View Full Version : *Spoilers* Praetorian of Dorn

09-06-2016, 08:48 AM
Seriously there may be spoilers.

Just on the off chances there's still anyone about who wants to talk background.

Just finished and what a read Mr French has definitely placed himself as an important addition to the HH team.

The Alpha Legion are as duplicitous as always and provide an excellent and intelligent threat to the Imperium. I found it nice that both they and the Fists give each other a damn good fight rather than one side just getting steamrolled as we've seen in some of the other novels.

The Fists themselves much more nuanced than I'd previously thought and it's good to see them from their own perspective in a full novel. Dorn himself comes off rather well which I found important as he has very much only been a bit part player so far. He comes off cry much as Terry Pratchett "good man" ideal in Men at Arms in that he's very much willing to do what needs to be done with out fanfare or pomp

Of course the almighty twist that comes at the end seals it well (I'm not going to write the details because much like the Red Wedding it shouldn't be spoiled) and has some interesting implications for how we perceive the history of 40K.

The first battles for the Solar System don't disappoint and things are building well for the Seige of Terra

07-11-2017, 06:38 PM
Ah that was a good read.
However, for the life of me, I can't remember the 'twist'.....

07-15-2017, 09:32 AM
Twist might not be the right phrase, more of a shock Primarch on Primarch "interaction" that's really rather significant.

07-21-2017, 10:49 PM
Coulda sworn I replied earlier, but does not look like it posted:
Are you referencing the surprise conversation between ---> Kurze and Sanguinius? <---

08-01-2017, 01:34 AM
Sorry I'm can't do the highlighting thing on my phone to see the hidden text. It been a year and I suspect we may be the only people reading this so I guess spoilers dont matter anymore. I'm referring to the meeting between Alpharius and Dorn with its interesting conclusion and confirmation of the outcome.

08-01-2017, 07:18 PM
ok, holy crapsnacks, that is NOT what I was thinking. I thought you were referencing Konrad Curze meeting with Sanguinius after Kurze ran rampant on Macragge. As you are most likely right, we are probably the only two people commenting on BoLS any more, go ahead and elaborate on what you were referencing with Dorn and Alpharius, please.

08-02-2017, 11:28 AM
I'm referring to the finale piece where Alpharius believes he's lured Dorn into a trap but it turns out Dorn is wise to it and a cornered Alpharius reveals his plan to destroy the imperium for its own good. He then tries to talk Dorn around to be his Ally. Dorn simply treats him to a chainsword to the face. Alpharius' death is then confirmed by Omegon who takes up his mantle so we know it's a proper kill and not Alpha Legion shenanigans. I felt it's quite significant as previously of the traitors it appeared only Horus bought it during the Heresy (and only He a Curze we're killed at all )

Ironically I suspect I was coming off a bit Alpha Legion with my previous posts

08-10-2017, 08:56 PM
Ironically I suspect I was coming off a bit Alpha Legion with my previous posts
^ I see what ya did there, mister ;)

I totally remember this now. There was one of the earlier HH books where they make it sound like Guilliman kills Alpharius in a duel, but I THINK it may have been HH: Path Of heaven (maybe?) where we learn that Alpharius can imprint his consciousness (with the help of psykers) on to his legion's Astartes......so maybe the 'real' Alpharius is dead at Dorn's hands, but his consciousness may live on in another dude.