2016, 02:36 PM
Well good luck, not sure how they fit the "durable" but good luck :)

Da Gargoyle
11-05-2016, 08:41 PM
Try this one. I have been gaming Eldar a long time now. I am about to pick up the starter box of Dark Eldar because of the Raider. DE are battle brothers to Eldar and it means I can mount Scorpions or Banshees in the Raider and assault from it. My tactics used to was, zoom in a wave serpent, dismount next turn, move shoot and assault. But you now can not assault from an enclosed vehicle so that tactic went by the wayside. With the raider, unless I miss my guess, I can Zoom in, next turn move 6", leap out 6", shoot and assault. Scorpions and Banshees are a perfect match for the Raider being far better in assault than their DE counterparts. So anyway, the move is an Eldar force with a DE allied attachment.

11-07-2016, 01:54 PM
Try this one. I have been gaming Eldar a long time now. I am about to pick up the starter box of Dark Eldar because of the Raider. DE are battle brothers to Eldar and it means I can mount Scorpions or Banshees in the Raider and assault from it. My tactics used to was, zoom in a wave serpent, dismount next turn, move shoot and assault. But you now can not assault from an enclosed vehicle so that tactic went by the wayside. With the raider, unless I miss my guess, I can Zoom in, next turn move 6", leap out 6", shoot and assault. Scorpions and Banshees are a perfect match for the Raider being far better in assault than their DE counterparts. So anyway, the move is an Eldar force with a DE allied attachment.

If your group uses the new FAQs then they disallow starting the game embarked on battle brother transports. You can still start next to them and embark on the first turn but it makes them a bit more vulnerable if you have to go second. If your group doesn't use those FAQs then great. I applaud anything that gets banshees on the table =)
I don't think either unit is necessarily better than incubi, but both are much better than wyches

Captain Bubonicus
11-08-2016, 10:22 AM
Anytime you pick an army that you genuinely like, you picked the "right" army. :)