View Full Version : Horrors of the Serene Annihilation Campaign

09-06-2016, 09:05 PM
For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror
which we are barely able to endure and are awed
because it serenely disdains to annihilate us.
Each single angel is terrifying.
-The Duino Elegies, the First Elegy by Rainer Maria Rilke
translated by Albert Ernest Flemming




Deep within the tangled heart of a black forest a self-styled King has visions sent by no Chaos god. Atop the wild domed hills of Averland, a mercenary Captain's sleep remains fitful. Along the lonesome roads of the back-country, a carnival master dares not look into his crystal ball for fear of what he might behold again. In the shadow of Sigmar's Cathedral, a witch hunter clutches his hammer sigil but finds it will not banish the endless whispers.

All four diverse individuals have been having the same dreams: go to the city of the damned. Journey to Mordheim.

At times, they glimpse a five-pointed star - or perhaps it is an eye? Each point set with a lock. Each lock, bereft of a key. Something waits beyond the portal. Something rears up into the eternal midnight of Mordheim's sky. A blacker black than the night. A spire reaching into dismal eternities: the Palace of Dreams.

All four gather their followers and head for the city. But once inside, they find that the nightmare has swallowed them whole: no matter which way they turn, no matter what alley they head down, no matter what hill outside the city they crest - they always find themselves back in Mordheim. Back in the City of the Damned. The Great Beast has devoured them. It seems that the dreams are the key - but will they ever solve their enigma and escape?

Worse, the clock is ticking. Halloween is coming. And, somewhere, far beyond the city - a young man named Magnus is gathering his followers...

Greetings! I realize that you make be asking how an ancient city from the World-that-Was can possibly be a part of Age of Sigmar. Well, the answer is that - although this campaign started as a simple Mordheim campaign - it has sprawled outward in its eldritch horror until it has consumed multiple gaming settings. So while I post this here under the AoS projects board, I hope you will understand that it encompasses more than just that.

Anyway! On to the models! It's my plan to show you my projects as they are completed. Enjoy!

And for more of my work, please visit my blog - The Fox & Goat! (http://foxandgoat.blogspot.com/)

09-06-2016, 09:20 PM
As our campaign progressed, I came to realize that the players would need to confront something greater than one another. I decided to create a series of monsters for them to fight in order to escape the encroaching unreality of infinite nightmare.

One of the first I created was the Pig-God. Those of you who read Spikey Bits have seen this guy before.

Rules for him and many more pictures (http://foxandgoat.blogspot.com/2016/04/the-pig-god.html) over at my blog, The Fox & Goat! (http://foxandgoat.blogspot.com/)





09-06-2016, 09:56 PM
Really awesome! These are awesome conversions and give off the creepy vibe which the story seems to be aiming at!

What is the next part of the project you are shooting for?

09-06-2016, 11:49 PM
Glad you like them! Currently we are ramping up to a scenario called The Great Rebellion, where Magnus the pious shows up to destroy Mordheim. Historically, he succeeded - but maybe history will play out differently this time...

09-08-2016, 08:14 PM
There are those things which sanity cannot ever content itself with. The labyrinthine alleys and thoroughfares of Mordheim are a labyrinth of madness - and within its fetid depths, there are those things which spawn from the seething loam of fertile madness. The Gallows-Horse is one such abomination. A thing which should not be.

I made this guy on a whim during downtime between projects. He is another of the "dream gatekeepers" just like the Pig-God. I wanted something disturbing, but also a little whimsical. I had a lot of ogre bodies lying around, and this was the result.

More images and Mordheim rules here! (http://foxandgoat.blogspot.com/2016/09/serene-annihilation-gallows-horse.html) Plenty more at my blog, the Fox & Goat! (http://foxandgoat.blogspot.com/)



09-26-2016, 09:11 PM
All around Mordheim garlands are hung - but not with cheer! The children huddle in the ashes of cold fireplaces - terrified that Uncle Krampus will soon be near! All of Mordheim is a feast for Uncle Krampus - a banquet of corpses and corpses soon-to-be!

More pictures on my blog The Fox & Goat! (http://foxandgoat.blogspot.com/2016/09/serene-annihilation-christmas-comes.html)