View Full Version : Fed up with Games Workshop

05-25-2010, 01:10 PM
So a small amount of defects I can understand during the molding process, be it with plastic or pewter, but this is starting to get ridiculous. Some months ago, I purchase a box of gaunts, only to discover that the attachable leg pieces of the hormagaunts were somehow melted or otherwise left unfinished by the production process. Last week I bought a box of genestealers, and there no bases in the box. At all. And just the other day I purchased a Zoanthrope, and then discovered that not only was it missing three pieces from the blister, but the head and body of the Zoanthrope were from two separate editions! Like I said before, some amount of mix up is understandable given the large volume of toy soldiers GW produces and ships, but this is, and it bears repeating, ridiculous. Does anyone else have experience with these sorts of issues, or is it really just me?

05-25-2010, 01:16 PM
wow seriously impressed you managed to get components from two different items that were never in production at the same time in the same blister :rollseyes:

05-25-2010, 01:16 PM
Have you tried contacting them about it at all? Usually, they're good about replacing the damaged merchandise. A friend of mine had a thunderfire cannon where they gave him two left covers for the cannon and no right cover. They sent him a whole extra cannon, and now he just plays the "defective" one with neither cover on and it's hardly even noticeable. The net result was two weeks later he got a $45 model for free.

05-25-2010, 01:16 PM
In 15 years of playing (off and on) I have had two issues... a lictor missing a leg and a valkyrie missing the clear plastic windows to the canopy.

I called GW, gave them the batch number off the package and it was replaced promptly.

05-25-2010, 01:35 PM
The very first kit I ever bought (Advanced Heroquest!) had no bases in and since then I've probably had about half-a-dozen cases of miscast or missing pieces. In every case I contacted GW either instore or by mail order. In one case where Mail Order sent me the wrong dragon they asked me to post it back to them and then posted me a replacement and in another case it was a small component and the manager seemed to think I had lost it myself and was awkward but in every other case I've been sent/given a fresh copy of the item without any fuss.

Get in touch and give them a chance to fix it.

The mind boggles at the zoanthrope issue - components not produced at the same time mixed up?!

Herald of Nurgle
05-25-2010, 01:37 PM
I found that the Hammer of my Harry the Hammer model (from WD anniversairy thing) was missing. They sent a whole new one over.
That was SIX MONTHS after the anniversairy weekend.

05-25-2010, 01:53 PM
One thing I've found to be quite fruitful... watch for what country the batch was made in. If the item says Made in UK, I've found that I've had far less problem with it. More of my problems come from the ones marked Made in USA on the box.

I almost always try to shoot for a first production run of an item here in the states, because they tend to be shipped from the UK (metals now, but used to do this with both metal and plastics). Now I'm just stuck with the sucky plastics from the US.

(Side by side out of the box, you can see a quality difference between the two plants... the UK is far superior in quality of plasstic used and detail in the mold application in the plastic).

John M.

Lord Azaghul
05-25-2010, 02:02 PM
Honestly I've been playing for years and just a about a month ago I picked up a landspeeder that wasn't fully formed (main hull plate). I called them yesterday, and was told they'd send me a replacement - it was pretty hassle free, and I thought it was good customer service.

Lunar Camel
05-25-2010, 02:23 PM
When I used to work for GW, I only had a few customers that would have defective/missing products. They would just have to show us the defect and we would give them a new box right off the wall.

05-25-2010, 02:51 PM
GW usually has the best customer services, missing bits and pieces are no problem. Heck even if you lose a little piece here and there GW sometimes still lets you pick it up for free.

05-25-2010, 02:58 PM
Yes stuff happens and that is the PG version Don't get feed up just call GW Customer Service and guess what they will with many questions send you a NEW box. Yes they will send you a Box of Guants , Genestealers, and a Zoanthrope and they will not send you a Sprue they will send you will get a new box. They know this happens and they are VERY good and will send the stuff in 2 to 3 days.

Commissar Lewis
05-25-2010, 03:01 PM
Hell, I've been there. I got a Chimera a while back (about January 25th) and the hull was slightly warped. Managed to assemble it pretty much 100%, only thing is the back hatch is slightly off kilter. I claim it as it was shot off in an engagement and duct-taped back on.

It wasn't a big enough of a deal to contact GW, but man sounds like you got some bad luck in your purchases, TC. I'd contact them about it.

05-25-2010, 03:11 PM
I bought some goblin wolfriders once, and they had these cool pebbles for the bases.

I bought another box and wtf?? No pebbles just some extra bloody heads.
I was well pissed off I can tell you.

05-25-2010, 03:58 PM
Yeah, really I'm just overreacting. I know that I can call GW, and they're pretty cool about replacing defective products, the missing bases were actually given to me by the owner of my LGS. Really my frustration stemmed from why these sorts of things happen at all, but like I said, I know it's not a problem they can fix 100% of the time. Good observation there on the different level of quality between UK and US stuff, now that you mention it, I've noticed the difference from time to time as well... Hmm, hate to say it, but with 40k, it would seem that "made in the USA" doesn't seem to be the way to go...

05-25-2010, 03:59 PM
I've only had 2 problems. A lictor with 2 right arms and a Hellhound with a mis-molded hull. Both times got an entire kit as a replacement. Which is awesome, accept I can't help but think that's part of why we keep getting price increases. Giving away too much stuff...............I can't believe i just said that

Limey El'Jonson
05-25-2010, 04:17 PM
Oh heck yeah!

I bought several drop pods, and on each of the sprues that had two vertical fins, one of the fins was warped. In each box, the same warpage on two fins. The same amount, the same shape. I called GW and they sent me two complete drop pods that I could raid for the parts I needed. I opened those ones and THEY had bad fins. Crazy. Then I took those kits down to my local GW and explained the situation. They cracked open two drop pods and let me take what I needed. Now I've got four good drop pods and two free kits which are good for scenery! :D

THAT is service. They were all US made kits. Oddly, only one box had a batch number on it which makes me wonder what the heck you'd do if there wasn't a number on the lid.

05-25-2010, 11:48 PM
I once bought a box of Banshees where all the swords were twisted. I don't just mean bent, they were like corkscrewd, even the arm. Can't imagine how it happened. Took it back to the store and got a new box and I was able to keep the old one.
The only other thing that I've had go wrong was my AoBR set which had no struts for the Deffkopta flying bases. I didn't bother reporting this as I just appropriated some wire my brothers use instead of struts. Looks better and I can vary the height and whatnot.

05-26-2010, 07:30 AM
I have to agree with the good customer service of GW. My brother bought an obliterator that was missing one of the little weapon bits for the arm. He called GW and got a whole new Obliterator model.

Lord Inquisitor
05-26-2010, 09:06 AM
Usually it is pretty awesome when something is messed up. My friend bought a Baneblade and the hellhammer cannon was melted. He promptly called GW and he now has two perfectly fine Baneblades.

Lord Azaghul
05-26-2010, 09:12 AM
Usually it is pretty awesome when something is messed up. My friend bought a Baneblade and the hellhammer cannon was melted. He promptly called GW and he now has two perfectly fine Baneblades.

Ding ding! In retrospect I'm kind of wishing something would have been slightly wrong with my valkyrie!

I wasn't going to call on my land speeder, cause I 'fixed' it with plastic card, but then I remembered gw's high opinion of their models and their even higher prices - so I felt obligated to report my flawed miniture bought at a premium price!

Gnoblar with Pointy Stick
05-26-2010, 09:34 AM
I've had the same experience. GW's costumer service is the best I've ever encountered.

05-26-2010, 09:56 AM
I thought this thread was going to be about the rising prices or something, GW has the best customer service I've ever had to deal with, if something has a defect you just have to call them up and they either completely replace it and you get to keep the defective one or you send the defective one back and they send you a new one, just call them up and get it replaced.

05-26-2010, 11:36 AM
I have very fiew problems with GW. Some missing pieces in a cadian starter box, exorcist misscasted weapon (got a replacement one that was also misscast so they sent me a free whirlwind. So I got 2 exorcists and 1 whirlwind for the price of 1 exorcist).

Funniest one though is when I ordered an Eversor assassin, it had the name on the blister and everything but inside it is a ratguy with 3 arms and some kind of mancatcher polearm. Was told hes some special guy from the skaven army or something.

About a year ago there was some problems with the GW site, all the prices were the exact same no matter what country you selected. Starter box for 60£, 60$, 60€ or 60swedish kronor (about 5£). I bought GW stuff for over 3000£ and paid 300€ for it AND RECEIVED IT!
I havent touched any of the stuff yet but since it has been close to a year now since it happened I guess I can keep it :D

Oh yeah, Citadel Spray gun was a pile of ****, air leaks allover the thing. Bought an airbrush and compressor which has worked allot better for me.

Lord Azaghul
05-26-2010, 12:17 PM
About a year ago there was some problems with the GW site, all the prices were the exact same no matter what country you selected. Starter box for 60£, 60$, 60€ or 60swedish kronor (about 5£). I bought GW stuff for over 3000£ and paid 300€ for it AND RECEIVED IT!
I havent touched any of the stuff yet but since it has been close to a year now since it happened I guess I can keep it :D


I doubt they'd make you return any of it (no business worth its salt would)

But I will be blaming you now for our timely price increase! j/k :D

05-26-2010, 02:42 PM
I have very fiew problems with GW. Some missing pieces in a cadian starter box, exorcist misscasted weapon (got a replacement one that was also misscast so they sent me a free whirlwind. So I got 2 exorcists and 1 whirlwind for the price of 1 exorcist).

Funniest one though is when I ordered an Eversor assassin, it had the name on the blister and everything but inside it is a ratguy with 3 arms and some kind of mancatcher polearm. Was told hes some special guy from the skaven army or something.

About a year ago there was some problems with the GW site, all the prices were the exact same no matter what country you selected. Starter box for 60£, 60$, 60€ or 60swedish kronor (about 5£). I bought GW stuff for over 3000£ and paid 300€ for it AND RECEIVED IT!
I havent touched any of the stuff yet but since it has been close to a year now since it happened I guess I can keep it :D

Oh yeah, Citadel Spray gun was a pile of ****, air leaks allover the thing. Bought an airbrush and compressor which has worked allot better for me.

This happened with Best Buy back in 99 when their website was still fairly new. I did NOT receive my items (about $5000 worth of RAM for $50.)

And I am with you on the spray gun. That is the only thing from GW I have been disappointed in from a quality perspective. I've had mistakes in packaging before, and everything has been made satisfactory very quickly.

05-26-2010, 09:18 PM
In 15 years of playing (off and on) I have had two issues... a lictor missing a leg and a valkyrie missing the clear plastic windows to the canopy.

I called GW, gave them the batch number off the package and it was replaced promptly.

Yeah, the valk one happened to me and i had a chaos obliterator once where his front and back didn't fit properly (like at all). The store i was at replaced the obliterator and i just used some cut outs from a blister to fix the valk windows.

My real concern with GW is the price hike, it just seems like a real downer to me to have to pay an extra like $5 CAN for some models that are already expensive. Course I know that's how business works though so... meh.:rolleyes:

05-27-2010, 07:14 AM
5 min call to GW customer support = absolutely anything replaced and sometimes with extras

too lazy to call but not to complain on forum = priceless

05-27-2010, 05:56 PM
5 min call to GW customer support = absolutely anything replaced and sometimes with extras

too lazy to call but not to complain on forum = pricelessI co-sign this.