View Full Version : Infiltration and Dedicated Transports

05-25-2010, 12:13 AM
Question spurred by this blogpost (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2010/05/adapt-or-die-unit-usage-in-40k.html).

I play a Guard army with a Harker veteran squad. I like having an outflanking scoring unit, and I also like it when it doesn't explode shortly after coming onto the table. Harker gives his squad infiltrate, which allows them to outflank if I hold them in reserve - an ability which applies to any dedicated transport they receive. (The outflanking, not the infiltration.) Therefore, I give Harker's unit a dedicated transport Chimera; the Chimera gains outflank, and thus I can have vets in a Chimera outflanking. Yay!

But what if I come across a situation where I think that infiltrating Harker's squad, rather than outflanking, is the way to go? Since they have a dedicated transport, and infiltrate doesn't extend to that, am I stuck fielding them as a non-infiltrating unit? I suspect this is the case, but would like to confirm :)

05-25-2010, 12:25 AM
You don't need to deploy a unit inside of a dedicated transport. You can deploy the chimera empty or hold it in normal reserve if you want to infiltrate with Harker.

05-25-2010, 12:33 PM
You are right, you would not be able to infiltrate the chimera, but as stated before you could do it with the regular squad and have the chimera pick them up later.

06-01-2010, 05:52 PM
I don't believe there is any rule written that allows a unit with the ability to infiltrate to pass that ability on to its dedicated transport. The scout USR does specifically state that, but not infiltrate. Thus, unless I am mistaken, unless Harker also gives his squad the scout USR, it would not be legal to outflank with them in a Chimera.

06-01-2010, 06:13 PM
I don't believe there is any rule written that allows a unit with the ability to infiltrate to pass that ability on to its dedicated transport. The scout USR does specifically state that, but not infiltrate. Thus, unless I am mistaken, unless Harker also gives his squad the scout USR, it would not be legal to outflank with them in a Chimera.
You're right that Infiltrate is not passed on to a dedicated transport. However, it doesn't need to be, as Outflank itself specifically passes from the unit that can take advantage of the rule to dedicated transports:

Note that if such units are picked from their army list together with a dedicated transport, they may outflank with their transport, but if they do so they must move onto the table embarked in it (rulebook 94).

Hence, with infiltrators the sequence works like this:
Harker and his squad have Infiltrate.
Harker and his squad have a Chimera, which does not have Infiltrate.
Harker and his squad choose to Outflank, which they can do because they have Infiltrate.
Harker and his squad choose to Outflank in their Chimera, which they can do because it is a dedicated transport.

06-02-2010, 09:07 AM
Thanks for the clarification. That is a nasty combo. An outflanking Chimera with a relentless Heavy Bolter. Nice. One more reason to get that Harker model painted up!!!